Ken Levine

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May 13, 2004
Psychiatre à la radio, Frasier Crane, voit ses petites habitudes bouleversées lorsqu’il accepte d’accueillir son père chez lui. Divorcé et maniaque, cet homme de quarante ans est habitué à vivre seul et n’aime pas que l’on dérange sa petite routine. Cependant il ne peut mettre à la porte son père handicapé (policier blessé en service) et les deux hommes sont obligés de cohabiter tant bien que mal. Mais la communication n’est pas bonne, père et fils ont du mal à extérioriser leurs sentiments et les discussions finissent bien souvent en disputes. Pour s’éloigner de cette ambiance tendue, Frasier aime retrouver son frère Niles autour d'un café, pour philosopher sur l'existence et critiquer son entourage. Niles est un personnage snob et intolérant, peu disposé à faire des sacrifices.
Brooklyn Bridge

Brooklyn Bridge

Aug 06, 1993
Brooklyn Bridge is an American television program which aired on CBS between 1991 and 1993. It is about a Jewish American family living in Brooklyn in the middle 1950s. The premise was partially based on the childhood of executive producer and creator Gary David Goldberg. Brooklyn Bridge won a Golden Globe and was nominated for an Emmy Award as for outstanding television series in 1992, after its first season. The cast was led by Marion Ross; Art Garfunkel performed the theme song, which was titled "Just Over The Brooklyn Bridge." In 1997, "When Irish Eyes Are Smiling" was ranked #46 on TV Guide's 100 Greatest Episodes of All Time.
Les Simpson

Les Simpson

Dec 29, 2024
Située à Springfield, ville américaine moyenne, la série se concentre sur les singeries et les aventures quotidiennes de la famille Simpson : Homer, Marge, Bart, Lisa et Maggie, ainsi que des milliers d'autres personnages.
Les Nineties

Les Nineties

Aug 20, 2017
Produite pour CNN par des producteurs aussi prestigieux que Tom Hanks, Gary Goetzman et Mark Herzog, cette série documentaire revisite en images les grands faits marquants, que ce soit au niveau politique, médiatique ou artistique, des années 90. En 8 X 60', " Les années 90 " nous ramène aux évènements qui ont marqué cette décennie: depuis l'effondrement du communisme est-européen à l'élection de Bill Clinton ou celle de George Bush, en passant par l'attentat des tours jumelles du World Trade Center à New York, la révolution grunge, l'ascendance du hip-hop et une nouvelle ère de la télévision. Cette série nous livre ainsi un regard sur une décennie qui a ouvert la voie à la façon dont nous vivons aujourd'hui.
Dexter : Les Origines

Dexter : Les Origines

Feb 16, 2025
En 1991 à Miami, Dexter est un étudiant en passe de devenir un tueur en série. Lorsque ses pulsions sanguinaires ne peuvent plus être ignorées, le jeune homme trouve réconfort et compréhension auprès de Harry, son père adoptif. Celui-ci lui enseigne des règles pour l’aider à repérer et à tuer des personnes qui méritent de mourir, tout en évitant de se faire coincer par les forces de l’ordre. C’est un défi particulier pour le stagiaire débutant en médecine légale au département de police de Miami.
Dexter : Les Origines

Dexter : Les Origines

May 20, 1993
À Boston, le “Cheers” est un bar tenu par Sam Malone, un ancien joueur de base-ball et alcoolique repenti. Au quotidien, le comptoir voit défiler nombre de piliers, à l’instar de Norm, Cliff ou Frasier. Entre deux chopes de bière, clients et employés méditent sur leurs vies sentimentales et professionnelles, se lancent des défis, comme des bouées de sauvetage. Au Cheers, l’une des serveuses se prénomme Diane. Abandonnée par son fiancé, la jeune femme un peu snob prend un virage à 90° en rejoignant Sam derrière le bar. Elle doit surtout composer avec Carla, l’une des historiques des lieux.
Dexter : Les Origines

Dexter : Les Origines

May 20, 1993
À Boston, le “Cheers” est un bar tenu par Sam Malone, un ancien joueur de base-ball et alcoolique repenti. Au quotidien, le comptoir voit défiler nombre de piliers, à l’instar de Norm, Cliff ou Frasier. Entre deux chopes de bière, clients et employés méditent sur leurs vies sentimentales et professionnelles, se lancent des défis, comme des bouées de sauvetage. Au Cheers, l’une des serveuses se prénomme Diane. Abandonnée par son fiancé, la jeune femme un peu snob prend un virage à 90° en rejoignant Sam derrière le bar. Elle doit surtout composer avec Carla, l’une des historiques des lieux.
Dexter : Les Origines

