Au 19e siècle, un vendeur de pommes ivre doit passer de zéro à héros et devenir le plus grand trappeur de fourrures d'Amérique du Nord en vainquant des centaines de castors.
Suspicious boyfriend Spike goes to a party to bury thoughts about his deceitful girlfriend. Enticed by an exotic new girl and reminded of his dark childhood, he follows the lurking monster of his best nightmares, hoping to capture the ecstasy of youth in the darkest places.
Jake the Cinephile is the story of a young film fanatic who, fed up with the rowdy behavior and disrespectful etiquette of movie theater audiences, decides to abandon the cinema and take a stab at an actual relationship with a young woman.
After Fred Pitts loses his job as a lawn care manager, he meets a fascinating techno-dancing girl and desperately struggles to regain a positive grasp on his negative life.
Marty, a lovelorn student at New York University, uncomfortably mingles with fellow members of his debate team at a college party, before breaking away from them entirely.
An urgent meeting between the boss of a pharmaceutical company and one of his upstart young employees is called in order to discuss a groundbreaking new drug.
A beautiful, mysterious woman enters the tailor shop of young Wei Li. Compelled, he follows her into a world where love and money collide, where allegiances are not what they seem, and where desire is followed down roads both thrilling and destructive...the world of The Woman In The Dress.
Brad, a young new transplant to New York City, returns from a trip 'home' to tell his brother that he never went on vacation...he went to see his girlfriend's parents to ask their permission to marry her. Beautiful ring in hand, optimism in his eyes, he eagerly rushes to see her.
Having just graduated from anger management, Sean's ready to become a new person, but between his past and his surroundings, he'll discover that there's no way you can change who you are.
Remember the day you built a machine to make yourself grow up? Remember taking up coffee and losing interest in dinosaurs? If so, this anti-coming of age short film is about you. 'Max Ages' is about the unstoppable locomotive of age and the nostalgia of a more immature outlook on life--with homemade machines, dinosaur footprints, and pen doodle tattoos.
MISSED CONNECTION follows Jamie Nichols, the awkward and slightly desperate girl you took to dinner and a movie, and then dumped on the front stoop of her Brooklyn apartment.
Morgan Evans (The Onion News Network, The Rest of Caesar), plays himself in this fantastical comedy about a young man whose thoughts and fantasies get uploaded to YouTube against his will. After meeting Elaine, played by Abbi Jacobson (Broad City), Morgan discovers just how hard dating can be when people see what you're really thinking.
The night of his birthday, a loser tries to distance himself from his annoying childhood friend as they crash parties and debate who has lower self-esteem.
Jake the Cinephile is the story of a young film fanatic who, fed up with the rowdy behavior and disrespectful etiquette of movie theater audiences, decides to abandon the cinema and take a stab at an actual relationship with a young woman.
Jack and Lucas travel to the Midwest to attend their high school friend's wedding. Confined in a hotel room together, they're consumed by their own insecurities, as Jack tries to write the perfect wedding speech, while Lucas grapples with his romantic devastation. As the wedding approaches, the question arises: can they get to a place where they understand each other?