Ramli Ivar

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Opera Jakarta

Opera Jakarta

Feb 01, 1985
Intertwined stories of Joko, a boxer, and Rum, the daughter of a general.
Kawin Kontrak

Kawin Kontrak

Jan 01, 1983
Un gang enlève de jolies filles pour en faire des "femmes sous contrats". Les récalcitrantes sont envoyées dans une prison souterraine appelée le "trou de l'enfer", prison où les femmes sont fouettées et battues avec brutalité, ou torturées si elles n'assouvissent pas tous les désirs des gardes.
5 cewek jagoan

5 cewek jagoan

Jan 01, 1980
A conscientious scientist develops the "deadliest explosive the world has ever known" but soon it falls into the hands of an evil criminal, Bruto. The five angels band together to stop Bruto's reign of terror.
Dr. Siti Pertiwi Kembali ke Desa
After her graduation as a doctor, Siti Pertiwi is sent to the Menggala area in Lampung. She has to deal with many problems, such as the corrupt paramedics who assist her and the villagers’ fear of the shaman – Atuk Raja – and his men. These problems have complicated her role as the local doctor. Then she receives help from a student who interns in the area. Unfortunately, the assistance invites gossip.
Perawan Desa

Perawan Desa

Jan 01, 1978
The film is a "reconstruction" of the real event of Sum Kuning’s rape that happened 10 years before, and sums up the lack of justice in the Indonesian courts. Sumirah, is raped by four vandals but during the investigation, the event is given a ridiculous interpretation when Sum is forced to confess that she was trying to gain popularity for herself. During the trial, the true facts are revealed gradually and this ranks as one of the best courtroom films ever made complete with spirited and lively dialogue.
Damai Kami Sepanjang Hari
Iwan, a high school student, loses his bajaj-driver father because the jeep of Dance Lintang, a famous singer, runs him down. Iwan’s pregnant mother has to work hard. Iwan has been singing on the streets for money, and now he gets help from his younger siblings who sell newspapers. But his mother passes away when she gives birth to her last child so Iwan vows to raise his siblings. But when he cannot afford it, he puts his siblings in the orphanage. Then when his girlfriend Tia yells at him for doing that, he instinctively runs off with his siblings. He is imprisoned as a result but a journalist, Miftah, who knows his talent, bails him out. Iwan decides to quit school and Miftah manages to record him. Dance is furious when he hears that Iwan is making a record. He approaches the producer and destroys the recording tape. Then Dance gets arrested for narcotics while Iwan’s record is a major hit, so he brings his siblings home from the orphanage.
Kereta Api Terakhir

Kereta Api Terakhir

Feb 28, 1981
With the failure of Linggarjati Agreement as the background, a heroic and also a love story are interwoven. The army headquarters in Yogja decides to withdraw all existing trains to Yogya.
Cinta Abadi (Menara Gading)
To separate Leila's relationship with Rais, Leila's parents sent their daughter to Paris and arranged her marriage with Roy. Because of Leila's father's employee's trap, Rais got a bad name and was paralyzed because of an accident. So Leila hated Rais and married Roy.