Maciej Wizner

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Raz, jeszcze raz

Raz, jeszcze raz

Oct 16, 2020
The movie is an attractive comedy of mistakes with large dose of humor and action. At the same time it is a sentimental story about group of friends who grew up in the same town in the 90s, taking their first steps into adulthood together. The story is about boys form Sopot who 20 years ago were a best friends for life. They had a band, they graduated from Hight school together. As a result of a various circumstances the group of friends fell apart and each of the boys went their own way. We meet the characters when they are 40 years old. They live in different cities, have different professions and lives. Theirs everyday life is interrupted by an unexpected visitor - a women who turns out to be the fiancée of the member of the former group. She invites them to a bachelor party - a surprise for her future husband. Despite their doubts the men come to their hometown to learn that old friend is dead.


Nov 17, 2006
19 year old Wojtek lives in a poverty stricken Polish town. He is in love with an older woman, an illegal emigrant from Ukraine. He boxes in illegal matches to get money and is spotted by a man running a security business. Accepting this man's offer means becoming a gangster, but this could allow him to a residence permit for his girlfriend Katya.


Jul 30, 2014
Une histoire d'amour, de sang et de violence en pleine insurrection de Varsovie de 1944...
Orzeł. Ostatni patrol
Nous sommes en 1940. Dans toute l'Europe, les forces allemandes l'emportent sur les Alliés. L'équipage d'un sous-marin polonais, qui sert maintenant dans la Royal Navy, mène un combat héroïque contre un ennemi invisible.
Zatoka szpiegów

Zatoka szpiegów

Feb 25, 2024
Based on true events, "The Bay of Spies" follows Franz Neumann, a young Nazi Abwehr officer, who discovers that his real father was Polish. Using this information to his advantage Franz becomes a spy for the Allies with the code name Got’ His task is to obtain information about the activities of the German Navy, the Kriegsmarine and report back to the allies. Using his charm and charisma, Franz manipulates the men he gets close to, makes women fall in love with him, and snakes his way into the German elite.


Apr 12, 2024
The crazy girl involved in an affair with a married man? Drinking, smoking and taking pills? Partying with her friend Wronka? Talking to her cat? Arguing with her eternally dissatisfied mother? Klara who has no husband, children or dog? Klara who can’t sleep, Klara, who is many years old and has little time, Klara, who is a little afraid but has great courage to live, Klara, for whom love is more important than reason, and good sex is more important than a good name? Klara’s Great Return!”