Sharon Sweet

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Verdi Macbeth

Verdi Macbeth

Jun 19, 1987
Macbeth" was Giuseppe Verdi's first attempt at music drama and also the first manifestation of his profound love for Shakespeare's work. Verdi took great pains with this opera, displaying special enthusiasm for it as he concentrated on the main characters of Lady Macbeth, Macbeth and the witches. This recording of Luca Ronconi's production is conducted by Giuseppe Sinopoli, who brings fresh color to Verdi's score. The cast, headed by Renato Bruson and Mara Zampieri, are strongly supported by a fine-toned and adaptable chorus who ably meet the demands of Verdi's great "chorus opera.
From the Arena di Verona Requiem Mass
Depuis l'Arena di Verona, la plus grande Messe de Requiem de Verdi de l'histoire, avec un superbe Luciano Pavarotti et 3 000 membres du Chœur du Festival mondial, accompagnés par l'Orchestre philharmonique de Moscou sous la direction de Lorin Maazel, à l'occasion du 45e anniversaire (août 1990) de l'explosion de la bombe atomique sur Hiroshima.iem Mass de Verdi depuis Arènes de Vérone
Stiffelio - The Met

Stiffelio - The Met

Nov 13, 1993
Giuseppe Verdi's opera of religion, revenge and redemption gets the star treatment in this 1993 Metropolitan Opera production conducted by James Levine and starring Plácido Domingo as the cuckolded man of God at the center of the tale. Sharon Sweet sings the role of Domingo's adulteress wife and Vladimir Chernov plays the vengeful father in this rarely staged gem directed by Giancarlo del Monaco and filmed by Brian Large.
La Forza del Destino  [The Metropolitan Opera]
Avec James Levine à la barre, le chef-d’œuvre aux multiples facettes de Verdi se révèle comme un drame aux proportions presque shakespeariennes. La superstar Plácido Domingo assume le rôle exigeant de Don Alvaro, le paria dont le geste noble met involontairement les rouages ​​du destin et détruit toute une famille. Sharon Sweet incarne Leonora, la femme qu'il aime, et Vladimir Chernov brûle son frère vengeur Don Carlo, dont la haine tordue le consume. Roberto Scandiuzzi est le bienveillant Padre Guardiano.