Turkish youth television series that began in 1996. Ended in 2001.Yonca Evcimik, Bediş characters portrayed. Çılgın Bediş is cartoon character who created by Ögden Öztürk in 1976.
The brutal murder of Hamdi Atilbay in the forest crosses the paths of young prosecutor Leyla, who wants to leave her messy past behind and now establish her new order, and Kenan, an ambitious journalist who has a regular and famous life. However, this murder heralds the destruction of not only their love, but also the truth they know about their lives.
Hulusi's life is ruined by an accident. Hulusi, who has survived to death, is determined to make up for the mistakes he has made in the past. Hulusi struggles to find three women in the past who hurt their heart. He gets help from Demir for this. But things get mixed up when Hulusi learns that there are three children from these three women.
In "The Black Tree Epic"; the excitement, sadness and love will touch hearts as the reality of goodness and evil, the world of existence and non-existence are told side by side in the ancient lands of Anatolia in the 1950s and 1970s.
Miran cherche à se venger de la mort de ses parents, il envisage donc d'épouser sa fille Reyyan de la famille qui en était responsable. De manière inattendue, il tombe amoureux de Reyyan. Cela changera-t-il le plan?