Chris Naunton

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The Man who Discovered Egypt
Ancient Egypt was vandalised by tomb raiders and treasure hunters until one Victorian adventurer took them on. Most of us have never heard of Flinders Petrie, but this maverick genius underook a scientific survey of the pyramids, discovered the oldest portraits in the world, unearthed Egypt's prehistoric roots - and in the process invented modern field archaeology, giving meaning to a whole civilisation.
Ultimate Tutankhamun

Ultimate Tutankhamun

Feb 10, 2013
Ce doc adopte une approche du XXIe siècle de l'histoire ancienne, rassemblant les dernières preuves scientifiques pour construire l'image ultime du roi Toutankhamon.
Egypt's Lost Pyramid

Egypt's Lost Pyramid

Sep 29, 2019
Follows archaeologists working on a 4,000-year-old pyramid containing a burial chamber, still apparently sealed. As light enters the tomb for the first time, the artifacts contained within reveal a gripping detective story as although there are no signs of entry, the contents have been disturbed. To solve the mystery, Egyptologists explore the nearby Black Pyramid to see how pyramid builders used every trick in the book to protect the treasures, discovering a dark and complex labyrinth of dummy tombs, false passages and stone portcullises to fool robbers.
Patterns of Evidence: The Red Sea Miracle
In this investigation, filmmaker Timothy P. Mahoney examines the journey to the crossing location, looking at two competing views of the Red Sea Miracle. One he calls the “Egyptian Approach,” which looks near Egypt. The other he calls the “Hebrew Approach,” which looks far from Egypt to the Gulf of Aqaba where divers have been searching for the remains of Pharaoh’s army on the seafloor. The investigation raises giant questions about the real location for the crossing site and its implications on your view of God. The answers to these questions point to one of two very different realities.
Patterns of Evidence: The Israel Dilemma – Ancient Prophecies
The conflict in Israel today is often linked to the belief that the Bible serves as the Israelis' claim to the land, based on God's covenant with Abraham, Moses, and the Israelites. Filmmaker Timothy Mahoney investigates this by exploring ancient prophecies made by Moses, which predicted Israel’s rise as a kingdom, its fall due to breaking the covenant, the scattering of its people, their persecution, and eventual return to the land. Using archaeological evidence and expert insights, Mahoney delves into these events, raising deeper questions about Israel's suffering, their chosen status, and its relevance today. "The Israel Dilemma – Ancient Prophecies" is part one of a two-part film series exploring these themes.
Ramsès II, la trilogie
Si le nom de Ramsès II a traversé les millénaires, c'est en grande partie grâce aux monuments qui portent sa trace aux quatre coins de l'Egypte antique. Seulement, il est impossible que tous ces temples aient pu être construits sous son règne. Il a fallu plus de deux siècles aux égyptologues pour résoudre ce puzzle archéologique. Quel était le secret de Ramsès le bâtisseur ? L'usurpation ! Ramsès II a volontairement fait remplacer le nom de ses prédécesseurs par le sien sur des monuments qu'il n'a pas fait construire.