Samantha Scaffidi

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Nov 10, 2015
A conflicted young couple, a poly amorous trio trying to dig a hole, and a mysterious recluse spin a tale of love, murder and madness.
Terrifier 3

Terrifier 3

Oct 09, 2024
Après avoir survécu au massacre d'Halloween perpétré par Art Le Clown, Sienna et son frère tentent de reconstruire leur vie. Alors que les fêtes de fin d'année approchent, ils s'efforcent de laisser derrière eux les horreurs passées. Cependant, au moment où ils se croyaient enfin à l'abri, Art refait surface, bien décidé à transformer Noël en un véritable cauchemar.
The Things We Left Unsaid
A writer sits; she touches pen to paper as we enter her mind and meet a young woman fearing love; a daughter seeking peace with her father; a guy facing the loss of a dear friend; an older woman finding herself in an unwilling affair, and the writer herself, remembering the silence of her childhood--all five characters fighting for freedom from grief, for release and relief. A willful purging of what we left unsaid.


Apr 21, 2015


An alpha New York City male is magically transformed into a beautiful girl, falls in love, and learns what it means to be a woman.
Demon Hole

Demon Hole

Oct 03, 2017
A fracking crew drills on sacred Native American land, unleashing an ancient demon. There are only two ways out of the woods, succumb to the demon or die.


Jan 25, 2018
C'est la nuit d'Halloween dans une petite ville américaine. Un grand clown dégingandé et mutique, tout habillé de blanc et de noir, s'installe à une table dans une pizzeria, portant un gros sac poubelle. Il s'attaque alors à plusieurs jeunes femmes qui tentent tant bien que mal de lui échapper. Ce meurtrier psychopathe déguisé en clown prend un plaisir sadique à mutiler atrocement toutes ses victimes.
American Fango

American Fango

Dec 05, 2017
A coming-to-America love story about an Italian actor from Rome who finds himself stranded in New York City, and through a series of misadventures is romantically pursued by several beautiful women, and learns the meaning of true love.
Sarah Q

Sarah Q

Sep 21, 2018
The adventures of a young woman who moves to New York City from a small town to become an actress.
Terrifier 2

Terrifier 2

Oct 06, 2022
Art le Clown est ressuscité à la morgue par une entité mystérieuse et sinistre. Un an plus tard, le soir d'Halloween, le psychopathe déguisé revient dans le comté de Miles. Une fois sur place il décide d'attaquer Sienna Shaw, une adolescente, et Jonathan, son jeune frère. Le défunt père des deux cibles leur avait en effet légué un livre de croquis plein d'images prémonitoires sur l'avenir d'Art le Clown.
The High Priestess

The High Priestess

Jan 01, 2015
Sasha is depressed from regret and can't seem to get out of a rut. At this point, she feels like Dr. Stas is taking advantage of her so she goes to Magick Jack for insight. But how can she be sure he's not running the same fraud?
The Things We Left Unsaid
A writer sits; she touches pen to paper as we enter her mind and meet a young woman fearing love; a daughter seeking peace with her father; a guy facing the loss of a dear friend; an older woman finding herself in an unwilling affair, and the writer herself, remembering the silence of her childhood--all five characters fighting for freedom from grief, for release and relief. A willful purging of what we left unsaid.
The Things We Left Unsaid
A writer sits; she touches pen to paper as we enter her mind and meet a young woman fearing love; a daughter seeking peace with her father; a guy facing the loss of a dear friend; an older woman finding herself in an unwilling affair, and the writer herself, remembering the silence of her childhood--all five characters fighting for freedom from grief, for release and relief. A willful purging of what we left unsaid.
The Things We Left Unsaid
A writer sits; she touches pen to paper as we enter her mind and meet a young woman fearing love; a daughter seeking peace with her father; a guy facing the loss of a dear friend; an older woman finding herself in an unwilling affair, and the writer herself, remembering the silence of her childhood--all five characters fighting for freedom from grief, for release and relief. A willful purging of what we left unsaid.
Open Your Eyes

Open Your Eyes

Feb 14, 2025
A writer sits; she touches pen to paper as we enter her mind and meet a young woman fearing love; a daughter seeking peace with her father; a guy facing the loss of a dear friend; an older woman finding herself in an unwilling affair, and the writer herself, remembering the silence of her childhood--all five characters fighting for freedom from grief, for release and relief. A willful purging of what we left unsaid.
Open Your Eyes

Open Your Eyes

Feb 14, 2025
A writer sits; she touches pen to paper as we enter her mind and meet a young woman fearing love; a daughter seeking peace with her father; a guy facing the loss of a dear friend; an older woman finding herself in an unwilling affair, and the writer herself, remembering the silence of her childhood--all five characters fighting for freedom from grief, for release and relief. A willful purging of what we left unsaid.