Une famille victime d'attaques et de représailles risque d'imploser à cause d'un vieux conflit opposant des communautés qui dresse ses membres les uns contre les autres.
The movie captures the story of two brothers Dan (Van Vicker) and Victor (Jim Iyke) Umejesi; born by wealthy parents yet with different personalities. The plot in its stylistic manner ushers us into their lives; the complications, issues and battles that arose in their family the moment the most unexpected happened. This is a movie that tied around greed, resentments, intrigues, ulterior motives, wastefulness and indiscipline.
In the sequel to the movie Stolen Kiss, tension mounts as the good for nothing older brother of the Umejesi family, Dan (Van Vicker) fights tooth and nail against his younger brother Victor (Jim Iyke) over the will. Now Victor must take the most unbelievable action to uphold peace in the family hence taking us to a different and more interesting and suspenseful angle of the whole story.
Frustrés par leur échec à percer à Nollywood, deux amis d'enfance, Ose et Abacha, monte un projet de fraude parallèle. Malheureusement pour eux, Yahoo ne les paie pas aussi rapidement qu'ils l'avaient prévu. Heureusement pour eux, Mansa, un baron du crime basé à Hong-Kong, propose de les aider en leur présentant Yahoo+.
An alcoholic professor diagnosed of cancer, takes his students to a legendary resort for an academic excursion. The excursion which was meant to be another scholarly exercise ends up a life-changing adventure for all the participants.
A popular stripper is perturbed when a mysterious man continuously turns up to the club requesting that she dance for him, however they soon become close, but little does she know that he has an ulterior motive.
A devoted married woman is horrified when her husband suddenly becomes extremely and inappropriately close to an ex girlfriend, however she is distracted by an obsessed ex boyfriend of hers who has been released from prison and is determined to go to any length to win back her love.
An enterprising young woman begins driving a Keke Napep to make ends meet when her father dies. When her brother falls seriously ill and she is unable to pay his hospital bills, help comes in the most surprising form.
A noble daughter of the gods, who occupies a sensitive role in her village goes out of her way to find a solution to the problems her community is facing. In order for this problems to be solved she needs to make a sacrifice she isn't prepared for.
An orphaned young man faces pressure to marry from his aunt, however he is wholly reluctant to do so out of an irrational fear of women. He battles in a bid to reject his aunt's chosen bride while his aunt endeavours to ensure he marries in a timely fashion.
A hardworking man loses a lot of money after a business deal goes awry, leaving himself and his loyal wife devastated. When he is offered a chance to make a lot of money through what seems to be an indecent proposal he reluctantly accepts much to his wife's distaste.
A girl is faced with many challenges from her family members and her world comes crashing down, when she is raped and thrown out of her home to face the harsh reality of life.
A girl is faced with many challenges from her family members and her world comes crashing down, when she is raped and thrown out of her home to face the harsh reality of life.
A woman's pride and desperate desire to maintain her family name drives her into making her son, a deviant in the society. Her season of affluence is threatened as her husband passes on.