Jimmy Nickerson

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Sep 28, 1983
Nominated for two primetime Emmy Awards in 1984, this made-for-TV movie follows the true story of American boxer Jack Dempsey, who became a media sensation in the 1920s as the world heavyweight champion. Based upon the book by Jack Dempsey and Barbara Piatelli Dempsey.
Président ? Vous avez dit président ?
L'ex président Républicain Russell P. Kramer et l'ex président Démocrate Matt Douglas ont passé les 30 dernières années à se détester, se combattre sur l'échiquier politique américain, tout en ruinant le pays, comme tout bon président. Le premier a remporté l'élection présidentielle, avant d'être battu par le second qui se représentait. Puis 4 ans plus tard, le second est battu par l'ancien vice-président Républicain, William Haney. Une affaire de pots-de-vin, impliquant le président actuel, risque alors de resurgir. Ce dernier tente de faire porter le chapeau aux deux ex-présidents dont il faut se débarrasser corps et âmes afin qu'aucun ne puisse parler. Contre toute attente, Kramer et Douglas vont former un duo improbable pour contrer les plans présidentiels et se retrouvent sur les routes de l'Amérique sans valise et logistique. Mais ils ne semblent pas seuls à faire ce voyage... Auraient-ils du monde à leurs trousses ?
Kansas City Bomber

Kansas City Bomber

Aug 02, 1972
Roller-derby skater K.C. Carr tries to balance her desire for a happy personal life and her dreams of stardom.
Le Bagarreur

Le Bagarreur

Aug 13, 1975
Dans les années 30, en pleine dépression, un chômeur, Chaney, décide de se lancer dans les combats de boxe clandestins. Il s'associe avec Speed, un manager douteux, qui a des relations (et pas des meilleures) avec le milieu. Chaney ne peut pas rompre facilement cette association.
Tremblement de terre

Tremblement de terre

Nov 15, 1974
Los Angeles. L'ingénieur Stuart Graff qui vient de se séparer de sa femme Remy, entretient une liaison avec la veuve d'un collègue, Denise Marshall. Mais Remy tente de convaincre son père, Sam Royce (qui est également l'employeur de Stuart) de mettre fin à cette relation. Dans un autre coin de la ville le sergent de police Lew Slade est suspendu pour avoir frappé un autre policier, et Jody, tenant d'une épicerie générale, ne pense qu'à séduire Rosa, sœur de Sal, l'assistant de Miles Quade, un casse-cou de la moto. Leurs vies vont être bouleversées par un terrible tremblement de terre...
From Mexico With Love

From Mexico With Love

Mar 15, 2009
Après avoir été battu et laissé pour mort de peur de vaincre le fils de son ancien employeur, Richard, dans un match de boxe, Hector Villa s'entraîne avec l'entraîneur démoralisé Billy pour assurer la sécurité de sa famille et se venger.
Movie Movie

Movie Movie

Nov 01, 1978
Three movie genres of the 1930s, boxing films, WWI aviation dramas, and backstage Broadway musicals, are satirized using the same cast.
La Force de vaincre

La Force de vaincre

Apr 14, 1983
Un pays / chanteur ouest en herbe, dont l'argent est de disparaître plus vite que ses possibilités de carrière, entre dans un "dur Man" concours de boxe amateur pour gagner un peu d'argent pour payer ses factures. Chose étonnante, il gagne, et est choisi pour aller sur les finales nationales. Il est déchiré entre son premier amour, la musique, et les paillettes, le glamour et l'argent du monde "Tough Man".


