Jung Seo-yoon

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누나 친구

누나 친구

Jan 21, 2016
I always love to show.every day i have a dream to her.In order to make the university in seoul. the city's children's home in her first love. jane and relative number. warm love each other too, because only part of the original two. it has been show to his uncle and is the same for you. and he is married to her, but always in love can not stop. thin clothes to show her plump figure, he looked at her fiery eyes and a wall side as she moan. the material is then stretched to his desire for her to come out to start.
여자전쟁: 비열한 거래
Le peintre Ha-rim est devenu aveugle à la suite d'un malheureux accident. Son épouse Sun-yeong cherche un donneur de cornée jusqu'à ce qu'elle rencontre Dae-geun, patient atteint d'un cancer en phase terminale. Ces deux-là font un marché surprenant et dangereux pour la cornée de Ha-rim.


Mar 17, 2016
During the Japanese Invasion, Father Joo Ki Cheol was tortured for his opposition to the shrine of worship. He resisted for the sake of his country and people which made him known as the most symbolic character in Korean Christianity as well as the most renowned martyr. He died in prison at the young age of 47 and the only thing he left behind are the words "一死覺悟". Here we introduce the faith and life he lived fighting against the Japanese powers in a realistic and touching story. What is the basis of ' faith ' and what is 'belief'?


Jun 11, 2015
Young and beautiful woman, Shin-hye, she is a good housewife with all of her focus on her husband and housekeeping. However, she has a concern these days. She and her husband are drifting apart from each other, while her husband has been refusing sex with her and treating her like a ghost. As her unhappiness with her husband is growing bigger, she attends her high school alumni meeting, where she encounters her first love, Seong-jin. Shin-hye is drawn to Seong-jin, who is a cool handsome grown-up man now. She slowly steps into the forbidden realm, as to say ‘affair’ in spite of herself.
The Host

The Host

Jul 27, 2006
À Séoul, Park Hee-bong tient un petit snack au bord de la rivière Han où il vit avec les siens. Il y a son fils aîné, l'immature Gang-du, sa fille Nam-joo, une championne malchanceuse de tir à l'arc, et Nam-il, son fils cadet éternellement au chômage. Tous idolâtrent la petite Hyun-seo, la fille unique de Gang-du. Un jour, un monstre géant et inconnu jusqu'à présent, surgit des profondeurs de la rivière. Quand la créature atteint les berges, elle se met à piétiner et attaquer la foule sauvagement, détruisant tout sur son passage. Le snack démoli, Gang-du tente de s'enfuir avec sa fille, mais il la perd dans la foule paniquée. Quand il l'aperçoit enfin, Hyun-seo est en train de se faire enlever par le monstre qui disparaît, en emportant la fillette au fond de la rivière. La famille Park décide alors de partir en croisade contre le monstre, pour retrouver Hyun-seo...