Luiza Erundina

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Nov 19, 2004
Intermissions follows Lula during the hectic election campaign for the presidency in 2002. Lula gave filmmaker João Moreira Salles and his crew complete access, and the result is an intimate documentary of what went on behind the scenes. Sometimes, Lula is afraid that he will lose his freedom as president. Combined with Lula's candor, the film's observational style provides some very special insight into one of Brazil's most popular leaders.
Saudade do Futuro

Saudade do Futuro

Apr 10, 2000
Des hauteurs vertigineuses des gratte-ciel en construction aux profondeurs du métro, de manifestation politique en bal populaire, qu’ils soient journaliste, maire ou chauffeur de taxi, les migrants Nordestins nous font pénétrer dans “leur” São Paulo, une des plus grandes villes du monde, avec ses 16 millions d’habitants. Ils sont venus vivre à São Paulo, dans le sud du pays, pour fuir la sécheresse du Nordeste ou chercher fortune. Ou tout simplement travailler parce que “le sud merveilleux” concentre la plus grande activité économique et industrielle du Brésil. S'accompagnant à la guitare ou au tambourin, les repentistas nordestins, véritables chroniqueurs du quotidien, improvisent des rimes et des vers chantés qui s’inspirent de la réalité immédiate qui entoure leurs auditeurs. La cacophonie urbaine se mêle à la musique, et les “repentes” véritables ancêtres du rap, racontent la métropole avec humour et tout en rimes.


Oct 07, 2010
Le destin exceptionnel d’Ayrton Senna, ses réalisations sur et en dehors de la piste, sa quête de perfection et son statut mythique constituent le sujet de ce documentaire. Le film relate ses années légendaires de pilote de F1, de la saison 1984 à sa mort dix ans plus tard. Plus qu’un documentaire destiné aux fans de courses automobiles, Senna s’affranchit des conventions du genre pour privilégier une approche cinématographique. Le film recourt abondamment à des images pour la plupart inédites, extraites des archives de la Formule 1.
El Odio

El Odio

Apr 17, 2019
"El odio" describes the discrediting campaign against Lula da Silva and the Workers' Party in Brazil, demonstrating how this process led Jair Bolsonaro to the presidency. Conducted by Argentine documentary filmmaker Andrés Sal.lari, also details the participation of Judge Sergio Moro, the media and Washington in the entire operation.
Dias de Euforia

Dias de Euforia

Dec 25, 1989
Record of the 1989 elections, when Brazil was divided between Lula and Fernando Collor. It brings together material gathered from the streets of São Paulo, television broadcasts, and support from artists like Djavan, Chico Buarque, Gilberto Gil, Lobão, and Leci Brandão. Additionally, it features footage of the marches and Lula's first interview after his electoral defeat. A work that recounts fragments of the struggle for democracy in the country.
Paulo Freire: Um Homem do Mundo
Documentary series in five episodes about the Brazilian thinker who is a world reference in education. Cristiano Burlan investigates the formation of Paulo Freire and his influences for the conception of Pedagogy of the Oppressed from testimonies of his family and professionals who knew him or work in the institutions where he put his concepts into practice.