Heo Jung-do

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Apr 27, 2022
Ho-seong was once a criminal. After eight years in prison, he is released, reuniting with his family. He needs money for his new business, so he plans to collect it at his father's funeral. However, things go wrong.
About Kim Sohee

About Kim Sohee

Nov 21, 2022
So-Hee, lycéenne qui travaille en apprentissage dans un centre d'appels, est impliquée dans une affaire. Le détective Yoo-Jin enquête sur l'affaire.


Jun 03, 2021
Gwang-ho, a prospect on his high school baseball team, is not drafted by a professional baseball team. His desire to continue playing baseball strains his relationship with his team members. Gwang-ho eventually begins selling fake gasoline with his friend Min-cheol.


Jun 19, 2014
Feeling alone in a world where everyone looks exactly the same, a young girl decides to take extreme measures to change her appearance.
초미의 관심사

초미의 관심사

May 27, 2020
An aspiring singer Sun-deok is visited by her mother, whom she hasn’t spoken to in years. The abrupt encounter leads to the news of her younger sister Yuri, who had vanished with their savings. The mother-daughter team is now hunting for the missing girl and their money, poking around in Itaewon, the international hub of Seoul. Little do they know that soon they will be faced with Yuri’s unlikely secrets.
Hail to Hell

Hail to Hell

Aug 16, 2023
Na-mi et Seon-woo, les parias de l’école, prévoient de se suicider au lieu d’aller au voyage scolaire. A l’approche du moment fatidique, elles découvrent que Chae-rin, la fille qui a rendu leur quotidien impossible, vit une nouvelle vie heureuse à Séoul. Alors, elles décident de se venger avant de mettre fin à leurs jours. Cependant, quand elles retrouvent enfin Chae-rin, elles découvrent une fille au grand cœur, ce qui change complètement la donne. Mais quelque chose semble étrange à propos de l’institution religieuse dans laquelle elle séjourne et elles commencent à se demander si elles ne devraient pas plutôt sauver Chae-rin de cet endroit étrange.


Jul 22, 2015
En 1933, la Corée vit sous l’occupation japonaise. Le gouvernement provisoire coréen demande à Yeom, personnalité de la résistance, de recruter trois mercenaires qui auront pour objectif d’éliminer deux figures importantes de l’Occupation. Mais certains préfèreraient voir cet assassinat échouer, et engagent Hawaï Pistol, tueur à gages redoutable, pour supprimer les trois assassins avant qu’ils n’accomplissent leur mission.
L'Amour en laisse

L'Amour en laisse

Feb 11, 2022
S'aimer dans la douleur, c'est le contrat que passent deux collègues pour fixer les règles de leurs jeux sexuels qui consistent à se faire du mal pour se faire du bien…


May 21, 2020
Bori, an 11-year-old girl in a seaside village, is the only family member who can hear. As an elementary school student, Bori becomes more and more accustomed to talking with her friends while finding it hard to communicate with her family in sign language.


Mar 12, 2025
Swimming instructor, Young-eun is a single mom raising her 7-year-old daughter, So-hyun. However, a series of tragic events happens as So-hyun's puppy falls from the apartment and dies, and So-hyun bullies other kids in school. Despite her mom's earnest efforts to address So-hyun's mental disorder, her peculiar behavior persists. Twenty years later, Min, who works in handling unclaimed deaths, meets a new colleague, Hae-young, and they form a close bond. However, as Hae-young warmly integrates herself into Min's life, Min begins to feel uncomfortable and suspicious about her intentions.


Aug 20, 2015
Dae-il is a student majoring in film, and about to filming his graduate film. His professor, however, does not like his screenplay. And his producer Young-jin picks on that, saying the film is unrealistic and exaggerated. The main actress So-eun also keeps arguing that she cannot feel empathy with her character. Does he can complete this film?


