Walter Parazaider

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Chicago | The Heart of Chicago: The Video (1982-1991)
This DVD recorded all of Chicago's music videos between 1982 and 1991. As much as announcing it right now, we do not have to do here at the best time in the group. Beautiful years are already far away and improvisations have given way to nullical pieces too typed 80. What about this hollow production or the battery sounds like a saucepan and where the synths with such clinical sounds take all the place? What about these clips so old school supposed to tell something? Nothing more. It is also regrettable that the pieces are not commented on. However, it is always interesting to have the point of view of the musicians over a period that has not had to be easy for the life of the band.
SoundStage Presents: Chicago 2003
One of the most loved bands in rock history, as well as one of the most commercially successful-with 50 hit songs in the U.S. alone, 18 gold records, a Grammy, and a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame-Chicago have maintained the unflagging devotion of millions of devoted fans throughout their 37-year career. ...This DVD documents a live show that was broadcast on PBS in June of 2003 where they play many of their hits from throughout their long career, including `25 or Six to Four,` `You`re the Inspiration,` `Saturday in the Park,` and `Beginnings,` among many others.
The Terry Kath Experience
One of the original members of the band Chicago, Terry Kath has been praised by icons like Jimi Hendrix and Joe Walsh for his voice and guitar playing. Michelle Sinclair, first-time filmmaker and Terry's daughter, searches for the truth surrounding the life and untimely death of her father, in this look at one of the most underrated guitarists in rock history.
Electra glide in blue

Electra glide in blue

May 17, 1973
L'Amérique des années 70. John Wintergreen, motard dans la police, sillonne les routes de l'Arizona avec son équipier Zipper. Frustré de n'avoir qu'à distribuer des contraventions ou fouiller les véhicules des hippies, il a pour ambition de devenir le meilleur limier de la police criminelle. Lorsqu'un jour il découvre un meurtre maquillé en suicide, il ne doute pas qu'il tient là la chance de sa vie. Effectivement, ses conclusions lui valent de l'avancement. Il devient le chauffeur du shérif, le grand Harve Poole. Ce dernier lui apprend les rudiments du métier. Mais son esprit critique, qu'il exerce sur les méthodes de travail de son mentor ainsi que son excès de zèle, vont entraîner John très loin...