Dans un pays où les relations amoureuses sont interdites, trois adolescentes en quête de bonheur rejoignent une communauté recluse dirigée par un chef charismatique.
Her sister's tragic death in an underground music concert made Galang devastated and searched for the cause until he finally met Asmara, the manager of her sister's favorite band who happened to be performing at the same concert when her sister died. Will Galang take revenge or will he find his true identity?
In the wake of her marriage to Edwin turning violent, strange occurrences in Renata’s apartment drive her to question her husband’s past loyalty, her long-held religious beliefs, as well as her own sanity.
Zahara, une réfugiée apatride, vit sur une petite île isolée de Malaisie, où elle gagne sa vie en vendant des œufs de tortue.
Un jour, Samad, prétendant être un chercheur universitaire, visite l'île, voulant employer Zahara pour lui faire visiter. Au fil de la journée, Zahara et Samad s'emmêlent dans une danse dangereuse de duplicité et de tromperie.
Lost among destruction and uncertainty, Nare, a fashion student in Birmingham, finds her heart broken. He also met Bagas, who was introduced to him by his friend, Luni. But tragedy followed to make him choose something he didn't want.
À Kuala Lumpur, une employée de maison malmenée essaie de fuir en Indonésie, tandis qu'un flic idéaliste paye un lourd tribut pour sa lutte contre la corruption.
Une femme est de retour de la ville et retourne dans son village d'origine. À son insu, tous les habitants du village la recherchent pour mettre fin à une malédiction...
Lia is experiencing memory loss after an accident. When awakened, she is in a large, isolated house. It is a place of community consisting of people who do not have a home and relatives. They live in harmony and look after each other. They are the ones who help Lia when she was injured. Because she does not remember who she was and where to go, she stays there to get treatment. The days pass. Lia, who begins to recover, realizes there is something strange about the situation where she stays. It turns out that the inhabitants of the house consist of followers of cults and those who enter the house can never come out again.
Derrière la peur et le chaos qui se sont emparés du pays se cache un homme : Le Prêcheur. Entouré de sa garde rapprochée aux capacités surnaturelles, et considéré comme un demi-Dieu par ses nombreux adeptes, il étend son influence néfaste jusqu’aux plus hautes sphères de l’Etat. Alors que la population sombre peu à peu dans les ténèbres, un nouveau justicier aux méthodes radicales et capable de maîtriser la foudre, fait son apparition : Red Storm. Forcé de révéler sa vraie nature pour contrecarrer les plans du Prêcheur, il incarne le dernier espoir de l’humanité...
Siman découvre une équipe de cinéma étrangère tournant une scène d’alunissage. Il se fait prendre et on lui coupe la langue. Il traverse sa vie au ralenti, imitant un astronaute dans l’espace, considéré comme fou.
Broke and heartbreak, Irwan just wants to spend a gloomy new year's eve in the room alone. Dani, his friend, persuades him to make a list of dating applications. Because of that, Irwan can meet Nadia who is making selection to accompany her New Year's Eve. When they meet, Irwan and Nadia feel unsuitable, but fate says something else.
Un jeune homme est tenu éloigné de son amant par une société stricte et impitoyable. Il aurait traversé l’enfer pour être avec elle, mais quand un accord avec le diable tourne mal, l’enfer vient à sa place. Cette collaboration sans précédent entre les cultures réunit l’Orchestre symphonique de Melbourne et un orchestre indonésien de 20 musiciens pour évoquer la musique live envoûtante du nouveau film Satan Jawa.
Rana, a sex worker, had an unexpected moment on her 25th birthday. Almost killed by her pimp, rlRana was saved by a stranger named Awan. They took refuge at a rented room where they argued about the problem they're having. Then, Rana realized what happened to her was her birthday wish coming true. Just like a Jentera, a wheel spinning on the same axis.
After being removed from his position at the Keraton by Cokrokusumo, Brotoseno intends to take revenge. Brotoseno invites a woman named Kanti who is also filled with hatred for Cokrokusumo.
Aida and Firman decide to travel to their hometown and try to mend the growing rift between them. In the middle of their journey, they are involved in an accident. This unexpected event is the beginning of Aida’s journey of self-realization.
In her last year of secondary school, a bright Indonesian student is determined to pursue her education and resist getting married, despite the expectations of her community.
Kota, trapped in a confined space, watches her friend Alam dance freely in nature. Alam’s graceful movements reflect the harmony with the environment. In contrast, Kota’s dance is a desperate response to her restrictive surroundings, mirroring her mother’s struggles. As Alam extends a hand of friendship, Kota gradually breaks free from her confinement, learning to embrace the natural world and dance harmoniously with her friend.
An overworked career mom who tries to get home early for her daughter’s birthday ends up taking care of her boss’ daughter all night and missing the whole birthday.
Plongez dans un monde de phénomènes surnaturels et de science-fiction avec ces sept histoires troublantes et liées, imaginées par le scénariste et réalisateur Joko Anwar.