Βασίλης Κουκαλάνι

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May 25, 2023
Tom Harris est un agent secret de la CIA infiltré au Moyen-Orient. Une fuite des renseignements révèle son identité alors qu’il est en mission. Coincés au cœur d’un territoire hostile, Harris et son interprète afghan Kahil, doivent se frayer un chemin hors du désert jusqu’à Kandahar, leur point d’exfiltration, tout en échappant aux forces spéciales d’élite qui les pourchassent. La course contre la montre commence.
The Lost Daughter

The Lost Daughter

Dec 15, 2021
Lors de vacances à la mer en solitaire, Leda est fascinée par une jeune mère et sa fille qu'elle observe sur la plage. Bouleversée par leur relation fusionnelle (ainsi que par leur grande famille bruyante et intimidante), Leda est submergée par la terreur, la confusion et l'intensité de ses souvenirs de maternité précoce. Un acte impulsif la replonge dans les méandres étranges et inquiétants de son esprit, l'obligeant à affronter les choix peu conventionnels qui ont été les siens en tant que jeune mère, et leurs conséquences.
Dirty Angels

Dirty Angels

Dec 11, 2024
Lorsque des étudiantes sont prises en otage en Afghanistan, Jake, une combattante des forces spéciales américaines, rejoint un commando composé uniquement de femmes pour les libérer. Le plan : gagner la confiance des terroristes en se faisant passer pour les membres d’une organisation humanitaire. Mais les fantômes du passé de Jake la trahissent et mettent en péril le succès de cette mission sans retour.
Demain, je traverse

Demain, je traverse

Oct 12, 2019
Maria est policière, grecque, mère célibataire et fille unique. Elle jongle avec ses problèmes d’argent, sa fille adolescente, sa vieille mère et la crise grecque qui fait qu’elle perd son poste à Athènes et doit accepter un poste sur l’île de Lesbos, au confins de la mer Egée. Yussof, un jeune syrien qui fuit la guerre pour ne pas être obligé de tuer, arrive à Lesbos et veut aller de l’avant en Europe. Yussof passe par Athènes où Maria est obligée de revenir, pour chercher sa fille qui a disparu. Leur destin se croise un bref moment dans une Grèce qui semble être une zone de paix, mais qui en réalité ne l’est pas. Celui qui semble être le plus libre des deux, l’est peut-être le moins.


Jun 07, 2018
Thanasis in the lighthouse and Rosalia in her cage. They live for their freedom.
The Hunted

The Hunted

Jan 18, 2024
Wael, 25 ans, une jeune femme originaire du Sud- Soudan, fuit l’enfer de la guerre civile de son pays avec l’enfant sur lequel elle doit veiller. Ensemble, ils essayent d’atteindre l’Europe en traversant la Méditerranée sur un bateau de passeurs surchargé de réfugiés libyens et soudanais. Après que leur embarcation a chaviré, Wael et les réfugiés sont secourus par de riches Européens, qui leur offrent un abri sur l’île idyllique où ils ont l’habitude de passer leurs vacances. Le miracle va vite tourner au cauchemar quand leurs sauveurs révèlent leurs vraies intentions, et deviennent des chasseurs cruels et sans pitié.
Soixante minutes

Soixante minutes

Jan 19, 2024
Voulant à tout prix conserver la garde de sa fille, un combattant d'arts martiaux abandonne un match crucial et traverse Berlin pour assister à sa fête d'anniversaire.
Flucht aus Lissabon

Flucht aus Lissabon

Mar 17, 2025
After a failed Interpol operation, Tom Fährmann, human rights activist and escape agent, is tasked with finding Sofia Moreno, a whistleblower who has disappeared in Lisbon, and bringing her to a safe house on the Portuguese coast. When Fährmann realizes that Sofia's eight-year-old son Noa is in the hands of a hacker organization that the programmer wanted to fight with her filter program against fake news, his assignment turns into a rescue mission in which Fährmann can no longer trust anyone.
Πλατεία Αμερικής
Tattoo artist Billy and unemployed Nakos are best friends from Athens. Old bachelor Nakos is a racist, obsessed with the victim mentality, and he rages at Greece’s increasing immigrant numbers. Billy, however, is in favor of foreigners coming. They meet in Amerika Square in Athens because of Syrian refugee Tarek.
Tripoli Cancelled

Tripoli Cancelled

Apr 08, 2017
A pilot is trapped in a crumbling, abandoned airport. Naeem Mohaiemen's first fiction film is based on when his father was stranded without a passport in Athens' Ellinikon International Airport for nine days in 1977.


