Paul Bourron

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La femme bourreau

La femme bourreau

May 01, 1968
Dans le Paris des années 60, d'insolites crimes en série troublent la tranquillité publique. Le 22 mars 1968, Hélène Picard, prostituée condamnée à mort en 1966 pour meurtres multiples de consoeurs, est exécutée par Louis Guilbeau, bourreau de son état. Alors que des crimes, similaires à ceux d'Hélène Picard, reprennent inexplicablement, Louis G. noue une intrigue amoureuse avec Solange, l'inspectrice chargée de l'enquête...
Scènes de grève en Vendée
Inspired by Lip, the workers of the Cousseau factory in Cerisay in Deux-Sèvres, invented a new way to strike in joy. In the wild workshops, they make "pil" blouses that allow them to hold. And also songs about their struggle.
On vous parle d’Amérique Latine: Le message du Che
In 1967, Che Guevara's message is read by Fidel Castro, causing a sensation both among the revolutionary movements and those who oppose it. In 1968, this film was banned by the Centre du Cinéma Français and could not be exported as it was considered by the officials as a call to arms and revolution, questioning the role of UN and other international organisations.
Mets pas tes doigts dans ton nez, ils sont radioactifs
Nuclear power may well ensure France independence. Then why are the nuclear plants set up by American trusts disguised as Belgian companies? It is true that we no longer need oil exporting countries. In fact, we have to deal with uranium exporting nations. And when we have destroyed nature, we can always stay at home and watch TV, that is, if genetic mutations allow us to play with the remote control box...