Vittorio Stagni

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Bentornato Pinocchio

Bentornato Pinocchio

Nov 09, 2007
In its first part, the film does not follow a specific fable; follows rather a patchwork of stories of various characters. In fact, the film starts after the transformation of Pinocchio child. Geppetto in his workshop, remembers when Pinocchio was still wood
Les Aventures de Pinocchio
Il était une fois un morceau de bois. Ce n'était pas un bois exceptionnel, mais simplement du bois à brûler. Après plusieurs mésaventures, ce morceau de bois atterrit dans les mains du vieux Geppetto. Il voulait en faire un merveilleux pantin. Une marionnette qui saurait danser, manier une épée et faire bien d'autres choses. Avec ce pantin, Gepetto voulait faire le tour du monde en échange d'un bout de pain, et d'un peu de vin. C'est pourquoi, dans son humble atelier, Maître Gepetto se mit à sculpter sa marionnette...
Ma copine de la 'fac'

Ma copine de la 'fac'

Aug 12, 1977
Des lycéennes veulent saboter la rentrée d'une nouvelle élève riche en lui présentant le Casanova de l'établissement, mais les choses ne se passent pas comme prévu.
Il nano e la strega

Il nano e la strega

Oct 10, 1973
Little Dick, the well-endowed dwarf servant of Master Limpcock is being pursued by Nymphomania, an ugly witch who must have 69 orgasms to turn herself beautiful again.
Commissariato di notturna
Rome police headquarters. A new commissioner, promoted by the political team at "night", has to deal with the case of a girl seriously injured at Villa Borghese.
Un flic très spécial
Nico Giraldi, un inspecteur sous couverture peu conventionnel, enquête sur le vol de documents sensibles par un ancien agent de la CIA corrompu.
Acid Space

Acid Space

Nov 07, 2015
The famous rock band The Paperback music is convened for a big concert at Big Depression. Arriving at their destination, no musical event seems ready for that day, but suddenly a secret passage opens to the planet Planio, where dictator Balthazar has banned all kinds of music.
L'apetta Giulia e la Signora Vita
Little Bee Julia is just born but already curious of the world. She's a rebel feeler and a little bit lazy, she doesn't feel like working as her sisters, so she asks her mother, the Queen Bee, to tell her stories about life, one night after the other.
Clandestino a Trieste

Clandestino a Trieste

Apr 18, 1952
An Italian Air Force officer is pursued and captured by the Allied police and is charged with the bombing of a hospital ship. Through the efforts of his sweetheart, a witness is found who proves the bombing was not intentional but the result of being hit by enemy fire. A four-way romantic involvement is also part of the mix that includes an Allied officer and Viennse beauty Lida. The latter was once in love with the accused and has a child by him.
...e si salvò solo l'Aretino Pietro, con una mano davanti e l'altra dietro...
The three daughters of Madonna Violante: Nanna, Concetta Fiorenza and have only one thought, to have a good time as much as possible with men. Learning that one of the peasants of the family, Torello, is powerful, attractive, and very handsome, Concetta he brings it into the house. Meanwhile Fiorenza, believing her husband to be out of town for penance, enjoys the favors of a friar.