Andi Potamkin

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Les Babysitters

Les Babysitters

May 09, 2008
Secrètement amoureuse de Michael Beltran, dont elle garde les enfants, Shirley Lyner ne le repousse pas lorsqu’il l’embrasse fiévreusement. Pour se déculpabiliser, il lui offre un montant substantiel. En devenant sa maîtresse, Shirley y voit un moyen inespéré de payer ses études : elle met alors sur pied un véritable réseau de prostitution sous couvert d’un service de babysitting, exigeant 20% des recettes de ses employées, recrutées parmis ses amies de lycée. Cependant, ses règles sont remises en question par certaines filles, qui tentent de la doubler…
The Soap Myth

The Soap Myth

Jan 27, 2014
More than a half century after WW II at the desperate urging of a passionate survivor, a young investigative reporter finds herself caught between numerous versions of the same story. Played out against the backdrop of deadline reporting and journalistic integrity, the critically acclaimed The Soap Myth by Jeff Cohen questions who has the right to write history--those people who have lived it and remember, those who study and protect it, or those who would seek to distort its very existence? And finally what is all our responsibility once we know the truth?