Nov 20, 1976


Oct 13, 1995
Modern Girls

Modern Girls

Nov 07, 1986
Margo, Kelly, and CeCe have three things in common: they're roommates, they're gorgeous, and they're hooked on the glamour and excitement of L.A.'s rock and roll nightlife. When they get mixed up with a rock star, an arrogant ex-boyfriend, a pseudo-sadist, and the nicest nerd in the City of Angels, it's a full night to say the least!
Modern Girls

Modern Girls

Nov 07, 1986
Margo, Kelly, and CeCe have three things in common: they're roommates, they're gorgeous, and they're hooked on the glamour and excitement of L.A.'s rock and roll nightlife. When they get mixed up with a rock star, an arrogant ex-boyfriend, a pseudo-sadist, and the nicest nerd in the City of Angels, it's a full night to say the least!
Son Alibi

Son Alibi

Feb 03, 1989
Margo, Kelly, and CeCe have three things in common: they're roommates, they're gorgeous, and they're hooked on the glamour and excitement of L.A.'s rock and roll nightlife. When they get mixed up with a rock star, an arrogant ex-boyfriend, a pseudo-sadist, and the nicest nerd in the City of Angels, it's a full night to say the least!
Terminal velocity

Terminal velocity

Sep 23, 1994
Margo, Kelly, and CeCe have three things in common: they're roommates, they're gorgeous, and they're hooked on the glamour and excitement of L.A.'s rock and roll nightlife. When they get mixed up with a rock star, an arrogant ex-boyfriend, a pseudo-sadist, and the nicest nerd in the City of Angels, it's a full night to say the least!
L'homme des cavernes

L'homme des cavernes

Apr 17, 1981
Margo, Kelly, and CeCe have three things in common: they're roommates, they're gorgeous, and they're hooked on the glamour and excitement of L.A.'s rock and roll nightlife. When they get mixed up with a rock star, an arrogant ex-boyfriend, a pseudo-sadist, and the nicest nerd in the City of Angels, it's a full night to say the least!
Le Village des damnés
Margo, Kelly, and CeCe have three things in common: they're roommates, they're gorgeous, and they're hooked on the glamour and excitement of L.A.'s rock and roll nightlife. When they get mixed up with a rock star, an arrogant ex-boyfriend, a pseudo-sadist, and the nicest nerd in the City of Angels, it's a full night to say the least!
Tremblement de terre

Tremblement de terre

Nov 15, 1974
Margo, Kelly, and CeCe have three things in common: they're roommates, they're gorgeous, and they're hooked on the glamour and excitement of L.A.'s rock and roll nightlife. When they get mixed up with a rock star, an arrogant ex-boyfriend, a pseudo-sadist, and the nicest nerd in the City of Angels, it's a full night to say the least!


Aug 21, 1998
Margo, Kelly, and CeCe have three things in common: they're roommates, they're gorgeous, and they're hooked on the glamour and excitement of L.A.'s rock and roll nightlife. When they get mixed up with a rock star, an arrogant ex-boyfriend, a pseudo-sadist, and the nicest nerd in the City of Angels, it's a full night to say the least!
Passeport pour une nuit blanche
Margo, Kelly, and CeCe have three things in common: they're roommates, they're gorgeous, and they're hooked on the glamour and excitement of L.A.'s rock and roll nightlife. When they get mixed up with a rock star, an arrogant ex-boyfriend, a pseudo-sadist, and the nicest nerd in the City of Angels, it's a full night to say the least!
Fight Club

Fight Club

Oct 15, 1999
Margo, Kelly, and CeCe have three things in common: they're roommates, they're gorgeous, and they're hooked on the glamour and excitement of L.A.'s rock and roll nightlife. When they get mixed up with a rock star, an arrogant ex-boyfriend, a pseudo-sadist, and the nicest nerd in the City of Angels, it's a full night to say the least!
Police Fédérale - Los Angeles
Margo, Kelly, and CeCe have three things in common: they're roommates, they're gorgeous, and they're hooked on the glamour and excitement of L.A.'s rock and roll nightlife. When they get mixed up with a rock star, an arrogant ex-boyfriend, a pseudo-sadist, and the nicest nerd in the City of Angels, it's a full night to say the least!
USS Alabama

USS Alabama

May 12, 1995
A group of Vietnam War veterans declare war on Los Angeles drug dealers and the Mafia.
The Protector

