Gam Lau

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La Tragédie d'un orphelin
Chai-yan a accusé Dickson Fan d'avoir vendu des médicaments contrefaits, ce qui a conduit Fan à dix ans d'emprisonnement injuste. Fan s'échappe de la prison dans une ferme rurale où il rencontre l'adolescent Frank Wong, qui l'aide à s'évader à l'arrestation de la police. Plus tard, Fan découvre que Frank est son fils biologique et il trouve un emploi à l'extérieur dans la capitale provinciale afin de gagner de l'argent et de payer anonymement pour Frank pour étudier la médecine à l'extérieur de la ville. Frank, ne sachant pas que Fan est son père, pense que Fan lui fait un don par gratitude. Après avoir obtenu son diplôme, Frank travaille dans la société médicale de To. To a toujours soupçonné Frank d'être le fils de Fan. Afin de forcer Fan à sortir de sa cachette, To encadre Frank comme il a encadré Fan à l'époque.
Iron-Beaked Hen and Fatso Bo on their way to the city to help a relative out of some trouble, they run into a band of robbers. They stop over an allegedly haunted house where they save the lovers To Lok-yin and Yu Mei-yung from their attemped suicide. Hen learn their story and decide to help them out. Yin comes from a rich family, he lost his father when he was very young and was brought up by his uncle. Now that he is old enough to claim his inheritance, the guardian, his uncle, in order to keep the fortune under control, forces him to marry a girl of his choosing. The couple cannot face separation and resolve to end their lives together. Hen thinks of a way to help them, which involves Yin pretending to comply; that is, to go ahead with the marriage arrangement. On the wedding day, they swap the bride with Yung. Disguised as a matchmaker and a county official respectively, Hen and Bo reprimand To's uncle who schemes to seize To's family fortune. To and Yu marry.

Jan 07, 1953

"Family" (1953), which launched the Union Film legacy, "Spring" (1953) and "Autumn" (1954) are adaptations of Ba Jin's highly regarded novel "Torrent Trilogy". In "Family", director Ng Wui skilfully condenses the voluminous first part of the novel into an emotionally powerful and intellectually focused story of youngsters struggling to survive oppression and repression in a feudalistic family. This well-received film quickly established the company's reputation.


Oct 23, 1954
In order to bring about the return of a prodigal son, Hoi Yau-lung asks his fiancee Fa Sau-lan to administer 'the beauty ruse' to trick his cousin Wan Kam-cheung into squandering all his money. When Wan is reduced to penury, he encounters his wife Suk-ching and learns from her the whole story. Wan realises his faults and resolves to turn over a new leaf.


May 22, 1980
A Cantonese opera company is attacked by an army of ghosts, thanks to a feud between the dead grandfathers of one of the company's actresses and a young man.


Sep 29, 1955
Chan Sai-wah abides by his late father's word and marries the wealthy Yam Suk-kuen. They have a son, Kwok-leung. Though Wah is manager of the hotel owned by his father-in-law, Kuen is not a good wife. For all the years of their marriage, Wah has never been happy. Attracted to the humble and honest Carrie Mui, Wah decides to leave his domineering wife Kuen, but is stopped by his father-in-law. The lovers set off to Macau for a new start. Their life has become increasingly miserable under the pressure from Yam's family. When Wah leaves to seek help from his son in Hong Kong, Carrie decides she should leave so that Wah can go without feeling any guilt or burden. On the other hand, Wah is too ashamed to face his son, and returns to Macau. He lives his life in misery. Years pass, the lovers meet again. Wah is reduced to begging in the streets while Carrie becomes an opera diva.


Apr 21, 1955
An opera troupe has to dissolve in view of the poor economy. Comedian star Sang Kwai-lei loses his job and he has no alternative but to play the lion character in the opera troupe of his former junior apprentice Chan Hau and pawn his stage costume. He aims at earning enough money to support the final year's secondary school studies of his elder son Chi-kuen. Kuen however refuses to continue his studies, seeing that his father has to put aside his dignity to earn money and his mother is worried. Lei is enraged and uses the money to support his younger son Chi-wai's studies. Again, Lei loses his job and he resorts to giving street performances, his wife takes up sowing work in her spare time and she dies after a long illness. Kuen works to support himself through school, but Wai is less fortunate, he is forced to enrol in an opera troupe as an apprentice. Years later, the dying father joyfully embraces Chi-kuen's return from his studies.


