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Sep 18, 2020
Ye-eun came up to Seoul to meet Sa-rang, who she met through chatting. Ye-eun still feels awkward about having sex with the same sex. While drinking, Sa-rang and Ye-eun have a conversation. The moment she tries to have sex, Ye-eun breaks the mood with futile words.


Jun 09, 2021
Albert Shin demonstrates all his directorial prowess and knack for creating stark yet vivid characters with this remarkable drama about two strangers who convene at a seaside motel in South Korea with very particular intentions in mind.


Apr 28, 2023
Sejun and Song-i went on a school trip and couldn't return with the sunken ship. Leftover Seolhee and Seong-cheol wander under the weight of a hard life. Also, the remaining Sejun's mom and Song-i's dad remember and endure the children they sent first. The story of them living in a time that can't be cured.
축복의 집

축복의 집

Feb 24, 2022
Hae-su works at a factory on the outskirts of Seoul. Returning home from work, she makes a phone call that goes to voicemail; nearing her residence, another phone call comes in, but she doesn't pick up. Inside the house is her mother's body—she died from mysterious circumstances. A knock on the door goes unanswered, but when a plainclothes police officer arrives, Hae-su lets him in. An exchange of documents, uncertain glances. With Hae-su and her tempermental brother the only attendants at her mother's funeral, there are more questions than answers.


Jul 26, 2023
Aide-soignante à domicile, Moon-Jung s’occupe avec bienveillance d'un vieil homme aveugle et de sa femme. Mais quand un accident brutal les sépare, tout accuse Moon-Jung. Elle se retrouve à devoir prendre une décision intenable.
힘찬이는 자라서
Junghee goes to a housewarming party thrown by Soyeon, her friend from high school. While waiting for another friend to arrive, Junghee discusses her script with Soyeon and her husband. Soon, they begin to engage in a war of words.


Jan 24, 2024
Après avoir perdu sa blanchisserie à cause d'un incendie, Deok-hee, une mère célibataire, reçoit un appel d'une banque lui proposant un prêt initial généreux et l'accepte immédiatement. Mais peu de temps après, elle découvre qu'elle est victime d'un stratagème de phishing vocal. Au moment de désespoir, Jae-min, le phisher qui l'a trompée, sonne à nouveau sur son téléphone pour informer Deok-hee de l'organisation criminelle qui l'a enfermé et contraint à passer des appels de phishing vocal depuis la Chine. Avec cet appel, Deok-hee décide d'enquêter elle-même sur cette affaire et de prendre un avion pour la Chine avec ses amis.
인 허 플레이스

인 허 플레이스

Sep 04, 2014
A wealthy couple seeks to secretly adopt the unborn child of an impoverished and troubled rural teenager, in this slow-burning and ultimately shocking drama from writer-director Albert Shin.


Nov 09, 2019
Su-min who finally passed the university dormitory and Han-byul who failed. Hanbyul's father's abuse of power changes the situation between the two. Su-min from low-income families who have nowhere to go and Han-byul, who doesn't want to live in dormitories, will apply for the Hawaii Exchange Student Program and compete for the last one.
Hospital Playlist

Hospital Playlist

Sep 16, 2021
Chaque jour est extraordinaire pour cinq médecins et leurs patients à l'intérieur d'un hôpital, où cohabitent naissance, mort et tout le reste.
Le jeu de la pyramide

Le jeu de la pyramide

Mar 21, 2024
Entre le harcèlement scolaire, la pression des études et la course à la popularité, le lycée pour filles de Baekyeon ressemble déjà à un jeu de survie pour la nouvelle élève Seong Su-ji. Mais quand elle découvre un système de classement qui détermine les parias de la classe par un vote secret, Su-ji doit décider si elle accepte son rang et les conséquences violentes qui en découlent… ou si elle prend la tête d’un soulèvement contre le Pyramid Game.
Not Others

Not Others

Aug 22, 2023
Eun-mi est comme toutes les autres femmes de son âge, à l'exception du fait qu'elle a donné naissance à sa fille, Jin-hee, alors qu'elle était au lycée. Vivre sous le même toit qu'Eun-mi n'est pas différent pour Jin-hee d'élever sa propre fille, et il est souvent difficile de déterminer qui joue le rôle de la mère. Malgré leurs conflits de colocataires, ils savent au fond qu’ils peuvent compter l’un sur l’autre lorsque les choses deviennent un peu trop chaotiques. Alors qu'une nouvelle journée commence, Eun-mi et Jin-hee entrent dans une autre journée de leur voyage remarquable, où l'ordinaire devient extraordinaire dans leurs vies singulièrement liées.
The Glory

The Glory

Mar 10, 2023
Une femme cherche à se venger d'un groupe d'anciens camarades d'école qui l'a brutalisé enfant.
아직 최선을 다하지 않았을 뿐
Nam Geum Pil is a man in his 40's and he lives with his father and daughter. Out of the blue, he decides to quit his job. He receives criticism from his family, but he doesn't care. He freeloads from his friend when he wants to drink alcohol. Meanwhile, Nam Geum Pil becomes aware of a male neighbor who looks like an unemployed man, but he actually makes a lot of money as a webcomic writer. Nam Geum Pil then decides to become a comic writer.
나의 해리에게

나의 해리에게

Oct 29, 2024
Ju Eun-ho is an unknown announcer with 14 years of experience. She struggles to get the chance to have her name recognized by the public. She also has another personality, Ju Hae-ri, due to a deep wound in her heart. Her alter-ego, Ju Hae-ri, is super positive and works as a parking attendant. Jeong Hyun-oh is Ju Eun-ho's ex-boyfriend; they dated for a long time but broke up. He became a star announcer as soon as he joined the broadcasting station and is the most-liked announcer by the public, but Jeong Hyun-oh also carries a hidden wound in his mind that he has never shown to anyone. Somehow, Ju Eun-ho and Jeong Hyun-oh reunite and help cure each other's wounds.