The Protector

Dec 22, 1997
Soldier of fortune Ken Conway gets a job offer from his former fiancee to look into the whereabouts of a missing scientist. The scientist was working for pharmaceutical researcher Dr. Krago, so Conway goes undercover to infiltrate the doctor's operation. He soon discovers what Krago's scheme is: he creates super-diseases and their cures at the same time, and gets rich by releasing the disease and selling the cure. Ken tries to take this information to the authorities, but finds out too late that he has been infected with the doctor's latest creation, and he has only 48 hours left to live if he can't get his hands on the antidote
Last Action Hero

Last Action Hero

Jun 18, 1993
Soldier of fortune Ken Conway gets a job offer from his former fiancee to look into the whereabouts of a missing scientist. The scientist was working for pharmaceutical researcher Dr. Krago, so Conway goes undercover to infiltrate the doctor's operation. He soon discovers what Krago's scheme is: he creates super-diseases and their cures at the same time, and gets rich by releasing the disease and selling the cure. Ken tries to take this information to the authorities, but finds out too late that he has been infected with the doctor's latest creation, and he has only 48 hours left to live if he can't get his hands on the antidote
Les anges gardiens

Les anges gardiens

Dec 25, 1974
Soldier of fortune Ken Conway gets a job offer from his former fiancee to look into the whereabouts of a missing scientist. The scientist was working for pharmaceutical researcher Dr. Krago, so Conway goes undercover to infiltrate the doctor's operation. He soon discovers what Krago's scheme is: he creates super-diseases and their cures at the same time, and gets rich by releasing the disease and selling the cure. Ken tries to take this information to the authorities, but finds out too late that he has been infected with the doctor's latest creation, and he has only 48 hours left to live if he can't get his hands on the antidote
MacArthur, le Général Rebelle
Soldier of fortune Ken Conway gets a job offer from his former fiancee to look into the whereabouts of a missing scientist. The scientist was working for pharmaceutical researcher Dr. Krago, so Conway goes undercover to infiltrate the doctor's operation. He soon discovers what Krago's scheme is: he creates super-diseases and their cures at the same time, and gets rich by releasing the disease and selling the cure. Ken tries to take this information to the authorities, but finds out too late that he has been infected with the doctor's latest creation, and he has only 48 hours left to live if he can't get his hands on the antidote
La Chevauchée sauvage
Soldier of fortune Ken Conway gets a job offer from his former fiancee to look into the whereabouts of a missing scientist. The scientist was working for pharmaceutical researcher Dr. Krago, so Conway goes undercover to infiltrate the doctor's operation. He soon discovers what Krago's scheme is: he creates super-diseases and their cures at the same time, and gets rich by releasing the disease and selling the cure. Ken tries to take this information to the authorities, but finds out too late that he has been infected with the doctor's latest creation, and he has only 48 hours left to live if he can't get his hands on the antidote
Les Aventures de Jack Burton dans les griffes du Mandarin
Soldier of fortune Ken Conway gets a job offer from his former fiancee to look into the whereabouts of a missing scientist. The scientist was working for pharmaceutical researcher Dr. Krago, so Conway goes undercover to infiltrate the doctor's operation. He soon discovers what Krago's scheme is: he creates super-diseases and their cures at the same time, and gets rich by releasing the disease and selling the cure. Ken tries to take this information to the authorities, but finds out too late that he has been infected with the doctor's latest creation, and he has only 48 hours left to live if he can't get his hands on the antidote


Jul 28, 1995
Soldier of fortune Ken Conway gets a job offer from his former fiancee to look into the whereabouts of a missing scientist. The scientist was working for pharmaceutical researcher Dr. Krago, so Conway goes undercover to infiltrate the doctor's operation. He soon discovers what Krago's scheme is: he creates super-diseases and their cures at the same time, and gets rich by releasing the disease and selling the cure. Ken tries to take this information to the authorities, but finds out too late that he has been infected with the doctor's latest creation, and he has only 48 hours left to live if he can't get his hands on the antidote
Les Grands Fonds

