Andrew Meyer

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Night of the Cobra Woman
After being bitten by a cobra in the Philipines, Lena can turn herself into a snake and she stops aging. The curse comes with a price. The priestess Lena must consume cobra venom and vital young men to stay young.


Dec 31, 1963
An hour-long paean to the art of the kiss featuring fourteen couples, from passionate participants to lethargic lovers, engaging in the intimate act.


Oct 02, 1981
À Los Angeles, une Française, Émilie, séparée de l'homme qu'elle aime, cherche un logement pour elle et son fils de 8 ans, Martin. Elle en trouve un, y installe des meubles récupérés dans les déchets jetés à la rue. Son désarroi est plus exprimé par les autres qu'elle observe que par elle-même, vivant silencieusement un exil démultiplié. Elle tape à la machine face à l'océan. Quelques flashes de sa passion passée la troublent et elle consacre à son fils toute son affection.
Night of the Cobra Woman
After being bitten by a cobra in the Philipines, Lena can turn herself into a snake and she stops aging. The curse comes with a price. The priestess Lena must consume cobra venom and vital young men to stay young.
Night of the Cobra Woman
After being bitten by a cobra in the Philipines, Lena can turn herself into a snake and she stops aging. The curse comes with a price. The priestess Lena must consume cobra venom and vital young men to stay young.
Shades and Drumbeats

Shades and Drumbeats

Apr 04, 1964
"Dawn to dusk with a commune of young people on the Lower East Side, searching fulfilment through sex and drugs."–A.M. " of those remarkable films incensed with the values which man forgets, caught in the sedge flats which he calls his streets. It is these disowned values that [Meyer] obstinately and with the greatest of poise works with and surprises his film spectator...The world of SHADES AND DRUMBEATS has no need for sound; for the film frames speak and contain the word, the sentence which reveals to the engrossed spectator the spirit of Meyer's work."–Gregory Markopoulos, in a lecture at Idaho State University, 1964
An Early Clue to the New Direction
Featuring Joy Bang, Prescott Townsend, Rene Ricard. Music by the Unidentified Flying Objects. "The grand prize ... went to Andrew Meyer's black-and-white AN EARLY CLUE TO THE NEW DIRECTION, whose virtues had nothing to do with technical polish. Mr. Meyer's film hung on dialogue, cast and plot (of a kind), clearly moving in a new direction. Its central virtue was nothing less than a superb performance by an old man, Prescott Townsend, playing a Boston rogue long past his time, who charms a young girl with his 'snowflake theory.'" – Douglas M. Davis, National Observer
Night of the Cobra Woman
After being bitten by a cobra in the Philipines, Lena can turn herself into a snake and she stops aging. The curse comes with a price. The priestess Lena must consume cobra venom and vital young men to stay young.
Night of the Cobra Woman
After being bitten by a cobra in the Philipines, Lena can turn herself into a snake and she stops aging. The curse comes with a price. The priestess Lena must consume cobra venom and vital young men to stay young.
The Sky Pirate

The Sky Pirate

Nov 30, 1969
Low-budget film illustrates the various factors which have lead a man to hijack a plane to Cuba.
The Sky Pirate

The Sky Pirate

Nov 30, 1969
Low-budget film illustrates the various factors which have lead a man to hijack a plane to Cuba.
The Sky Pirate

The Sky Pirate

Nov 30, 1969
Low-budget film illustrates the various factors which have lead a man to hijack a plane to Cuba.


Mar 22, 2024
After a booking mistake, four drag queens find themselves performing for a mostly unwelcoming crowd, but when vampires attack, the crowd looks to the queens to save the day.
Flower Child

Flower Child

Jan 01, 1967
"... about a girl who photographs a young man in Central Park who sits in a tree and plays a pipe. He resents her photography and follows her home to get the film from her. They make love. Whilst he is asleep she develops the negative, but in the resulting print he is missing. Was he the god Pan?" – Ken Gay, Films and Filming "... has much to do with nuance of the most ineffable kind: appearance as against behavior; oddities and crudities of expression, diction and composition in the service of a texture that's unpleasant or embarrassing one moment and elaborately touching the next, with the gap never bridged. The performers are Joy Bang ... and Frank Meyer, a bored cherub who could become a key ambivalent figure for modern films." – James Stoller, The Village Voice Exhibition: Int'l Festival of Short Films, London, 1968 [Overview Selection Courtesy of the Film-Makers' Cooperative]
1 x 1

1 x 1

Jan 01, 1965
"...has the quiet beauty of rain. It is the story of a young girl afraid to enter womanhood. Taking the phone off the hook, she attempts to sleep while her would-be lover tries to call. And in her fantasy, she sees herself escaping to the playground and embracing childhood anew...perhaps the most quietly satisfying gem that you will see in a long time...contrasts with the sexual vibrance of the tones' singing with the lonely quiet of the girl's flight with remarkable effectiveness."–Bruce Covert, McGill Daily Review [Overview Selection Courtesy of The Film-Makers' Cooperative]
The Sky Pirate

The Sky Pirate

Nov 30, 1969
Low-budget film illustrates the various factors which have lead a man to hijack a plane to Cuba.
Tidal Wave

Tidal Wave

May 28, 1975
Two hundred million years ago, Earth had a single continent. As the millennia progressed, the single continent slowly split off into smaller continents and islands. Thirty million years ago, the country of Japan was part of the continent of Asia, and has since split off into its own archipelago. Another landmass shift is about to occur...
Science Fiction
Tidal Wave

Tidal Wave

May 28, 1975
Two hundred million years ago, Earth had a single continent. As the millennia progressed, the single continent slowly split off into smaller continents and islands. Thirty million years ago, the country of Japan was part of the continent of Asia, and has since split off into its own archipelago. Another landmass shift is about to occur...
Science Fiction