Nov 16, 2008
A contemporary married couple and their eight-year-old son are exposed to our observation. The husband, around 35, works as a tax specialist for an import-export firm. His 30-year-old wife looks after their child and their home. The man's impending promotion at work triggers their dreams of social advancement and financial improvement. As their plain everyday life unfolds the characters are denuded to reveal their different needs and desires which render their functioning and communication increasingly hard. The man's inability to meet the escalating demands of his social circle and those of his wife brings tension into their relationship and leads to the culmination of the drama. The unexpected as well as extreme solution given by the heroine leads both the hero and the viewer to redefine reality on the basis of how things look and how they really are.
Red Rose

Red Rose

Sep 07, 2014
Téhéran. Juin 2009. Le brouhaha d’une ville qui tangue avec la « Vague Verte » de contestation au lendemain de l’élection présidentielle usurpée. Un appartement comme lieu de refuge. Un homme et une femme, de deux générations différentes. Un téléphone portable et un ordinateur. De quoi relayer les nouvelles de la révolte. Une histoire d’amour qui bouleversera le cours de deux existences.
10η μέρα

10η μέρα

Nov 07, 2013
Ali, an Afghan Muslim, lives in Athens Greece. He is trying to get access to the western dream, surrounded by memories of his homeland, his trip to Europe and his nightmares. A real odyssey and a true story about Ali, his trip to Iran, Turkey, and eventually Greece, where he faces racism and intolerance.
Η τελευταία νύχτα
The fictionalized life story of the most distinguished politician and diplomat, who left an indelible mark on the history of modern Greece, unfolds through a series of re-enactments of the actual events that led to his assassination. Significant aspects of his personal story, valid historical narratives, rare documents, and excerpts from autobiographical texts written by Kapodistrias himself, come into life, in an attempt to bring today’s viewers closer to the unknown sides of his personality and the foundations of the New Greek State.


Jul 16, 2020
Babak, an Iranian student in Greece, doesn't show up to welcome his visiting parents at the Athens airport. Pari and her older husband, both devout Muslims abroad for the first time, are ill-prepared to search for their son in an intimidating and alien environment. All their attempts to find a clue that might lead them to him prove to be in vain and they soon reach a dead end. But Pari can't give up looking for him, even when returning to Iran seems like her only choice. Following the steps of her rebellious son in the darkest corners of the city, she will exhaust her inner strength to achieve more than a mother's search for her missing son.
Daniel '16

Daniel '16

Dec 09, 2021
Daniel, a German teenager, is sent to a juvenile offender community in Greece, to serve his sentence. There, in an abandoned village of Evros river region, near the border with Turkey, he experiences never-felt-before emotions and is called to solve difficult dilemmas... His final decision will surprise everyone.


Apr 04, 2019
Strangers find themselves trapped inside five elevators that break down. Tension rises. There is no communication; just angry men and women bringing the worst out of each other. This is hell in 4m².


Jan 27, 2025
Tamar, hackeuse du Mossad infiltrée à Téhéran sous une fausse identité, a pour mission de neutraliser un réacteur nucléaire. Mise en échec et bloquée en Iran, elle va monter une opération qui pourrait mettre ses proches en danger.
Κομάντα Και Δράκοι
George, a charismatic 11 year-old boy, moves with with father and two siblings to a village in Crete, trying to start over after his mother's death. From the very first night, George's nightmares begin to come to life. But he won't have to face them alone, since he soon becomes member of the "Commandos", a local kids' gang. Together, they take up the mission of freeing a "weird" young man, Dodo, from the chains of the infamous "Dragons" gang and put an end to the vendetta that haunts the village. To make that happen they will need to confront the dark force that sows discord between the villagers for hundreds of years.