Miss Major Griffin-Gracy

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Mes Années Garland

Mes Années Garland

Jun 26, 2019
Mes Annees Garland retrace l'histoire d'une star devenue légende, l'ascension fulgurante de Judy Garland vers les sommets de la gloire, portée par sa grande et turbulente histoire d'amour avec son troisième époux Sid Luft, qui demeura à ses côtés lors de ses triomphes comme de ses échecs durant treize années de mariage. Inspiré des mémoires récemment publiées de Sid Luft ainsi que d'une multitude d'archives personnelles inédites, ce documentaire entraîne le spectateur dans l'intimité de leur relation. Plongez dans la vie d'une des plus grandes icônes de la musique et du cinéma, entre passion et humour, magnificence et folie - et toujours beaucoup de chansons. Un nouveau regard sur Judy pour les nouvelles générations, et un bel homage de la part de ceux qui se souviennent, chérissent et continuent de l'aimer du fond de leurs coeurs.


Nov 15, 2015
MAJOR! follows the life and campaigns of Miss Major Griffin-Gracy, a 73-year-old Black transgender woman who has been fighting for the rights of trans women of color for over 40 years.
The Personal Things

The Personal Things

Nov 19, 2016
“You have to find your own way to strike back.” Black trans elder and legendary activist Miss Major Griffin-Gracy describes how everyday personal acts fuel her political activism. Released in conjunction with Trans Day of Resilience/Remembrance, this short, directed by Reina Gossett with art by Micah Bazant and animation by Pamela Chavez was produced by Reina Gossett, Hope Dector, and the Barnard Center for Research on Women.
Diagnosing Difference

Diagnosing Difference

Jun 20, 2009
How does it feel to have your gender identity included in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders? Diagnosing Difference is a documentary featuring interviews with 13 diverse scholars, activists, and artists who identify on the trans spectrum (transgender, transsexual, genderqueer, and gender variant) about the impact and implications of the Gender Identity Disorder (GID) on their lives and communities.
The Trans List

The Trans List

Dec 05, 2016
A documentary that explores the range of experiences lived by transgender Americans.
Trans in Trumpland

Trans in Trumpland

Feb 25, 2021
A transgender Iranian-American embarks on a road trip to discover the everyday realities of being trans in conservative states across the United States. As he travels through some of the country’s most anti-trans states, he uncovers the struggles and triumphs that define being trans in America today.
Visible: Out on Television
Découvrez l’histoire du mouvement LGBTQ+ aux États-Unis à travers le prisme de la télévision, dans cette docu-série en 5 épisodes. À l’aide d’archives et d’interviews, la série aborde l’homophobie, l’évolution de personnalités LGBTQ+, et le coming-out.