Dexter : Les Origines

Jul 13, 2000
Stark Raving Mad is an American sitcom that aired from on NBC from 1999 to 2000. The series stars Tony Shalhoub and Neil Patrick Harris.
Dexter : Les Origines

Dexter : Les Origines

May 13, 2004
Psychiatre à la radio, Frasier Crane, voit ses petites habitudes bouleversées lorsqu’il accepte d’accueillir son père chez lui. Divorcé et maniaque, cet homme de quarante ans est habitué à vivre seul et n’aime pas que l’on dérange sa petite routine. Cependant il ne peut mettre à la porte son père handicapé (policier blessé en service) et les deux hommes sont obligés de cohabiter tant bien que mal. Mais la communication n’est pas bonne, père et fils ont du mal à extérioriser leurs sentiments et les discussions finissent bien souvent en disputes. Pour s’éloigner de cette ambiance tendue, Frasier aime retrouver son frère Niles autour d'un café, pour philosopher sur l'existence et critiquer son entourage. Niles est un personnage snob et intolérant, peu disposé à faire des sacrifices.
Dexter : Les Origines

Dexter : Les Origines

May 13, 2004
Psychiatre à la radio, Frasier Crane, voit ses petites habitudes bouleversées lorsqu’il accepte d’accueillir son père chez lui. Divorcé et maniaque, cet homme de quarante ans est habitué à vivre seul et n’aime pas que l’on dérange sa petite routine. Cependant il ne peut mettre à la porte son père handicapé (policier blessé en service) et les deux hommes sont obligés de cohabiter tant bien que mal. Mais la communication n’est pas bonne, père et fils ont du mal à extérioriser leurs sentiments et les discussions finissent bien souvent en disputes. Pour s’éloigner de cette ambiance tendue, Frasier aime retrouver son frère Niles autour d'un café, pour philosopher sur l'existence et critiquer son entourage. Niles est un personnage snob et intolérant, peu disposé à faire des sacrifices.
Dexter : Les Origines

Dexter : Les Origines

Apr 30, 2002
À San Francisco, Dharma, fille de hippies, professeur de yoga, adepte de New Age, et Greg, procureur issu d'un milieu très conservateur et bourgeois, tombent amoureux et se marient le jour-même de leur rencontre. La cohabitation des deux familles, on ne peut plus opposées, va engendrer toutes sortes de situations comiques.
Dexter : Les Origines

Dexter : Les Origines

Sep 13, 1993
Big Wave Dave's is a sitcom that ran from August 9, 1993 until September 13, 1993. In it, three friends decide to drop everything and run a surf shop in Hawaii. When they arrive, they find out that it's not as easy as they thought. The show was produced by Levine & Isaacs Productions in association with Paramount Television.
Dexter : Les Origines

Dexter : Les Origines

Sep 13, 1993
Big Wave Dave's is a sitcom that ran from August 9, 1993 until September 13, 1993. In it, three friends decide to drop everything and run a surf shop in Hawaii. When they arrive, they find out that it's not as easy as they thought. The show was produced by Levine & Isaacs Productions in association with Paramount Television.
Dexter : Les Origines

Dexter : Les Origines

Jan 27, 1999
Encore! Encore! is an American sitcom starring Nathan Lane as an opera singer. On the verge of becoming "The Fourth Tenor", Lane's character injures his vocal cords and must move in with his family, who run a vineyard in Northern California. The series premiered on NBC on September 22, 1998. Encore! Encore! struggled in the ratings from the start. After its fourth episode aired on October 27, 1998, NBC put the series on hiatus for two months. Thirteen episodes were ordered but the series was cancelled at midseason with two episodes left unaired. The final network episode aired on January 20, 1999. All 13 episodes later ran on Bravo.
Dexter : Les Origines

Dexter : Les Origines

May 14, 1999
Widower and professor Porter Waide has his life turned upside down with the arrival of his football player brother, Bobby, who's gotten into so much trouble that he's been contracted to live with a responsible relative. This move also disrupts the lives of Porter's impressionable son, Oscar, and Bobby's perpetually annoyed agent, Dena.
Dexter : Les Origines

Dexter : Les Origines

Feb 28, 1983
La guerre n'est jamais facile à vivre, surtout quand on travaille dans un hôpital militaire mobile pendant la guerre de Corée. Pourtant, un groupe de chirurgiens et d'infirmières prend les choses avec humour, semant la pagaille dès qu'une occasion se présente.
War & Politics
Dexter : Les Origines

