Cosette lives a sheltered, ignorant life in an isolated world with her alternative-lifestyle father Jim. When Jim suddenly dies, Cosette is left to fend for herself. Scared and hungry, she embarks on a perilous journey across land and water and discovers that the world she thought existed is not nearly as horrible as her father led her to believe.
Cosette lives a sheltered, ignorant life in an isolated world with her alternative-lifestyle father Jim. When Jim suddenly dies, Cosette is left to fend for herself. Scared and hungry, she embarks on a perilous journey across land and water and discovers that the world she thought existed is not nearly as horrible as her father led her to believe.
Set against the brutal chaos of World War II, a love story begins that will take two lovers through a living nightmare of captivity, across three continents and two decades.
Medical drama focusing on the working and personal lives of the doctors and nurses working on the front line of a busy inner city Emergency Department at All Saints Hospital.