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The Good Neighbor

The Good Neighbor

Jun 17, 2022
Deux voisins, se retrouvent liés à jamais lorsqu’un soir, ils renversent accidentellement une jeune femme en voiture. Tandis que David cherche une rédemption auprès de la sœur de la victime, Robert prend les choses en main, prêt à tout pour garder son nouvel ami rien que pour lui.
Guerre froide, l'homme qui sauva le monde
En gardant son sang-froid face à une fausse alerte d’attaque nucléaire, un officier soviétique avait évité de justesse le déclenchement d’une troisième guerre mondiale, dans la nuit du 25 au 26 septembre 1983. Vingt-deux ans plus tard, le héros oublié était invité en grande pompe aux États-Unis, l’ancien pays "ennemi"...
Zeme, kas dzied

Zeme, kas dzied

Nov 08, 2024
In 1873, brave men known as the New Latvians held the first-ever Latvian song festival under the watchful eye of oppressive censorship. This massive celebration, featuring 1,003 singers – both men and women – changed the course of the nation’s history. It stands as a unique example of non-violent resistance in the fight for freedom against imperialism, led by Latvia’s entrepreneurs, writers, publicists and ordinary villagers.
Marijas klusums

Marijas klusums

Apr 04, 2024
The film tells the story of an artist avoiding a confrontation with power and the artistic and personal consequences of this choice. A powerful historical drama on the true story of Maria Leiko, famous actress who late in her career has to decide between fame and love for her grandchild, between her ideals or the lies of Stalin’s totalitarian regime.


May 30, 2007
The relationships between two people are never easy. Especially when complicated by their professions. We are used to think that profession or occupation puts a stamp or a mask on peoples' personality. He is a pastor, she is a prostitute. Everything's clear. But underneath he is a man, she is a woman. Simple and difficult in the same time. Short film "Scortum" tells the story of the mazy relationships between sin and happiness which can never be solved.
Rudens rozes

Rudens rozes

Mar 31, 2004
The film is about a middle-aged couple experiencing a midlife crisis. The husband and wife are tired of life together and start to forget the love they once shared in their youth.


Dec 09, 2016
We have sex in Latvia! A light comedy about building relationships - with passion and funny misunderstandings. All characters of this movie are in desire for flirt - be it at a swingers' party or during a sudden encounter with a beautiful stranger on the balcony.


Oct 08, 2015
1991, Riga Latvia. Lena, a child of divorced parents, escapes from home in the middle of the night when she is fed up with her fathers drinking habits. That's when her journey back home begins.
Nerunā par to

Nerunā par to

Aug 14, 2007
Beatrise is drifting in life. She has based her existence on unsuccessful relationships that have collapsed, like sand castles, one after the other. Forced to re-evaluate things, she realizes that she can only achieve harmony by learning to rely on herself, and not on illusory feelings or words.
Vienīgā fotogrāfija
Historical reenactment of preparation in Nov. 17 and proclamation of independence of Latvia in Nov. 18, 1918 and in epicenter is only taken photograph of this historical moment.
Golfstrim pod Aysbergom
Adam’s first wife Lilith is mentioned in the ancient Oriental legends, in Talmud and in the medieval books of Cabala. According to these sources, she was not created from Adam's rib like Eve but from clay like he himself. Nevertheless Lilith was not recognised by Adam as his equal and left him after a quarrel heading for Babylon. She has no soul, and she is immortal. Lilith assumes different names, can change her appearance, and takes possession of men against their will. Once it's accomplished, she leaves her victims forever, marking them for either spiritual, or physical death. Whatever she does it is neither Good nor Evil. She is made of an altogether different matter. Inspired by the works of French writer Anatole France, Yevgeny Pashkevich‘s GULF STREAM UNDER THE ICEBERG consists of three dramatically interwoven stories with the immortal Lilith stalking through time and space with her demonic mission.
La Bataille de la Baltique
La Première Guerre Mondiale s’achève, et pourtant une nouvelle bataille se prépare. L’Allemagne, sous couvert d’aider les états baltes à devenir indépendants, lance une guerre pour coloniser cette région et étendre son territoire. A Riga, ville assiégée, le peuple se prépare au combat. Parmi eux, Martin quitte sa ferme et sa femme pour rejoindre la résistance.
Gads pirms kara

Gads pirms kara

Nov 17, 2021
Stylized as silent cinema, the film connects political and philosophical extremes of 1913 in a story of a young man participating at the creation of a new world. This mysterious adventurer, who was known as Peter the Lett, gets involved in a tragicomic and surreal race from a routine clerk job and a romantic passion in Riga to preparation of the world revolution in Vienna, psychoanalysis at Freud’s salon and seduction of Mata Hari in Paris.
My Love Affair with Marriage
Dès son plus jeune âge, Zelma a été persuadée par les chansons et les contes de fées que l’Amour résoudrait tous ses problèmes, pour peu que sa conduite soit conforme à ce que la société attend d’une jeune fille. Mais à mesure qu’elle grandit, plus elle essaie de rentrer dans le moule, plus son corps entre en résistance.


Dec 16, 2024
The storyline of the series is inspired by the events of 1994 in Jelgava, when 89 prisoners escaped from Pārlielupe Prison, tens of thousands of people were involved in their search, and mass arrests continued for ten years. dramas of mutual relations, a massive and enigmatic escape is organized, in parallel with the flourishing of the love of the main character and the daughter of the head of the prison and the hopes for a new, beautiful life.