Dexter : Les Origines

Apr 08, 1986
Mary is an American sitcom that aired on CBS during the 1985-86 television season. The series stars Mary Tyler Moore in her return to series television after an absence of over six years, during which time she appeared on Broadway in Whose Life Is It Anyway? and in the dramatic film Ordinary People. After The Mary Tyler Moore Show, her subsequent ventures into series television, the variety show Mary and The Mary Tyler Moore Hour had been short-running ratings disasters, and Moore decided to return to the sitcom format which had brought her the greatest television success.
Dexter : Les Origines

Dexter : Les Origines

Dec 31, 1997
Almost Perfect is an American situation comedy that aired on the CBS television network from September 17, 1995 until October 30, 1996. The series focused on the professional life of the female executive producer of a television cop show, her witty, zany staff which doubled as her family, and initially, how she balanced her high-powered role with that of her newfound romance with a busy assistant D.A. The series was created by Ken Levine, David Isaacs and Robin Schiff, and produced by Levine & Isaacs Productions and Robin Schiff Productions, in association with Paramount Television. Levine and Isaacs were previously known for their work as writers and producers on the long-running Paramount-produced Cheers, as well as on its Paramount stablemate Wings. Like the latter shows, Almost Perfect featured a tight-knit ensemble aspect between the cast, which in this case was formed by the production staff of the fictional cop show. CBS canceled the series just four episodes into its second season. Six leftover episodes aired on Lifetime in December 1997, followed by reruns of the entire series surfacing on USA Network's weekday morning lineup between 1998 and 2001.
Dexter : Les Origines

Dexter : Les Origines

Dec 31, 1997
Almost Perfect is an American situation comedy that aired on the CBS television network from September 17, 1995 until October 30, 1996. The series focused on the professional life of the female executive producer of a television cop show, her witty, zany staff which doubled as her family, and initially, how she balanced her high-powered role with that of her newfound romance with a busy assistant D.A. The series was created by Ken Levine, David Isaacs and Robin Schiff, and produced by Levine & Isaacs Productions and Robin Schiff Productions, in association with Paramount Television. Levine and Isaacs were previously known for their work as writers and producers on the long-running Paramount-produced Cheers, as well as on its Paramount stablemate Wings. Like the latter shows, Almost Perfect featured a tight-knit ensemble aspect between the cast, which in this case was formed by the production staff of the fictional cop show. CBS canceled the series just four episodes into its second season. Six leftover episodes aired on Lifetime in December 1997, followed by reruns of the entire series surfacing on USA Network's weekday morning lineup between 1998 and 2001.
Dexter : Les Origines

Dexter : Les Origines

Dec 31, 1997
Almost Perfect is an American situation comedy that aired on the CBS television network from September 17, 1995 until October 30, 1996. The series focused on the professional life of the female executive producer of a television cop show, her witty, zany staff which doubled as her family, and initially, how she balanced her high-powered role with that of her newfound romance with a busy assistant D.A. The series was created by Ken Levine, David Isaacs and Robin Schiff, and produced by Levine & Isaacs Productions and Robin Schiff Productions, in association with Paramount Television. Levine and Isaacs were previously known for their work as writers and producers on the long-running Paramount-produced Cheers, as well as on its Paramount stablemate Wings. Like the latter shows, Almost Perfect featured a tight-knit ensemble aspect between the cast, which in this case was formed by the production staff of the fictional cop show. CBS canceled the series just four episodes into its second season. Six leftover episodes aired on Lifetime in December 1997, followed by reruns of the entire series surfacing on USA Network's weekday morning lineup between 1998 and 2001.
Dexter : Les Origines

Dexter : Les Origines

Feb 02, 1998
Fired Up is a short-lived 1997–1998 situation comedy airing on NBC. It lasted for two seasons and 28 episodes. The series, the first from Grammnet Productions, starred Sharon Lawrence and Leah Remini. The series was about a self-centered promotions executive and her mouthy assistant. The pair got fired from their jobs, and instead of getting other jobs, they teamed up to create a business as equal partners.
Dexter : Les Origines

Dexter : Les Origines

May 16, 2005
Raymond Barone a apparemment tout, une épouse merveilleuse, une belle famille, une maison charmante, un bon travail, et un problème : des parents désagréables et un frère jaloux qui lui pourrissent la vie...
Dexter : Les Origines