Aug 17, 1966
Working as a telephone operator on the nightshift, David Lau received some calls from a woman for a David and agrees to a blind date. Wearing a violet on his lapel, David mistakes someone else for his date. Jennie Lee, a stranger, comes calling at the hotel, addressing a bewildered David with an intimacy that is familiar and awkward. Mok Yu-fuk, the self-proclaimed Sherlock Holmes, follows Jennie but gets robbed. Lau received an invitation to Jennie's birthday party. The guests acting strange at the party. Jennie and Lau take a stroll along the beach. Jennie suddenly hurls herself into the sea in a run. Five years ago, when Jennie was having a heart-to-heart talk with her fiance David Wong on the beach, her neglected brother ran off to the sea and drowned himself. Suffering from a nervous breakdown ever since, Jennie was devasted by the departure of her fiance to America. The hopes Jennie's parents are pinning on the new David to boost their daughter's recovery are merely wishes.
A Moment of Romance

A Moment of Romance

Jun 14, 1990
Wah Dee est un jeune voyou pauvre et orphelin, membre d'une triade qui, lors du braquage d'une bijouterie, prend la jeune Jo Jo en otage pour couvrir sa fuite. Ils finiront par rapidement tomber amoureux l'un de l'autre, mais la police et les membres de la triade qui aimeraient l'éliminer pour ne pas être identifiés ne leur laisseront aucun répit.


Jul 12, 1955
Reporter Yu Mong-yuen is recovering from a leg injury in his fiancee Man-wah's apartment. Bored, he looks out the rear window and observes the life of the neighbouring building. Among the tenants are a sugar-daddy and his mistress, a middle-aged man wants to marry a young girl, but she is in love with his son. Finally, she hatches a plot and makes the man agree to her marrying his son ; a sly fortune-teller ; a lively gym, a rich widow quarrels with the trainer of a gymnasium because his dog has bitten her cat ; and an opera school, a woman signs, leaning on the balcony, and a man tries to strangle her. In fact they are rehearsing an opera…… One evening, Wah is on the night shift, and Yuen watches the opera troupe rehearse to the end. Under the influence of drugs, Yu mistakenly believes that a divorced man has murdered a taxi dancer. He alerts the police, but the whole thing is nothing more than a misunderstanding.


Jan 09, 1958
Guerrilla member Ting Siu-yuen works as a playwright and Lee, the leader of an opera troupe. They conceal their identities in the troupe in order to gather military intelligence. Yuen gradually falls in love with the lead actress Mui Law-heung. Ting is unsettled to learn that County Chief Fong covets Mui. He sneaks into Fong's residence and is astounded by the sight of his old lover Pak Kuen, now Fong's wife. Fong colludes with the military chief in conducting vicious schemes. With Kuen's help, Yuen is able to get the intelligence. But as Heung is not an insider, she reports to the Governor about the illicit relationship between Yuen and Kuen. Kuen backs Yuen to eliminate the conspirators and bring about the union of Yuen and Heung.


Dec 31, 1950
Law Hing is forced by her stepmother to marry the dumb son of the Tang family. Another girl Au To is forced to marry Ma Siu-fuk, son of the rich Ma family, to pay off her father's debts. On the wedding day, To's lover See Fuk-chau returns from Vietnam. Deeply in love with Fuk-chau, To decides to go to the Ma family to decline the arranged marriage. To avoid the Ma elders and her father from losing face, she begs Siu-fuk to stage a pretended marriage. As the wedding ceremonies proceed, To's bridal sedan collides with Hing's in the street. The carriers lock in a row and a confusion reigns in which the brides take the wrong sedans. To is mistakenly taken to the Tang family, while Hing is sent to the Ma family. Although Siu-fuk is attracted to Hing, he agrees to send her home. The four families attempt to settle the case in court. The judge rules that the previous arrangements are but trades and declares them null and void. Fuk-chau and To can now fulfill their wish.


