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Dec 10, 2021
Mangue Beat, a musical and aesthetic movement which emerged in Pernambuco in the 1990s, transformed the visibility of the peripheries and cultural manifestations of the metropolitan area of Recife and placed the state on the map of the world music market with the launching of bands like Chico Science and Nação Zumbi and Mundo Livre S.A. The film experiments with the freedomn of thought of the Mangue using a plural language, which brings togther ideias and ideals, refleting the daring which resulted in the great symbol of the movement: a satellite dish planted in the mud of the estuaries - the Mangue.
Saudade do Futuro

Saudade do Futuro

Apr 10, 2000
Des hauteurs vertigineuses des gratte-ciel en construction aux profondeurs du métro, de manifestation politique en bal populaire, qu’ils soient journaliste, maire ou chauffeur de taxi, les migrants Nordestins nous font pénétrer dans “leur” São Paulo, une des plus grandes villes du monde, avec ses 16 millions d’habitants. Ils sont venus vivre à São Paulo, dans le sud du pays, pour fuir la sécheresse du Nordeste ou chercher fortune. Ou tout simplement travailler parce que “le sud merveilleux” concentre la plus grande activité économique et industrielle du Brésil. S'accompagnant à la guitare ou au tambourin, les repentistas nordestins, véritables chroniqueurs du quotidien, improvisent des rimes et des vers chantés qui s’inspirent de la réalité immédiate qui entoure leurs auditeurs. La cacophonie urbaine se mêle à la musique, et les “repentes” véritables ancêtres du rap, racontent la métropole avec humour et tout en rimes.
Danado de Bom

Danado de Bom

Mar 15, 2016
Born in Arcoverde, in the backlands of Pernambuco, the lonely boy who was raised by his father after his mother left, João Silva soon discovered a passion for the northeastern rhythms, such as the baião, xote and forró. He went to Rio de Janeiro when he was still a little boy to meet the idol Luiz Gonzaga. Both men, who were not very fond of each other when they first met, became not only great friends but also partners in many hits like “Doutor do Baião”, “Nem se Despediu de Mim” and “Pagode Russo”.
Ouro Velho, Mundo Novo
Filmmakers Cláudio Assis and Lírio Ferreira go on a journey through the frontier between the states of Pernambuco and Paraíba, Brazil, to show the importance poetry holds in local culture.
Baile Perfumado

Baile Perfumado

Aug 01, 1997
A Lebanese photographer living in Brazil in the '30s manages to film the band of Lampião, a legendary Brazilian bandit.