Dexter : Les Origines

Jun 25, 1997
Pearl is an American television sitcom which aired on CBS from September 16, 1996 until June 25, 1997. The series starred Rhea Perlman, in what was her return to television after the conclusion of her long-running series Cheers three years earlier. Don Reo created the series, and Perlman served as an executive producer alongside Reo, Paul Junger Witt, Tony Thomas and Gary S. Levine. Pearl was produced by Impact Zone Productions and Witt/Thomas Productions in association with Warner Bros. Television.
Dexter : Les Origines

Dexter : Les Origines

Dec 29, 2024
Située à Springfield, ville américaine moyenne, la série se concentre sur les singeries et les aventures quotidiennes de la famille Simpson : Homer, Marge, Bart, Lisa et Maggie, ainsi que des milliers d'autres personnages.
Dexter : Les Origines

Dexter : Les Origines

Jan 28, 2004
Champion toute catégorie des coups de gueule, le Dr Becker fait de la critique son activité favorite. Rien ne lui échappe, il donne son avis sur tout et tout le monde. Médecin doué et dévoué, il reçoit des patients atypiques, déclenchant des situations plutôt cocasses ! Il est aidé par Linda, la jolie réceptionniste déjantée... .
Dexter : Les Origines

Dexter : Les Origines

Jan 28, 2004
Champion toute catégorie des coups de gueule, le Dr Becker fait de la critique son activité favorite. Rien ne lui échappe, il donne son avis sur tout et tout le monde. Médecin doué et dévoué, il reçoit des patients atypiques, déclenchant des situations plutôt cocasses ! Il est aidé par Linda, la jolie réceptionniste déjantée... .
Dexter : Les Origines

Dexter : Les Origines

Nov 26, 2003
Les tribulations du personnel du service éditorial d'un magazine sur la mode dans lequel travaille la ravissante journaliste Maya Gallo. Entre son père Jack, directeur du magazine, Dennis Finch, l'assistant de celui-ci, Elliott, le photographe, et Nina Van Horn, l'ex-mannequin vieillissant, Maya est entourée de personnages hauts en couleurs.
Dexter : Les Origines

Dexter : Les Origines

May 21, 1997
Brothers Brian and Joe Hackett attempt to run an airline on the New England island of Nantucket while surrounded by their various wacky friends and employees.
Dexter : Les Origines

Dexter : Les Origines

May 21, 1997
Brothers Brian and Joe Hackett attempt to run an airline on the New England island of Nantucket while surrounded by their various wacky friends and employees.
Dexter : Les Origines

Dexter : Les Origines

Aug 17, 2004
LateLine is an American TV sitcom that ran on NBC from March 17, 1998, through March 16, 1999. Due to an abrupt cancellation, there were seven unaired episodes. Created by John Markus and Al Franken, LateLine depicted the behind-the-scenes goings-on of a fictitious late-night television news broadcast, patterned in part after the long-running ABC program Nightline. Many plotlines in the series were satirical, dealing with topics like Deep Throat and the Watergate break-in, and the episodes often had cameos by famous politicians. On August 17, 2004, Paramount released a DVD set containing all nineteen episodes on three discs.
Dexter : Les Origines

Dexter : Les Origines

Sep 18, 2008
Bobby's a bartender and the only son of gregarious, salt-of-the-earth Irish Catholic parents from Boston. His fiancée, Liz, is a toney Harvard student and she's Protestant (no, that's not the problem). Liz has two dads, not one, and they're a worldly pair of well-heeled gay men.
Dexter : Les Origines

Dexter : Les Origines

Sep 18, 2008
Bobby's a bartender and the only son of gregarious, salt-of-the-earth Irish Catholic parents from Boston. His fiancée, Liz, is a toney Harvard student and she's Protestant (no, that's not the problem). Liz has two dads, not one, and they're a worldly pair of well-heeled gay men.
Dexter : Les Origines

Dexter : Les Origines

Jul 10, 2001
Kristin is an American comedy television series starring Kristin Chenoweth. The series premiered June 5, 2001, on NBC. The show was canceled after six episodes.
Dexter : Les Origines

Dexter : Les Origines

Jan 29, 1998
Ask Harriet is a short-lived American television situation comedy that ran for one season in 1998 on FOX. Ask Harriet was created by David Cassidy, Jonathan Prince, and Billy Riback. Cassidy also wrote and performed the theme song.
Dexter : Les Origines

Dexter : Les Origines

Mar 05, 1982
Open All Night is a situation comedy on ABC. It premiered on November 28, 1981, and ran until March 5, 1982. The show centered on Gordon Feester and his oddball family who lived and worked in a convenience store. It was somewhat based on the British series Open All Hours. Jay Tarses was co-creator, writer, and director of the show. Cassandra Peterson made a guest appearance on one episode. David Letterman also made a guest appearance, and made a sly reference to his daytime talk show, which was canceled a year before.
Dexter : Les Origines