Nov 01, 1979
Three females from a private detective agency are hired to find out what happened to a man who went missing while scuba diving.


Dec 13, 1967
The blind Yip Man-chiu was abandoned at birth. Following the death of his foster parents, the boy is sold by his uncle Ah Sam to a blind Taoist priest, an abusive man. Running away from home, Yip is hit by a car and sent to a school for the blind by the social security workers. His talents impress the musician Siu Kwong and wins him a place in a music school for the blind. There he is joined by fellow students Lung Kwok-kei, a runaway child with an abusive stepmother, Chow Kuen, an abandoned child found on a train, and Cheung Kin-ching, an avid music lover sent to the school by her loving well-to-do father. The four children blossom into accomplished musicians under the tutelage of Siu and his wife and together with the less fortunate others, form an orchestra which earns a reputation for excellence.


Apr 01, 1955
Ah Hing is made pregnant by her master Fan Chun-kit. Fan soon leaves for his studies overseas while Ah Hing suffers gross prosecution and is reduced to becoming a prostitute. In a momentary slip of a struggle, Ah Hing commits manslaughter. Now a qualified lawyer, Fan acquits Ah Hing of the charge, and intends to marry her to redeem his negligence in the past. Ah Hing, however, is determined to pursue an independent life.


Jan 07, 1955
The film commences with Ching (Tang Bik-wan) lamenting over her bleak life through singing: her mother died early and her stepmother (Lam Mui-mui) is wicked. The song precedes her appearance in the house while the cinematography helps to tug at the emotional heartstrings. Because of her debt-ridden father, Ching is forced by the stepmother to marry an old invalid. To prevent the marriage, Ching's lover Ho (Chan Kam-tong) raises money by agreeing to marry his own cousin (Fung Wong Nui). Ching's life is doomed, yet, when the stepmother absconds with the money. With all her hopes dashed to the ground, Ching decides to opt out of marriage for life. However, witnessing her 'self-combed' sworn sisters being bullied even to the point of committing suicide further devastates her. This tragic heroine comes to life through Tang's masterful performance both as a singer and an actor. The climatic and tear-jerking scene of Ching dying is definitely a highlight of the film.


Dec 01, 1965
Family Doctrine is a drama film directed by Chu Kei and stars Wu Fung, Man Lan, Pearl Au Ka-Wai, Ma Siu-Ying, and Kitty Ting Hao.
Mini-skirt Gang

Mini-skirt Gang

Aug 30, 1974
A gang of several girls who operate as pickpockets in a busy and popular tourist area of Hong Kong preys on men who are attracted by their beauty.

Apr 18, 1956

Kam Fan and Wong Ching-ping have a peaceful married life, until Ping's mother is serious ill. They desperately need a large amount of money. Fan tries in vain to raise money, he thus intends to use their daughter's school fees for the medical fees. Ping is against it and works as a song girl to earn money for her mother's medical expense. Her grudging husband Kam Fan uses a bed sheet to partition the bedroom into halves and even demands a divorce. After some mediation by their lawyer and neighbours, Wong finds a teaching job at an orphanage, but Fan still opposes it. Ping is so angry that she moves to live in the dormitory of the orphanage. Fan has to look after their daughter alone, making everything a mess. Later, their daughter catches a cold and has a high fever after an outing with Fan. Ping cannot set her mind at rest and goes home to take care of her daughter. The loving couple reconciles, for the sake of their daughter.


Dec 29, 1965
Book Without Words is a 1965 Cantonese martial arts film directed by Chan Lit-Ban and starring Cheung Ching.


