Alister Mazzotti

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The Ghost Writer

The Ghost Writer

Feb 12, 2010
The Ghost, un « écrivain - nègre » à succès est engagé pour terminer les mémoires de l'ancien Premier ministre britannique, Adam Lang. Mais dès le début de cette collaboration, le projet semble périlleux : une ombre plane sur le décès accidentel du précédent rédacteur, ancien bras droit de Lang…
Arena of the Street Fighter
The "Bloods" are the most intimidating and violent gang in the city. A lawless city... where gangs rule the streets... The vicious and blood thirsty murderer Slater is their leader. The city is his domain... he rules! There are those who are not members of gangs such as Mikey and his friends. Mikey lives on the edge, he is daring and always in trouble and fights. His brother Mathis and his friends try to avoid trouble at any cost. Revenge becomes the motive to Mikey when his brother Mathis goes missing and is killed..... Written by Generation X Group GmbH
Bleu saphir

Bleu saphir

Aug 14, 2014
Elle a hérité d'un don qu'elle a appris à maîtriser pour intégrer les Veilleurs du Temps. Explorez de nouvelles époques. Percez de nouveaux mystères. Bravez de nouveaux dangers. Gwendolyn Shepherd – le « Rubis », se rebelle contre la Loge secrète. Elle est éperdument amoureuse de Gideon de Villiers et expérimente sa première fois avec lui. Gwen veut être libre et refuse donc de céder aux exigences de la Loge. Mais ce désir de liberté la met en danger. L'obscure Comte de Saint-Germain veut se servir d'elle pour accéder au pouvoir absolu du temps. Et pour atteindre son but, il met la vie de Gwen en jeu.
V pour Vendetta

V pour Vendetta

Feb 23, 2006
Londres, au 21ème siècle… Evey Hammond ne veut rien oublier de l’homme qui lui sauva la vie et lui permit de dominer ses peurs les plus lointaines. Mais il fut un temps où elle n’aspirait qu’à l’anonymat pour échapper à une police secrète omnipotente. Comme tous ses concitoyens, trop vite soumis, elle acceptait que son pays ait perdu son âme et se soit donné en masse au tyran Sutler et à ses partisans. Une nuit, alors que deux « gardiens de l’ordre » s’apprêtaient à la violer dans une rue déserte, Evey vit surgir son libérateur. Et rien ne fut plus comme avant. Son apprentissage commença quelques semaines plus tard sous la tutelle de « V ». Evey ne connaîtrait jamais son nom et son passé, ne verrait jamais son visage atrocement brûlé et défiguré, mais elle deviendrait à la fois son unique disciple, sa seule amie et le seul amour d’une vie sans amour…
Ketchup Connection

Ketchup Connection

Dec 15, 2005
A gangster comedy in which a hitman decides to quit his job to marry the beautiful woman who, thanks to his secret recipe, makes the best ketchup in town. Both cause considerable problems for the local "boss" and his protection money collectors.
La Vie des autres

La Vie des autres

Mar 23, 2006
A gangster comedy in which a hitman decides to quit his job to marry the beautiful woman who, thanks to his secret recipe, makes the best ketchup in town. Both cause considerable problems for the local "boss" and his protection money collectors.
V pour Vendetta

V pour Vendetta

Feb 23, 2006
A gangster comedy in which a hitman decides to quit his job to marry the beautiful woman who, thanks to his secret recipe, makes the best ketchup in town. Both cause considerable problems for the local "boss" and his protection money collectors.
Die Sturmflut

Die Sturmflut

Feb 19, 2006
Susanne, a meteorologist Hamburg, has detected signs of an incipient sea storm that could devastate the city. Although given the alarm, local authorities do not listen to their warnings. To ensure the magnitude of the tsunami, Susanne decided to move to an oil platform located offshore, which verifies that their dire predictions are to become reality, as the storm will soon reach the coast, threatening the lives of thousands of people.


Jul 07, 2023
A brutal cat and mouse game between a blind ex-cop Gia Singh and a psychopathic serial killer, who likes to torture and kill young women.
Nuit magique

Nuit magique

Jun 20, 2019
A brutal cat and mouse game between a blind ex-cop Gia Singh and a psychopathic serial killer, who likes to torture and kill young women.


Mar 08, 2019
A brutal cat and mouse game between a blind ex-cop Gia Singh and a psychopathic serial killer, who likes to torture and kill young women.
Zwei in einem Boot

Zwei in einem Boot

Feb 15, 1999
Three children and their Grandpa are on a kayak-outdoor trip in the middle of nowhere, when their Grandpa suffers a heart attack in the wilderness - to rescue themselves and their Grandpa the children have to help themselves and fight their way back to civilization.
Braqueurs d'élite

Braqueurs d'élite

Aug 21, 2017
Three children and their Grandpa are on a kayak-outdoor trip in the middle of nowhere, when their Grandpa suffers a heart attack in the wilderness - to rescue themselves and their Grandpa the children have to help themselves and fight their way back to civilization.


Mar 24, 2012
In this deserted former Nazi holiday camp and communist military complex, teenagers Jan and Matthieu embark on an adventure that could change everything. Whilst exploring their surroundings they confront their identities and ultimately put their friendship at risk.