Dexter : Les Origines

Dec 21, 1998
Copywriter Conrad Bloom is a "nice guy" in New York City whose life is filled with interesting women: his mother, his sister, an ex-girlfriend, his female boss, and a female co-worker. This situation-comedy explores his relationships with those women as well as his life as a young male reaching the crossroads of adulthood in the 1990s.
Dexter : Les Origines

Dexter : Les Origines

Feb 28, 1983
La guerre n'est jamais facile à vivre, surtout quand on travaille dans un hôpital militaire mobile pendant la guerre de Corée. Pourtant, un groupe de chirurgiens et d'infirmières prend les choses avec humour, semant la pagaille dès qu'une occasion se présente.
War & Politics
Dexter : Les Origines

Dexter : Les Origines

Dec 11, 1984
AfterMASH is an American situation comedy that aired on CBS from September 26, 1983, to December 11, 1984. A spin-off of the series M*A*S*H, the show takes place immediately following the end of the Korean War and chronicles the adventures of three characters from the original series: Colonel Potter, Klinger and Father Mulcahy. M*A*S*H supporting cast-member Kellye Nakahara joined them, albeit off-camera, as the voice of the hospital's public address system. Rosalind Chao rounded out the starring cast as Soon-Lee Klinger, a Korean refugee whom Klinger met, fell in love with and married in the M*A*S*H series finale "Goodbye, Farewell and Amen." AfterMASH premiered in the fall of 1983 in the same Monday night 9:00 P.M. EST. time slot as its predecessor M*A*S*H. It finished 10th out of all network shows for the 1983-1984 season according to Nielsen Media Research television ratings. For its second season CBS moved the show to Tuesday nights at 8:00 EST., opposite NBC's top ten hit The A-Team, and launched a marketing campaign featuring illustrations by Sanford Kossin of Max Klinger in a nurse's uniform, shaving off Mr. T's signature mohawk, theorizing that AfterMASH would take a large portion of The A-Team's audience. The theory, however, was proven wrong. In fact, the exact opposite occurred, as AfterMASH's ratings plummeted to near the bottom of the television rankings and the show was canceled nine episodes into its second season, while The A-Team continued until 1987, with 97 episodes.
Dexter : Les Origines

Dexter : Les Origines

Mar 25, 1978
Walter Franklin is a somewhat less-than-magisterial Philadelphia judge put upon by an assortment of family and courtroom recidivists.
Dexter : Les Origines

Dexter : Les Origines

Sep 13, 1993
Big Wave Dave's is a sitcom that ran from August 9, 1993 until September 13, 1993. In it, three friends decide to drop everything and run a surf shop in Hawaii. When they arrive, they find out that it's not as easy as they thought. The show was produced by Levine & Isaacs Productions in association with Paramount Television.
Dexter : Les Origines

Dexter : Les Origines

Dec 31, 1997
Almost Perfect is an American situation comedy that aired on the CBS television network from September 17, 1995 until October 30, 1996. The series focused on the professional life of the female executive producer of a television cop show, her witty, zany staff which doubled as her family, and initially, how she balanced her high-powered role with that of her newfound romance with a busy assistant D.A. The series was created by Ken Levine, David Isaacs and Robin Schiff, and produced by Levine & Isaacs Productions and Robin Schiff Productions, in association with Paramount Television. Levine and Isaacs were previously known for their work as writers and producers on the long-running Paramount-produced Cheers, as well as on its Paramount stablemate Wings. Like the latter shows, Almost Perfect featured a tight-knit ensemble aspect between the cast, which in this case was formed by the production staff of the fictional cop show. CBS canceled the series just four episodes into its second season. Six leftover episodes aired on Lifetime in December 1997, followed by reruns of the entire series surfacing on USA Network's weekday morning lineup between 1998 and 2001.
Dexter : Les Origines

Dexter : Les Origines

Apr 08, 1986
Mary is an American sitcom that aired on CBS during the 1985-86 television season. The series stars Mary Tyler Moore in her return to series television after an absence of over six years, during which time she appeared on Broadway in Whose Life Is It Anyway? and in the dramatic film Ordinary People. After The Mary Tyler Moore Show, her subsequent ventures into series television, the variety show Mary and The Mary Tyler Moore Hour had been short-running ratings disasters, and Moore decided to return to the sitcom format which had brought her the greatest television success.