Dennis Cunningham

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The Forest for the Trees
Story of the fight to clear activist Judi Bari's name after her car was bombed and she was arrested as a terrorist by the Oakland police. Convinced the FBI conspired to discredit her and her organization, Judi decided to sue.
Who Bombed Judi Bari?

Who Bombed Judi Bari?

Mar 02, 2012
Judi Bari and Darryl Cherney were falsely arrested for car-bombing themselves on May 24, 1990 while on an Earth First! musical organizing tour for Redwood Summer. They sued the FBI for violations of the First Amendment, claiming the FBI knew they were innocent but arrested them to try to silence them. Having survived the bomb but now stricken by cancer, Judi Bari, a leader of the movement to save California's old growth redwoods, gives her on-camera, deathbed testimony about the attempt on her life and her colorful organizing history with the radical environmental movement Earth First.
Black Panthers

Black Panthers

Mar 08, 2015
Quand, en 1966, à Oakland en Californie, Bobby Seale et Huey Newton fondent les Black Panthers, il s'agit pour eux de créer un groupe de défense des droits des Noirs, très discriminés dans cet Etat et en butte aux violences policières. Des militants de la première heure racontent les débuts du groupe, ses actions, ses coups d'éclat, comme l'irruption au parlement de Californie d'une trentaine de Black Panthers armés. Le courage et le culot dont ses membres font preuve assurent la renommée du parti et attirent de nombreux adhérents. Dès lors, la croissance est rapide. Au moment où le mouvement cherche à s'ancrer davantage dans la communauté noire, Edgar Hoover, le patron du FBI, prend le parti pour cible.