Ahmad Ramadhan Alrasyid

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Gending Sriwijaya

Gending Sriwijaya

Mar 03, 2013
When an aging king must choose an immediate successor, his decision divides two brothers and fills a kingdom with chaos, violence and betrayal.


Oct 15, 2022
Her sister's tragic death in an underground music concert made Galang devastated and searched for the cause until he finally met Asmara, the manager of her sister's favorite band who happened to be performing at the same concert when her sister died. Will Galang take revenge or will he find his true identity?
Ketika Bung di Ende

Ketika Bung di Ende

Nov 28, 2013
Because of his political activities, Sukarno was exiled to Ende in 1934. He went with his wife Inggit Garnasih, daughter Ratna Djuami alias Omi, and mother-in-law Amsi. The initial period in exile was difficult. The most painful thing is that no local people dare to speak to him and everywhere he is always followed by the police.
Siksa Kubur

Siksa Kubur

Apr 11, 2024
When a violent act kills her parents, Sita vows to debunk the idea of supernatural torment after death — a fixation that leads her on a dark quest.


Nov 11, 2021
Dina runs away with her teenage daughter Laura after her abusive husband Gion gets imprisoned. However, Gion is released from the prison due to the pandemic and Dina is panicking because not only she took Laura but also took Gion’s valuable antique statue away. Raka, a mysterious man appears and makes things even more complicated.
Jenderal Soedirman

Jenderal Soedirman

Aug 27, 2015
The Dutch declare unilaterally that they are not longer bound by the Renville Treaty, and to stop the ceasefire. On December 19, 1948, Army Commander General Spoor Noord Simons leads military aggression II to attack Yogyakarta, the capital of the Republic of Indonesia at the time. The Dutch arrested Soekarno-Hatta and exiled them to the island of Bangka. General Soedirman who suffered from tuberculosis leads the guerrilla war for seven months against the Dutch.
The Raid

The Raid

Mar 22, 2012
Au cœur des quartiers pauvres de Jakarta, se trouve une citadelle imprenable dans laquelle se cache le plus dangereux trafiquant du pays. Une équipe de policiers d’élite est envoyée donner l’assaut lors d’un raid secret mené aux premières lueurs du jour. Mais grâce à ses indics, le baron de la drogue est déjà au courant et a eu amplement le temps de se préparer. À l’instant où le groupe d’intervention pénètre dans l’immeuble, le piège se referme : les portes sont condamnées, l’électricité est coupée et une armée d’hommes surentrainés débarque. Piégés dans cet immeuble étouffant, les policiers vont devoir se battre étage après étage pour avoir une chance de survivre.


Oct 17, 2019
Une femme est de retour de la ville et retourne dans son village d'origine. À son insu, tous les habitants du village la recherchent pour mettre fin à une malédiction...
Dongeng Mistis

Dongeng Mistis

Nov 22, 2018
This omnibus film tell six stories about the terror of six Indonesian ghosts: Ustaz (Kiky Armando) who is tested by Pocong terror; A woman (Putri Ayudya) is visited by Bajang after abortion; The trick of Sundel Bolong against a pregnant woman (Marya Supraba); Investigation of reporter (Gandhi Fernando) about the mysterious Begu Ganjang legend; A woman (Dea Ananda) who finds her father keeping Genderuwo; and a girl (Btari Cinta) who performs the forbidden dance caller Lehak, a damned creature from legend.
Jelita Sejuba

Jelita Sejuba

Apr 07, 2018
Without dating, Jaka immediately proposes for Sharifah and they get married. However, the love story is not just about the meeting. Become wife of a soldier, she must learn to hold his longing whenever Jaka is assigned to the battlefield.
Red Storm

Red Storm

Aug 29, 2019
Derrière la peur et le chaos qui se sont emparés du pays se cache un homme : Le Prêcheur. Entouré de sa garde rapprochée aux capacités surnaturelles, et considéré comme un demi-Dieu par ses nombreux adeptes, il étend son influence néfaste jusqu’aux plus hautes sphères de l’Etat. Alors que la population sombre peu à peu dans les ténèbres, un nouveau justicier aux méthodes radicales et capable de maîtriser la foudre, fait son apparition : Red Storm. Forcé de révéler sa vraie nature pour contrecarrer les plans du Prêcheur, il incarne le dernier espoir de l’humanité...
Guru-Guru Gokil

Guru-Guru Gokil

Aug 17, 2020
Quand les enseignants de son école se font voler leur salaire, un nouveau prof peu motivé décide de récupérer l'argent et découvre les joies de l'enseignement.
Kadet 1947

Kadet 1947

Nov 25, 2021
When the Dutch initiates an aggression against Indonesia to regain its rule post World War II, a group of inexperienced cadets need to defend the last remaining airbase so they may have a chance to help the Republic win the revolutionary war and to protect what they have come to care for.
2014: Siapa Di Atas Presiden
Ricky Bagaskoro (Rizky Nazar), high school student, is in a dilemma: to pursue his dream of becoming teachers for displaced children or to follow the wishes of his father, Bagas Notolegowo (Ray Sahetapy), to continue his study to the highest level. Bagas hopes Ricky will follow in his footsteps of being a politician. Bagas is struggling to become president of Indonesia 2014-2019 to replace President Jusuf Syahrir (Deddy Sutomo). Preoccupations make his relationship with Ricky tenuous. Ricky does not agree with his father's steps. Ningrum (Donna Harun), a faithful wife and mother, always tries to unify them. The competition to the presidency between Bagas Notolegowo, Faisal Abdul Hamid (Rudy Salam) and Syamsul Triadi (Akri Patrio) is very tight. Bagas makes a careless step. One simple decision makes all his dreams shattered .