Aug 20, 2015
A man leaves his factory early behind extra work on weekend owing to his hangover. He tries to watch a movie with a girl who he met last night at a club. The girl is working at a Chinese dumpling house, and doesn’t seem to remember that meeting last night with this man. Anyways, she decides to watch a movie with him on her boring weekend.
Like for Likes

Like for Likes

Feb 17, 2016
Grâce aux réseaux sociaux, six personnes se retrouvent connectées et vont pouvoir expérimenter des amours et des relations inattendues.


Sep 27, 2017
A small time actor is given the lead role in a play dealing with homosexuality. Though he has always believed himself to be open minded, his little brother’s secret proves otherwise, and he realizes that he has been fooling himself the entire time.


Oct 20, 2016
A high school girl, Man-bok, who has to walk for four hours every day back and forth between home and her school due to the congenital motion sickness disorder, happens to begin her training as a speed walking athlete unexpectedly. Through the cooperative training with her friend Soo-ji, whom she meets in the school track and field team, Man-bok discovers her path of life in this heartwarming and touching story.
고요의 바다

고요의 바다

Jun 27, 2014
It’s the year 2075. Jung-won, a pathologist, has a recurring nightmare about her sister’s death. In order to cease the nightmares, she visits the sea of tranquility, called Moon. There she undergoes a strange experience that causes the death of her sister.
Science Fiction
범죄의 여왕

범죄의 여왕

Aug 25, 2016
Lorsque son fils qui vit dans une chambre individuelle reçoit une facture d'eau scandaleuse de 1 000 $, une mère décide de devenir détective et de découvrir ce qui se cache derrière.


Aug 20, 2015
You and my romance 'Now Playing' screening begins soon!


Nov 09, 2015
Jong-su has a job interview for a pharmaceutical company. He checks all predictable questions but it turns out that...
A Taxi Driver

A Taxi Driver

Aug 02, 2017
Mai 1980, Séoul. Des manifestations dénonçant la loi martiale proclamée par le dictateur Chun Doo-hwan troublent la routine de Man-seob, un chauffeur de taxi qui décrie ces protestataires qui l’empêchent de travailler. Élevant seul sa fille suite au décès de son épouse, Man-seob est criblé de dettes. Chaque course compte. Lorsqu’il entend un confrère se vanter qu’il s’apprête à recevoir une somme colossale pour emmener un Occidental à Gwangju, il se précipite au point de rendez-vous afin de lui voler son client, un journaliste allemand se faisant appeler Peter. Ce dernier a l’intention d’enquêter clandestinement sur certaines rumeurs voulant que Gwangju soit assiégée par l’armée et que le gouvernement ait coupé toute communication entre la ville et le reste du pays. Man-seob a cependant menti sur sa compréhension de l’anglais et des raisons de leur périple. Il n’a aucune idée de ce dans quoi il s’est embarqué. Dès lors, leur sort sera étroitement lié à celui des habitants de Gwangju.


Sep 10, 2015
Min-joon, who has failed the civil service exam for 10 years, gets a lucky pencil from his friend, Kyung-joon, saying, "When you do it, you get a perfect score."
그 밤의 술맛

그 밤의 술맛

Jun 29, 2014
Hyeong-seo is Hyun-ji's groom-to-be. He quarrels with the issues related to marriage preparations and raises voice. Seol-won who was Hyun-ji's ex-boyfriend get angry to find him badly treating her.
옆 구르기

옆 구르기

Oct 02, 2014
A middle school student, Jung-eun, practices cartwheeling but it doesn’t go well. She even tries harder in order to impress a boy she has a crush on.


