Mark Wood

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Aug 18, 2007
A roadside movie about a teenage girl who feels trapped by her life in a remote petrol station in the Scottish Highlands.
The Redwood Massacre

The Redwood Massacre

Sep 28, 2014
​‘THE REDWOOD MASSACRE’ is about five adventurous friends, visiting the legendary murder site of Redwood. It has all the hallmarks of being an exciting and thrilling camping weekend away. They soon discover they’re not the only people in the mysterious location. The fun camping expedition soon turns into a nightmare as they are sadistically stalked by a mysterious unseen killer.
Joyeux Noël

Joyeux Noël

Nov 09, 2005
Lorsque la guerre surgit au creux de l'été 1914, elle surprend et emporte dans son tourbillon des millions d'hommes. Nikolaus Sprink, prodigieux ténor à l'opéra de Berlin, va devoir renoncer à sa belle carrière et surtout à celle qu'il aime : Anna Sörensen, soprane et partenaire de chant. Le prêtre anglican Palmer s'est porté volontaire pour suivre Jonathan, son jeune aide à l'église. Ils quittent leur Écosse, l'un comme soldat, l'autre comme brancardier. Le lieutenant Audebert a dû laisser sa femme enceinte et alitée pour aller combattre l'ennemi. Mais depuis, les Allemands occupent la petite ville du Nord où la jeune épouse a probablement accouché à présent. Et puis arrive Noël, avec sa neige et son cortège de cadeaux des familles et des États-majors. Mais la surprise ne viendra pas des colis généreux qui jonchent les tranchées françaises, écossaises et allemandes…


Jul 23, 2015
After the death of his beloved wife in a devastating fire, Jonathon Soter's life is in ruins. Drinking to excess and barely holding down his job as a teacher, he's a man lost with nothing to live for. But the sudden news that the boy who killed his wife, Scottish born Donald McKinley, has been released early from prison, brings monumental change for Soter and gives him a new motivation. He begins a journey to a small coastal town, where he hopes to find his tormentor, to find an answer and perhaps to ultimately find redemption. Exploring the themes of loss, forgiveness, revenge and the tragedy of an existence locked in the past, Ashes is a complex character study and a thrilling dramatic modern fable.
The Dark Within

The Dark Within

Jul 03, 2020
A disturbed man with unknown psychic abilities tries to unravel the mystery of his parent's disappearance while battling his own demons.
Loch Ness

Loch Ness

Jul 16, 2017
La détective Annie Redford enquête sur son premier cas de meurtre, assisté de Blake Albrighton, médecin légiste. Le corps de Niall Swift est retrouvé au pied de Carn Mohr Moutain, tandis qu'un coeur humain s'échoue sur les bords d'un lac.


Nov 08, 2009
After 900 years of reserving access exclusively to the rich, Bridgeford University has finally opened it's doors to lower-class pupils, a change that is not welcomed by several of the elite. Behind this world of privilege lie dark secrets, secrets that involve the sinister Professor Maltravers and the mysterious Dandelion Club....