Joel Nagle

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Embers & Dust

Embers & Dust

Nov 16, 2016
Embers and Dust focuses on the perspective of a young farm boy and his family, and how the night of Orson Welles' dramatic broadcast of War of The Worlds unfolded for them.


Apr 30, 2023
Roberto is a young man who is trying to find his way back home to his family. His desire to push forward despite facing seemingly insurmountable obstacles is the heart of his odyssey. Roberto on his path is constantly faced with the opportunity to quit and give in to defeat. However, it's the voice of those who came before him, which fuels his passion for Legacy
Mothers' Instinct

Mothers' Instinct

Jan 11, 2024
Au début des années 60, deux voisines, Alice et Celine, par ailleurs meilleures amies, mènent une vie paisible et sans histoires entre leurs pelouses bien entretenues, leurs maris prospères et leurs deux fils du même âge. Cette harmonie parfaite se brise tout à coup suite à un tragique accident. La culpabilité, la suspicion et la paranoïa se combinent pour briser leur lien fraternel.
Pentagon Papers

Pentagon Papers

Dec 22, 2017
Première femme directrice de la publication d’un grand journal américain, le Washington Post, Katharine Graham s'associe à son rédacteur en chef Ben Bradlee pour dévoiler un scandale d'État monumental et combler son retard par rapport au New York Times qui mène ses propres investigations. Ces révélations concernent les manœuvres de quatre présidents américains, sur une trentaine d'années, destinées à étouffer des affaires très sensibles… Au péril de leur carrière et de leur liberté, Katharine et Ben vont devoir surmonter tout ce qui les sépare pour révéler au grand jour des secrets longtemps enfouis…
Creep Box

Creep Box

Jun 09, 2022
A scientist uses groundbreaking technology to communicate with the deceased but once he is through the looking glass, there is no turning back.
Science Fiction


May 01, 1987
Rob Greene has information about an undercover terror team inside the CIA led by Joe Connelly. To stay alive with the knowledge, he is advised to stay undercover by his supervisor Andrews. Connelly's men try to kill Greene, but he can escape and warns his son Danny that he also may be in danger and that he should look for Dog Thompson.
Light Up the Night

Light Up the Night

Dec 23, 2016
Light Up the Night is an analog science-fiction short film set in an Orwellian, futuristic 1980s. The story tells the tensions flaring between rebellious citizens and robotic law enforcement. We are introduced to two dissidents as they take aim at the city's looming, panoptic control tower, while local band The Protomen take the stage amidst the action, inciting unrest as they narrate the struggle.
Science Fiction
Charlie, Trevor And A Girl Savannah
Charlie Trevor and a girl Savannah is a thought provoking action/thriller about reality verses the dream state. Trevor has been having nightmares about his girlfriend Savannah. He begins to question what is true in his present life verses the perception in his waking dream. Even though this film can come off dark our goal was to express a universal message that can seem complicated, but is as simple as exploring the Mind, Body and Soul. Once we are able to accept these 3 traits of ourselves, we will realize this balance is just the beginning to life and self-discovery to the higher being. But, it first starts with Love, Trust and Faith. Meet, Charlie, Trevor, and A Girl Savannah


Aug 14, 2013
Employé par Wyatt Telecom, Adam Cassidy commet une erreur très coûteuse pour sa société. En échange de son indulgence, le PDG lui demande d'infiltrer son principal concurrent, dont le patron n’est autre que l'ancien mentor de ce dernier...
Do the Right Thing

Do the Right Thing

Jun 14, 1989
À Brooklyn, c'est littéralement le jour le plus chaud de l'année. Mookie, un jeune afro-américain, est livreur à la pizzeria du quartier, tenue par Sal et ses deux fils, d'origine italienne. Chacun vaque à ses occupations, mais la chaleur estivale va bientôt cristalliser les tensions raciales.
House of the Witch

House of the Witch

Oct 07, 2017
Malgré une légende évoquant une terrible sorcière opérant le soir d'Halloween, un groupe d'amis décide de faire la fête ce soir-là. Un par un, ils sont assassinés par un meurtrier masqué. S'agit-il vraiment de la sorcière mythique.


Apr 04, 2013
A successful house tuner provides clients with a unique form of therapy that examines subtle details in their living spaces.
The Foster Portfolio

The Foster Portfolio

Apr 20, 2017
Based on the original short story by Kurt Vonnegut, Jr., The Foster Portfolio is an offbeat, mid-century tale about a rookie investment counselor who discovers that his penniless client is hiding a million-dollar inheritance in order to conceal a strange, double life.
The Undertaker

The Undertaker

Nov 01, 1988
Un fossoyeur perturbé tue des femmes pour garder leurs corps dans un funérarium.
Umney's Last Case

Umney's Last Case

Apr 08, 2006
It’s just another ordinary day in 1930s Los Angeles for private investigator Clyde Umney, until a new client walks into his office. Umney soon learns that his client is the crime-fiction writer who not only created him, but now needs to switch places with him.
Eugenia and John

Eugenia and John

Nov 01, 2016
Working as a cleaning lady, studying at university and maintaining a relationship with her high school sweetheart, John, is all Eugenia does to achieve her goal of entering medical school despite her undocumented status. When her sister gets arrested for a routine traffic ticket, she turns to John for help, but she finds that John's response is surprisingly aloof. As she struggles to prevent her sister's deportation and tries to salvage her romance with her boyfriend, Eugenia realizes that her position in America is more tenuous than she ever imagined.
Hello Tomorrow!

Hello Tomorrow!

Apr 06, 2023
Dans un univers rétrofuturiste, une équipe de commerciaux emmenée par le charismatique Jack Billings est bien déterminée à bouleverser la vie de ses clients en leur proposant d'acheter des multipropriétés sur la Lune.