Dena Ashbaugh

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The Visitor

The Visitor

May 10, 2007
When Tom travels across the country to locate the Daughter he never knew, undeniable questions of consequence rise to the surface when he offers a ride to stranded young woman.
Un peu, beaucoup, à la folie...
A Seattle, auprès de Nick, son mari, et d'Emily, leur fille, Laura a tout pour être heureuse. Pourtant sa vie de couple ne la satisfait pas. Elle trouve la fantaisie qui lui manque auprès de son amant, Sam. Sa collègue, Suzanne, lui conseille de régler cette situation avant de tout perdre, et lui recommande de consulter sa psychiatre, Ella Browning. C'est alors que Laura découvre que son mari lui est aussi infidèle.
Dans la vie d'une autre
Mariée au docteur Steve Morgan, Alison souffre de problèmes cardiaques et attend avec impatience de tomber enceinte. Amnésique, elle n'a aucun souvenir au-delà des quatre dernières années de sa vie. Après un grave accident de voiture, Alison commence à avoir des hallucinations fulgurantes, extrêmement douloureuses. Ces visions s'intensifient et Alison est persuadée que ce sont de réels souvenirs qui lui reviennent en mémoire. Mais ils ne coïncident pas du tout avec sa vie antérieure décrite par Steve.
No Numbers: Identity Beyond Measure
No Numbers is a documentary that looks at the general sense of "dis-ease" in our society and the increasing normalcy of hating ourselves. Three women speak out, sharing their stories of recovery from anorexia and bulimia. In telling their stories through the creative medium of film they rediscover values in life that move beyond inches, weight, and other measures that society too often champions as benchmarks for success. Though the issues raised in No Numbers stem from individual stories, they are inescapably connected to society and thus to the community as a whole. No Numbers focuses on healing that recognizes community and creativity as integral players in recovery. Finding identity beyond measures isn't just about recovery from eating disorders, it's about re-discovering the fullness of our lives.
No Numbers: Identity Beyond Measure
No Numbers is a documentary that looks at the general sense of "dis-ease" in our society and the increasing normalcy of hating ourselves. Three women speak out, sharing their stories of recovery from anorexia and bulimia. In telling their stories through the creative medium of film they rediscover values in life that move beyond inches, weight, and other measures that society too often champions as benchmarks for success. Though the issues raised in No Numbers stem from individual stories, they are inescapably connected to society and thus to the community as a whole. No Numbers focuses on healing that recognizes community and creativity as integral players in recovery. Finding identity beyond measures isn't just about recovery from eating disorders, it's about re-discovering the fullness of our lives.


Nov 19, 2020
Deux frères, Sam et Dean Winchester, chasseurs de créatures surnaturelles, sillonnent les États-Unis à bord d'une Chevrolet Impala noire de 1967 et enquêtent sur des phénomènes paranormaux (souvent issus du folklore, des superstitions, mythes et légendes urbaines américaines, mais aussi des monstres surnaturels tels que les fantômes, loups-garous, démons, vampires…).


Apr 11, 2008
jPod is a comedic television series based on Douglas Coupland’s novel of the same name. It premiered on CBC Television on January 8, 2008. Starting with the fifth episode, the show began airing Fridays at 9:00. On April 4, 2008, it was announced that the CBC had cancelled the show because of low ratings. However, all but one of the remaining episodes aired. The cancellation of jPod sparked a fan-led protest. The show's opening title theme is Flutter by Bonobo. Produced by I’m Feeling Lucky Productions for the CBC, jPod was created by Douglas Coupland and Michael MacLennan. Coupland also co-wrote many of season one’s episodes.


Apr 11, 2008
jPod is a comedic television series based on Douglas Coupland’s novel of the same name. It premiered on CBC Television on January 8, 2008. Starting with the fifth episode, the show began airing Fridays at 9:00. On April 4, 2008, it was announced that the CBC had cancelled the show because of low ratings. However, all but one of the remaining episodes aired. The cancellation of jPod sparked a fan-led protest. The show's opening title theme is Flutter by Bonobo. Produced by I’m Feeling Lucky Productions for the CBC, jPod was created by Douglas Coupland and Michael MacLennan. Coupland also co-wrote many of season one’s episodes.
Tru Calling : compte à rebours
Etudiante en médecine, Tru travaille à mi-temps dans une morgue. Parfois, des cadavres lui demandent de les aider. Tru revit alors sa dernière journée, et va tout tenter pour sauver la personne. Mais c'est sans compter sur Jack qui va lui compliquer la tâche...
Sci-Fi & Fantasy


May 13, 2005
La République n'est plus, et le chaos est la seule règle régissant l'Univers ! Après s'être réveillé d'un sommeil de plus de 300 ans, Dylan Hunt, le Capitaine du croiseur Andromeda Ascendant, et son équipage tentent de rétablir l'équilibre dans la galaxie.
Action & Adventure
Psych : Enquêteur malgré lui
Fils de policier, Shawn Spencer a toujours appris à observer et noter les moindre détails. Lorsqu'il est accusé d'un crime à tort, il convainc la police qu'il a des pouvoirs psychiques et les aide à résoudre des affaires...


May 13, 2011
Dans une petite bourgade qui a connu une pluie de météorites quelques années plus tôt, le jeune Clark Kent est élevé par une famille de fermiers. Contraint de cacher ses pouvoirs exceptionnels, il va apprendre à les utiliser pour aller au secours de son prochain.
Sci-Fi & Fantasy