Julia McIlvaine

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The Seance

The Seance

Dec 27, 2021
A YouTube-famous paranormal debunker attends an infamous medium's seance in an effort to expose his charlatan ways. During the evening she discovers this haunted house's occupants will do whatever it takes to avoid the limelight.
The Lost Child

The Lost Child

Nov 19, 2000
Knowing the past changes the future. Seeking a connection to her heritage, Rebecca Hoffman sets out on a journey of discovery following the deaths of her adoptive parents. She finds that connection with her birth family in the Navajo community. But cultures clash when her husband is rejected as an outsider. Rebecca and her family experience rebirth in a rich culture and renewal as a family in this dramatic film based on the autobiography Looking for Lost Bird by Yvette Melanson (with Claire Safran).
The Summer of Ben Tyler
Set early during World War II, the film has a lot to say about love, honor, relationships, commitment and power. Keeping their promise to their dying black housekeeper, a white family takes in her teenage mentally-slow son. The movie details the joys and conflicts the family faces as a result of their decision.
Office Killer

Office Killer

Dec 03, 1997
Une employée de bureau timide tue accidentellement l'un de ses collègues, puis en tue quelques autres.
A Christmas Memory

A Christmas Memory

Dec 21, 1997
A new version of Truman Capote's 1956 tale based on his own bittersweet upbringing in Alabama. The story deals with a seven-year-old who forms a special friendship with his simple, older cousin whose two sisters and bachelor brother feel he needs better influences and role models and decide to send him to military school after the Christmas holidays.
Les aventures extraordinaires de Bobby
Bobby est le plus fort des hérissons de toute la tribu. Cependant, lors d'un combat avec "Tie Tui", il perd la mémoire . Commence alors un grand voyage où il apprendra ce qu'est le travail d'équipe et l'amitié. Mais un complot menace tous les animaux... Bobby et ses nouveaux amis vont devoir s'unir pour lutter contre ce nouvel ennemi.
Masters of Sex

Masters of Sex

Nov 13, 2016
Dans les années 1950, le troublé et taciturne Dr William Masters s'associe avec une jeune mère de famille, l'indépendante et libérée Virginia Johnson, afin de mettre au point une étude complexe et détaillée sur le comportement humain et son rapport à la sexualité. Endossant le rôle de véritables pionniers dans ce domaine encore considéré tabou pour l'époque, ce duo hétéroclite va devoir braver les obstacles qui vont se mettre en travers de leur chemin. C'est sans compter sur leurs vies privées qui vont s'entremêler avec le temps : Masters doit gérer sa relation tumultueuse avec son épouse, la délicate Libby, tandis que Virginia doit jongler entre son statut de figure maternelle célibataire et ses dilemmes aussi bien professionnels qu'amoureux.


Jan 22, 2000
KaBlam! is a sketch comedy television series that ran from 1996 to 2000. It features a collection of short films in several different styles of animation, bridged by the characters of Henry and June, who introduce the shorts, and have adventures of their own. The show ended its three-year run nine months short of four years on January 22, 2000.
Normal, Ohio

Normal, Ohio

Dec 13, 2000
Normal, Ohio is an American television sitcom, which aired on the Fox Network in 2000. The show stars John Goodman as William "Butch" Gamble, a gay man returning to his Midwestern home town. The cast also includes Joely Fisher, Anita Gillette, Orson Bean, Mo Gaffney and Charles Rocket.


Apr 06, 2000
Pénétrez au coeur des urgences psychiatriques de l'hôpital Rivervue à New York et rencontrez des médecins qui tentent de garder le contrôle malgré la fatigue, la tension morale et le manque d'effectifs...