Piotr Stramowski

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Mój dług

Mój dług

Feb 25, 2022
A young entrepreneur, Slawomir Sikora, persecuted by a ruthless bandit, commits murders in defense of his loved ones. Sentenced to 25 years in prison, he ends up behind bars, where he has to fight for survival in the environment of recidivists sentenced for the most serious crimes. Deprived of hope for justice, isolated from those he loves, he must find the strength to survive and remain himself. Each day here is a fight to preserve dignity and humanity. It is a game for life, played according to extremely brutal rules. Sikora takes up this fight and cannot be broken. He learns to gain allies and friends, earn respect and maneuver between prison subcultures. Thanks to the friendship with a fugitive from the Foreign Legion convicted of murder and the help of a human rights activist, Sikora manages to believe that not everything is lost for him yet. But key decisions are made far beyond the walls.
Green Border

Green Border

Sep 22, 2023
Dans les forêts dangereuses et marécageuses qui constituent la « frontière verte » entre la Biélorussie et la Pologne, les réfugiés du Moyen-Orient et d’Afrique qui tentent d’atteindre l’Union européenne sont piégés dans une crise géopolitique cyniquement orchestrée par le dictateur biélorusse Alexandre Loukachenko. Dans une tentative de provoquer l’Europe, les réfugiés sont attirés vers la frontière par une propagande promettant un passage facile vers l’UE. Pions de cette guerre cachée, les vies de Julia, une nouvelle militante qui a renoncé à sa vie confortable, de Jan, un jeune garde-frontière, et d'une famille syrienne s'entremêlent.
Miłość na pierwszą stronę
The story of Nina - a modern day Cinderella and Robert - the son of the presidential couple. She is undergoing a transformation in life and is making her first steps in the paparazzi profession. He also wants to live on his own terms and free himself from the spotlight, which may turn out to be more difficult than he thinks. Only fleeting "front page love" or a great feeling for life will spark between the characters?
Cały ten seks

Cały ten seks

Nov 10, 2023
Meet six nice couples and their very dirty thoughts. Each of us has sexual fantasies. Some are quite common. Others quite crazy. And others - totally crazy.


Jan 27, 2023
Inez is a young, aspiring journalist who dreams of love and a job at a prestigious publishing house. Once she gets to the paradise of her dreams, problems will start to multiply. What's more, two handsome men will appear at her side. Both mysterious and unpredictable.
Po prostu przyjaźń

Po prostu przyjaźń

Jan 06, 2017
A multi-layered, touching comedy about a group of friends whose relationships - in the face of life adversities - are exposed to more than one test. Filip risks his face and career for the whim of a crazy collector of Jadźka buttons. The sedate professor refuses his friend's indecent request, but he secretly kidnaps himself in a virtually reckless way. Meanwhile, a close-knit group of friends go to the mountains every year. There they discover a mystery that will change their lives forever. What will they choose? Loyalty or money? Friendship or love? Truth or lie? Own or other luck? Every choice for the heroes of the comedy "Just friendship" means trouble. Who will help them? We know: friends. Because friendship, like no other investment, always pays off.


Sep 29, 2017
"Botoks" is intended to be a record of the authentic history of strong, determined and expressive physicians who struggle with life's decisions and problems: discrimination, maternity pressures, the pursuit of youth, the fight for the right to free choice and own views.
Czerwony punkt

Czerwony punkt

Feb 15, 2017
A businessman is accidentally mistaken for a murderer of an important person and becomes a fugitive.
Narzeczony na niby

Narzeczony na niby

Jan 12, 2018
Karina is doing her best to have the first happy relationship ever. Unfortunately, the man to whom she gave her heart, seems to be more interested in himself than her. One unforeseen event and one little lie will change Karina’s organized life into an emotional and hilarious roller-coaster. It soon turns out that other people around Karina have their little secrets, too. When the truth comes out, everyone will have to finally put their relationships and in their hearts in order.
The Last Witness

The Last Witness

May 11, 2018
An ambitious young journalist uncovers the horrific slaughter of 22,000 Polish officers during World War II, a secret kept hidden for far too many years.
Tout pour te retrouver
Quand sa fille est enlevée par un homme suspecté de plusieurs meurtres, une policière est contrainte de commettre un crime pour sauver sa seule enfant.
The Fighter

The Fighter

Jul 19, 2019
Un combattant de MMA en disgrâce doit remonter sur le ring lorsqu'un puissant escroc l'oblige à participer à un combat qu'il a autrefois refusé.
Servants of War

Servants of War

Aug 22, 2019
Un commissaire chevronné fait équipe avec une jeune flic en début de carrière pour résoudre le meurtre mystérieux d'un spécialiste mondial de la greffe de moelle osseuse.
Solid Gold

Solid Gold

Nov 29, 2019
Kaja Miller is a police officer that is abducted and abused on one of her missions. Eight years later she meets her former boss Nowicki, who takes her to Gdynia with the task of exposing a large criminal circuit.
Bad Boy

Bad Boy

Feb 21, 2020
The rise and fall of a soccer club owner, discovering the harsh reality of the sport, often connected with crime and fraud.


Sep 04, 2020
Based on a true story about a 2nd generation cop who has designs on becoming a detective but his goals descend into bribery, corruption and addiction.
Oskar, Patka i Złoto Bałtyku
Oskar and Detective Bruno are about to embark on another fascinating journey full of puzzles and surprising twists. This time the adventure of our detective team will be even more captivating, as they will be on the trail of the real treasure of the Baltic Sea!


Jan 04, 2022
Three-year-old Nikola Szlezyngier disappears in unexplained circumstances and her parents Angelika and Dawid are the main suspects. Angelika contacts an old friend Joanna Chylka, a brilliant, cynical and successful lawyer to help. With her new apprentice Kordian, Joanna will try to bring the case to a happy close.
Polizeiruf 110

Polizeiruf 110

Dec 29, 2024
Alexander Bukow est un flic qui n'hésite pas à travailler au bord de la loi pour obtenir des résultats. Sa partenaire, Katrin Koenig, est une maniaque du contrôle dont la vie est le métier. Ensemble, ils forment une excellente équipe de lutte contre le crime - quand ils ne se battent pas entre eux.


May 26, 2011
An enigmatic commissioner joins the Warsaw Police, where her unconventional investigation methods unsettle the officers in the homicide department.
Kobiety mafii

Kobiety mafii

Mar 03, 2020
Story of idealistic police officers in a deadly struggle with ruthless organized crime syndicates.
Action & Adventure
LOL : Le dernier qui rira
Cezary Pazura invite dix stars de la comédie et personnalités du divertissement à un défi unique, où ils ne peuvent pas rire pendant six heures. Les concurrents essaient tout pour faire rire les autres tout en gardant un visage de poker en même temps. Ceux qui n'y arrivent pas sont hors jeu. Voyez qui sera le dernier à rire !


Oct 31, 2024
Four thirty-something women who met in highschool continue to maintain a strong friendship despite the passing of time. Although very different, they also have much in common, each earnestly trying to find themselves and their place in the world.
Juste un regard

Juste un regard

Jan 01, 1970
Juste un regard suit Greta, une créatrice de bijoux comblée, dont la vie bascule après la découverte d’une vieille photographie mystérieuse. Sur ce cliché, son mari Jacek apparaît aux côtés d’inconnus, dont le visage d’une femme est barré d’une croix rouge. Lorsqu’elle le confronte, il nie être sur la photo… puis disparaît brutalement.