Francesca Shipsey

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Jan 01, 1970
After a fight with his girlfriend, a man takes a "relationship pill" that sends him on a journey down Route 66.
Everwinter Night

Everwinter Night

Oct 20, 2023
Lifelong best friends, Maddy and V, set out for a relaxing vacation. When their old college clique hijack their plans, V finds herself at a remote ski lodge where a group of mysterious wealthy men throw a celebration century in the making.
On the 7th Date

On the 7th Date

Oct 06, 2016
On the 7th date, Tara and Shawn find that their relationship is going nowhere. So they decide to come to terms with it and spend their last night together being their true selves and sharing what each of them really wants from another person. But as the evening unravels and things begin spiraling out of control, the two begin to realize that their ideal selves may not be who they imagined.
Shark Waters

Shark Waters

Aug 12, 2022
En Floride, le capitaine Banning accepte d'emmener un petit groupe d'amis faire un tour en mer sur son bateau de pêche. Alors qu'ils se sont éloignés des côtes, ils sont attaqués par un grand requin blanc. Le prédateur est rapidement rejoint par d'autres squales qui encerclent le bateau...
The Egos: Sequel

The Egos: Sequel

Oct 07, 2017
Will and the rest of The Egos are back at it, ready to create a sequel. This time, they're battling a city-wide avocado shortage, all while trying to shake off the catchy tune of "Despacito" that's stuck in their heads.
The Egos get Canceled

The Egos get Canceled

Oct 05, 2019
The Egos face their toughest challenge yet—surviving in a world where one misstep can mean career death. From SNL firing Shane Gillis to secret brunches for shows that survive 100 episodes. Can The Egos survive the Cancel Culture.
The Christmas Hot Dog

The Christmas Hot Dog

Dec 22, 2017
The Egos come together in a plot to change Christmas to January. There's just one problem, Will has discovered a lady that hands out free hot dogs and his interest in finding her may derail the motivation of the entire Christmas special.
Shelby's Haus

Shelby's Haus

Apr 12, 2020
Shelby takes on the universe, the world and New York City all from the comfort of her haus.
Blue Bloods

Blue Bloods

Dec 13, 2024
Chez les Reagan, la "Loi" est une histoire de famille. Henry était commissaire général de New York, son fils Frank lui a succédé. Et la tradition perdure avec les enfants de ce dernier: Danny est inspecteur à la crim', Erin travaille au bureau du procureur et Jamie, le petit dernier, vient d'entrer dans la police. Quant à Joseph, qui était un des meilleurs inspecteurs dans les rangs de la police, sa mort pourrait être liée à la société secrète baptisée "The Blue Templar", regroupant des flics pourris... Les Reagan ne règnent pas sur New York, ils essaient d'y faire régner l'Ordre et la Justice.
The Egos

The Egos

Sep 02, 2022
A bunch of unknown actors create a TV show about themselves. Taking on the inevitable collapse and defeat of their show in the summer of a new era.


Mar 16, 2023
Après avoir perdu son bébé, un couple utilise une poupée à des fins thérapeutiques. Les choses virent cependant à l’étrange quand la mère engage une nourrice pour s’occuper de la poupée, et que les membres de la famille semblent en savoir plus sur la tragédie qu’ils ne le laissent savoir…
That Damn Michael Che

That Damn Michael Che

May 26, 2022
Michael Che shares his unique perspective on controversial topics with the help of fellow Saturday Night Live stars, sketches, and vignettes to illustrate what it feels like to experience various every-day situations including racial profiling, unemployment, falling in love and more.
Godfather of Harlem

Godfather of Harlem

Mar 26, 2023
A Harlem, dans les années 60 : la collision entre la vie criminelle de Bumpy Johnson et le combat pour les droits civiques. Un prequel au film American Gangster.