Edyta Torhan

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Jun 04, 2016
A gallery owner is opening an unusual exhibition: An artist who is terminally ill wishes to die in front of an audience.


Nov 02, 2023
Joy Womack, une dan­seuse de bal­let de 15 ans, quitte sa mai­son fami­liale du Texas et s’en­vole pour Mos­cou après avoir mar­qué l’his­toire en étant accep­tée à l’A­ca­dé­mie de bal­let du Bol­choï. Son rêve est de sor­tir diplô­mée de l’A­ca­dé­mie et deve­nir dan­seuse étoile dans la com­pa­gnie d’é­lite du Bol­choï. Mais la concur­rence est rude et sa légen­daire ensei­gnante, Tatiya­na Vol­ko­va, exige une impli­ca­tion colos­sale de la part de ses élèves. Afin de pour­suivre son rêve, Joy devra faire des sacri­fices de plus en plus extrêmes, quitte à se mettre en danger…
Norwegian Dream

Norwegian Dream

Mar 06, 2023
Robert moves from the Polish countryside to work on a fish processing factory on the coast of Norway. There he falls in love with Ivar who is openly gay and a member of the workers union. Robert is hiding his sexual orientation from the other Polish immigrant workers. When Ivar helps the Polish to start a strike for better working conditions at the factory, Robert has to choose between money or love.
A cat with a dog

A cat with a dog

Oct 19, 2018
Deux frères réalisateurs se retrouvent lorsque l'aîné a une attaque cérébrale et que le cadet décide de s'occuper de lui malgré leur relation compliquée.


Dec 09, 2016
Ania is an apprentice at a small hairdressing parlour along with her best friend, Kasia. The two teenage girls from dysfunctional families share a common dream of becoming professional hair stylists.
Mój biegun

Mój biegun

Oct 25, 2013
A tale based on the true story of Jasiek Mela, the first and youngest disabled who ever reached both the South and North Pole. The Mela family is enjoying their summer vacation on the lake completely unaware of the tragedy that is about to happen. And just when they think that the loss of a child is the worst that could happen to their family, life strikes again, and again.


Mar 03, 2023
1941, le ghetto de Varsovie. Filip, un jeune juif polonais, et sa bien-aimée Sarah s'apprêtent à se produire dans un cabaret pour gagner leur vie. Lors de la première, une fusillade a lieu, au cours de laquelle Sara, ainsi que les proches de Philip assis dans le public sont tués. Deux ans plus tard, l'homme travaille comme serveur dans le restaurant d'un hôtel haut de gamme de Francfort.
Belle d'automne

Belle d'automne

Nov 12, 2021
Dans la Pologne des années 60, l'artiste Kalina Jędrusik est au sommet de sa popularité, mais la rage d'un haut fonctionnaire éconduit menace de ruiner sa carrière.


Nov 17, 2017
Dla Ciebie

Dla Ciebie

Sep 18, 2018
Marta has just graduated from prestigious vocal studies in England. She comes home after three years of absence. Family and friends welcome her with a surprise party, in order to celebrate her homecoming and success. At the party, the girl meets her old love whom she once abandoned for realizing her own musical ambitions. Only she knows that her education abroad finished with a failure. Marta avoids confrontation with her relatives’ expectations and searches for safety in the old relationship.


Mar 20, 2020
Dans un monde dystopique, deux sœurs décident de venger la mort de leur frère tué dans une vendetta entre deux clans familiaux.
Bajka na niespokojny sen
A deeply devout 7 years old girl hears the biblical story of the shepherd and his lost sheep from which she concludes that Holy God seems to prefer sinners.
The Hero

The Hero

Apr 27, 2021
Cyprian, 10 years old orphan, raised by his beloved grandmother, dreams to become a real hero. Suddenly his grandmother dies and a threat of an orphanage hangs over Cyprian. Now he has to confront with the real loss and realize what it means to be a hero in the face of suffering.
Pierwsze lato końca świata
The world as we know it is dying before our very eyes. At a secret military centre somewhere on the Polish seacoast, scientists and the military are conducting research on a technology to transform repeat offenders with life sentences into animals. A young employee of the centre tries to free one of the female prisoners marked for the conversion.


Jan 11, 2023
Une jeune femme et ses amies découvrent une part d'elles-mêmes en expérimentant de nouvelles pratiques dans l'optique de créer une application sexuelle.


May 24, 2008
Kryminalni was a Polish crime drama television series that aired on TVN network from September 18, 2004 until May 24, 2008. It ran for 8 seasons and 101 episodes were broadcast in total. It was created by Polish director and screenwriter Piotr Wereśniak and produced by MTL Maxfilm studio. The series followed life and work of police officers from the elite Criminal Terror and Murders Division of the Warsaw Metropolitan Police; the title refers to police officers in the crime section. The three main characters were Adam Zawada, an experienced, tough cup, his younger colleague Marek Brodecki and Barbara Storosz, an ambitious female officer who in the first season joins the team just after graduating. Although none of the main actors had had star status before the series debuted, all three of them rose to prominence and popularity during the 5-year-long run. Many of Poland's best known actors guest starred, usually playing roles of people involved in just one particular investigation. The serial was one of the most popular in Poland: each week it had an audience of 4 million.


May 24, 2008
Kryminalni was a Polish crime drama television series that aired on TVN network from September 18, 2004 until May 24, 2008. It ran for 8 seasons and 101 episodes were broadcast in total. It was created by Polish director and screenwriter Piotr Wereśniak and produced by MTL Maxfilm studio. The series followed life and work of police officers from the elite Criminal Terror and Murders Division of the Warsaw Metropolitan Police; the title refers to police officers in the crime section. The three main characters were Adam Zawada, an experienced, tough cup, his younger colleague Marek Brodecki and Barbara Storosz, an ambitious female officer who in the first season joins the team just after graduating. Although none of the main actors had had star status before the series debuted, all three of them rose to prominence and popularity during the 5-year-long run. Many of Poland's best known actors guest starred, usually playing roles of people involved in just one particular investigation. The serial was one of the most popular in Poland: each week it had an audience of 4 million.


Oct 13, 2022
Une jeune fille est assassinée près d'Opole. Des mutilations corporelles terrifiantes et des marques laissées sur place indiquent un meurtre rituel. La question est traitée par la commissaire Agnieszka Polkowska. En raison de l'extraordinaire cruauté du crime et de la suspicion que l'auteur pourrait être un tueur en série, l'affaire s'intéresse au siège provincial. Polkowska, à son grand mécontentement, est affectée à l'enquête sur le commissaire Tomasz Mrówiec. A cette époque, Piotr Wolnicki, enseigne les études religieuses à l'université d'Opole. Il travaille et vit en permanence avec sa famille dans une belle maison. Déjà à la rentrée, l'homme choisit son humble et intelligente élève Ewa Banach comme favorite. La jeune fille ne sait pas que son conférencier cache un sombre secret.