Les Grands Fonds

Jun 17, 1977
Soldier of fortune Ken Conway gets a job offer from his former fiancee to look into the whereabouts of a missing scientist. The scientist was working for pharmaceutical researcher Dr. Krago, so Conway goes undercover to infiltrate the doctor's operation. He soon discovers what Krago's scheme is: he creates super-diseases and their cures at the same time, and gets rich by releasing the disease and selling the cure. Ken tries to take this information to the authorities, but finds out too late that he has been infected with the doctor's latest creation, and he has only 48 hours left to live if he can't get his hands on the antidote
Star Trek : Premier contact
Soldier of fortune Ken Conway gets a job offer from his former fiancee to look into the whereabouts of a missing scientist. The scientist was working for pharmaceutical researcher Dr. Krago, so Conway goes undercover to infiltrate the doctor's operation. He soon discovers what Krago's scheme is: he creates super-diseases and their cures at the same time, and gets rich by releasing the disease and selling the cure. Ken tries to take this information to the authorities, but finds out too late that he has been infected with the doctor's latest creation, and he has only 48 hours left to live if he can't get his hands on the antidote
Science Fiction


Jun 25, 1975
Soldier of fortune Ken Conway gets a job offer from his former fiancee to look into the whereabouts of a missing scientist. The scientist was working for pharmaceutical researcher Dr. Krago, so Conway goes undercover to infiltrate the doctor's operation. He soon discovers what Krago's scheme is: he creates super-diseases and their cures at the same time, and gets rich by releasing the disease and selling the cure. Ken tries to take this information to the authorities, but finds out too late that he has been infected with the doctor's latest creation, and he has only 48 hours left to live if he can't get his hands on the antidote
Science Fiction
Le Pic de Dante

Le Pic de Dante

Feb 07, 1997
Soldier of fortune Ken Conway gets a job offer from his former fiancee to look into the whereabouts of a missing scientist. The scientist was working for pharmaceutical researcher Dr. Krago, so Conway goes undercover to infiltrate the doctor's operation. He soon discovers what Krago's scheme is: he creates super-diseases and their cures at the same time, and gets rich by releasing the disease and selling the cure. Ken tries to take this information to the authorities, but finds out too late that he has been infected with the doctor's latest creation, and he has only 48 hours left to live if he can't get his hands on the antidote


Apr 25, 1997
Soldier of fortune Ken Conway gets a job offer from his former fiancee to look into the whereabouts of a missing scientist. The scientist was working for pharmaceutical researcher Dr. Krago, so Conway goes undercover to infiltrate the doctor's operation. He soon discovers what Krago's scheme is: he creates super-diseases and their cures at the same time, and gets rich by releasing the disease and selling the cure. Ken tries to take this information to the authorities, but finds out too late that he has been infected with the doctor's latest creation, and he has only 48 hours left to live if he can't get his hands on the antidote
Science Fiction
Opération danger

Opération danger

Jan 13, 1973
Alias Smith and Jones is an American Western series that originally aired on ABC from 1971 to 1973. It stars Pete Duel as Hannibal Heyes and Ben Murphy as Jedediah "Kid" Curry, a pair of cousin outlaws trying to reform. The governor offers them a conditional amnesty, as he wants to keep the pact under wraps for political reasons. The condition is that they will still be wanted— until the governor can claim they have reformed and warrant clemency.
The Parent 'Hood

The Parent 'Hood

Jul 25, 1999
The Parent 'Hood is an American sitcom that aired on The WB airing from January 18, 1995 to July 25, 1999. The series starred Robert Townsend and Suzzanne Douglas. Originally to have been titled Father Knows Nothing, the series was one of the four sitcoms that aired as part of the original Wednesday night two-hour lineup that helped launch The WB network.
Blue Murder

Blue Murder

Oct 12, 2009
Blue Murder is a British crime drama television series based in Manchester. Shown on ITV from 2003 until 2009 when it was cancelled by the network, it starred Caroline Quentin as DCI Janine Lewis.