Jun 22, 1978
Tsao Chan (Gordon Liu) is a letter carrier in the countryside who wanders into a town after being accosted by some corrupt cops. He witnesses three men running from a group of houses, and when he investigates he finds two murder victims inside. Meanwhile, a skirmish is developing between a factory owner (Fung Hak On) and his workers, led by two brothers (Paul Chin and Dean Shek). Tsao recognizes the brothers as two of the men fleeing the murder scene, so he decides to ally with the factory boss in order to go solve the crime. Soon though, it becomes clear that the boss and his thugs may have other things in mind that aren't so kosher. Tsao becomes trapped in the middle of the feuding groups and must decide who is honest and who is not.


Feb 07, 1976
In 1974, John Lo Mar co-directed The Crazy Bumpkins, a new variation on the time-tested, beloved Cantonese comedy "Country Bumpkin" tradition. That proved such a success that a sequel, Return Of The Crazy Bumpkins, soon appeared. Now, the third time's the charm, as John Lo Mar gets to both write and direct the third slapstick-filled installment, once again starring Yeh Feng and Wang Sha as the hapless and hilarious yokel Ah Niu and his crafty city-slicker Uncle Chou.


Jun 27, 1952
Musical comedy from Hong Kong directed by Chiang Wai-Kwong.


Sep 20, 1974
Forced to choose between the woman he loves and the dangerous, fast-paced life of motorcycles, what will our hero do? Will he toss the bike aside and pick the girl? Or will he leave the girl in favor of the bike? Or is there a chance for some sort of compromise?


Nov 27, 1986
The oriental answer to USA's Fright Night movie, but there's more concentration on the high school motif similiar to the Hong Kong Happy Ghost series.


May 20, 1955
Upon the death of an elderly master, a family has a dispute over the distribution of an inheritance / jewelry and are haunted by ghosts.


Jan 07, 1954
After seeing a friend of his boss' son adopted over his promised promotion with connections, Shrimp's father, a minor white-collar worker Ng Kwun-sing, vows to get Shrimp a place in a prestigious school and a chance to make friends with the rich. However, Shrimpy is constantly bullied and discriminated against by his classmates. Ng has not the means to be a social climber and finally realises his mistake. He sends his son to a voluntary school so that he may grow up happily. This poignant father-son drama shows a parents' willingness to carve out a good future for their children by any means necessary.
La Rage du vainqueur

La Rage du vainqueur

Mar 31, 1973
Un jeune enfant, dont le père refuse strictement qu'il apprenne le kung-fu, est secrètement formé auprès d'un vieux mendiant qui se révèle être un maître en arts martiaux. Devenu adolescent et travaillant comme serveur, il est confronté malgré lui à une organisation secrète qui n'accepte pas qu'il ait battu certains de ses membres qui saccageaient le restaurant où il travaillait.
The sophistication of 1950s Hong Kong cinema is vividly illustrated in this film of limited budget and resources. Cantonese opera star Sun Ma Si-tsang plays a country boy who looks exactly like Sun Ma and is asked by a rich girl to impersonate the star, to help her stage an opera. The self-reflexive humour generated by the absurd situation not only provides delicious parody of celebrity culture but also comments subtly on class inequality and the perils of urbanisation. Sun Ma, who also appears as himself in a stage performance, is complemented beautifully by the brilliant comedian Yee Chau-shui as his sidekick and Hung Sin Nui, another opera superstar, as the spoiled and precocious rich girl.


Mar 23, 1955
Cold Nights features great performances by both Pak Yin as a tough minded “new woman”, Shusheng, and Ng Cho-fan as her weak husband, Wang Wenxuan, whose spirits have been crushed by the Sino-Japanese war.


Jun 10, 1983
Orphan Ma Tianyou was raised by nuns in a Macau monastery, and grew up with Sister Connie, who knows the truth about his parents but kept it secret. At 19, Tianyou goes to HK to find his birth parents and ends up living with retired Dr. Fung. He meets the Wong family and falls in love with Ah Heung, but their relationship is complicated by their sibling-like bond. Back in Macau, Sister Connie reveals the painful truth that Tianyou's father is Fung's son, Fung Yue-lai, who had a complicated past with her and her friend who died giving birth to Tianyou. After struggling to accept his philandering father, Tianyou gradually reconciles with him.