The story follows a kind-hearted girl who marries a simple man in her family, but misunderstandings arise, and she defends her family and husband, leading to consequences.
Un paysan du Bengale, Shambhu, refuse de vendre son lopin de terre à un riche propriétaire terrien qui en a besoin pour construire une usine. Furieux, le propriétaire lui réclame alors le paiement immédiat de ses dettes. Le tribunal ne lui ayant accordé que trois mois de délai, Shambhu se rend à Calcutta dans l’espoir d’y trouver un travail lucratif.
In Calcutta at the turn of the century, two families (one wealthier than the other but both belonging to the same caste) live in adjoining properties. Their respective patriarchs fall out over the repayment of a loan and the intervention of a member of a lower caste in the families' financial arrangements. The rift causes much heartache to the younger members of the families, two of whom have secretly plighted their troth to each other.
An orphan adopted by an upper caste family never learns of her untouchable caste background. This proves problematic when years later, she falls in love with an upper caste man.