Rob Springer

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Jul 02, 2014
Tammy, fraichement licenciée d'un fast food, rentre chez elle pour y trouver son mari avec la voisine. Prenant ses cliques et ses claques, elle part séjourner chez ses parents et entreprend un voyage vers les chutes du Niagara avec sa grand-mère alcoolique. Tammy se retrouve alors babysitter malgré elle...
Little Box of Hope

Little Box of Hope

Jul 20, 2024
"Little Box of Hope" explores themes of childhood trauma and tells the story of a businessman (David) who slips into paranoia when he finds a magically appearing box that transports him to the mind of a psychotic killer (Tom). David then tries to thwart Tom from killing a young man and woman.
Bloody Ballet

Bloody Ballet

Nov 01, 2018
Adriana, jeune danseuse prometteuse, vient d'obtenir le rôle phare pour le ballet "Casse-Noisette", la concurrence fait rage entre les danseuses et ces dernières commencent à se faire assassiner sauvagement.
Bombshell Bloodbath

Bombshell Bloodbath

May 09, 2014
Doctor Carter losts his wife and devotes his life to resurrecting her. However, every test of his C-900 formula creates hungry, flesh-eating zombies. Then, his daughter Cara contracts the virus and she and her sister strive to obtain the anti-serum.
Grandeur nature 2

Grandeur nature 2

Dec 02, 2018
Eve, la poupée qui prend vie, se réveille pour aider une jeune femme à apprendre à vivre et aimer de nouveau.
The Odyssey of Destiny
Le monde est masqué en hiver. Christian Adkins est un soldat renégat aspirant à la paix et le fils du célèbre Liberator. Jen est une infirmière orpheline qui essaie désespérément de sauver des enfants. Lorsque les deux âmes sœurs sont piégées ensemble à la fin de la troisième guerre mondiale, leurs vies sont à jamais liées.
Newton's Grace

Newton's Grace

May 13, 2017
John Newton was a troubled young man with a violent temper and a penchant for vulgarity that literally made his fellow sailors blush. Whipped for desertion and sold into slavery, it seemed his life would end early in a West African grave...until he was rescued by a ship captain sent by his father. Following a powerful conversion experience during a storm at sea, Newton would eventually become a pastor in the Church of England and the writer of several of the church's most beloved hymns, including "Amazing Grace".