Nov 06, 2015
Min-young fills in for her brother and drives the factory workers home. When she reaches her last stop, she finds Han Jong-do, one of the workers, was dead in her front passenger seat. Completely shocked, she leaves her brother to take care of the police and runs home.
Youth of May

Youth of May

Jun 08, 2021
En mai 1980, alors que le soulèvement de Gwangju se prépare, un étudiant en médecine tombe fou amoureux d'une jeune infirmière.
미세스 캅

미세스 캅

May 08, 2016
After long and grueling hours immersed in brutal crime investigations, lead detective Choi Young Jin must face the particular horrors of singlehandedly raising her daughter Ha Eun. Any way you look at it, Young Jin's got her work cut out for her, but it's only a matter of time before her professional and personal worlds collide in new and disastrous ways.
Political Fever

Political Fever

Nov 12, 2021
A black comedy political sitcom about an Olympic gold medalist who was appointed as minister of Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism and is facing a kidnapping incident of her husband who is a political critic.
W-Two Worlds

W-Two Worlds

Sep 14, 2016
Oh Yeon Ju est une interne en chirurgie cardiaque au sein de l'hôpital Myung Se, mais aussi la fille d'un célèbre créateur de bandes dessinées. Un jour, son père disparaît soudainement. Peu de temps après, elle se fait kidnapper par un homme couvert de sang nommé Kang Cheol, ancien tireur olympique et millionnaire. Celui-ci l'emmène alors dans une autre dimension : le monde créé par son père, le monde de Kang Cheol, personnage principal de l'histoire.
풍문으로 들었소
Han In Sang and Seo Bom are young and in love, despite major differences in wealth and status. But all of that hangs in the balance when Han In Sang accidentally knocks up Seo Bom, setting off a comedic domino effect that reverberates throughout the snooty Han family and the modest Seo family. Between pride and humiliation, as well as love and duty, will this young couple be able to survive the storm and do what's right for their baby?
대세는 백합

대세는 백합

Dec 24, 2015
The story revolves around the budding relationship between Kim Kyung Ju and Jang Se Rang who meet when Kyung Ju can’t find her passport and has to go to her friend’s house to try and find it. When she arrives, the friend is leaving and tells Kyung Ju she can just go inside, but to be mindful of her houseguest, Se Rang.
Fleur de chevalier

Fleur de chevalier

Feb 17, 2024
Cho Yeo Hwa est veuve depuis 15 ans. Sa belle-famille est la famille noble la plus prestigieuse du royaume. Le jour, elle mène une vie de veuve entièrement dévouée à la mémoire de son défunt mari et ne franchit que rarement la porte de sa maison. La nuit, Yeo Hwa revêt le masque de Hero, qui saute secrètement par-dessus le mur d'enceinte pour sauver les personnes sans défense.
Mon démon

Mon démon

Jan 20, 2024
Un démon sans pitié perd ses pouvoirs après s'être lié avec une héritière hautaine qui semble détenir la clé de son malheur... mais aussi celle de son cœur.
Gaus Electronics

Gaus Electronics

Nov 05, 2022
La série concerne les employés de bureau de l'équipe marketing 3 au siège de l'électroménager de Gaus Electronics, une multinationale. Il met en lumière les hauts et les bas de la vie en entreprise, ainsi que l'amour et l'amitié entre les employés.
아름다운 세상

아름다운 세상

May 25, 2019
This drama tells the story of a boy who becomes critically injured due to an incident of school violence and his family who seeks the truth and fights for justice in his name.
Reborn Rich

Reborn Rich

Dec 25, 2022
Après dix ans de bons et loyaux services, un employé modèle se retrouve accusé de détournement à la place de ses employeurs, avant d'être assassiné par ces derniers. Réincarné dans leur plus jeune fils, seule la vengeance guide désormais ses actions.
L'Amour au rattrapage

L'Amour au rattrapage

Mar 05, 2023
Une mère au grand cœur découvre le monde impitoyable de l'enseignement privé lorsque sa fille tente d'intégrer le cours d'un célèbre professeur de mathématiques.
Taxi Driver

Taxi Driver

Apr 15, 2023
Un ex-soldat des forces spéciales venge les victimes d'injustices en travaillant pour une organisation secrète qui se fait passer pour une entreprise de taxis.
Action & Adventure
Something in the Rain

Something in the Rain

May 19, 2018
Une trentenaire fraîchement célibataire revoit le frère de sa meilleure amie, récemment rentré de l'étranger. Le jeune homme lui apparaît sous un autre jour.