Francesca Dotto

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Turandot - Geneva

Turandot - Geneva

Jul 22, 2022
Puccini’s last opera is all about riddles. The Emperor of China rules over the Forbidden City of Peking. His unmarried daughter, the Princess Turandot, has refused her hand to all her princely suitors by putting them to a test. She sets them three riddles; if they do not answer them correctly, they will lose their heads. As unlucky suitors fail and fall, up steps Calaf, a prince of the Tatar people. Daniel Kramer’s new staging in Geneva transposes the old fairy tale to a futuristic world where Turandot’s magic holds sway. In a dystopian game show, reminiscent of Hunger Games, the Princess presides over a surveillance state in which men are culled and the reproduction of the human race is conducted in breeding labs.
La Traviata, par Sofia Coppola & Valentino
Au printemps 2016, la cinéaste Sofia Coppola dévoilait sa première mise en scène lyrique à l'Opéra de Rome : une Traviata sur son trente et un, avec des costumes conçus par la maison de couture Valentino. Après la diffusion du spectacle dirigé par le jeune chef Jader Bignamini, retour sur sa genèse en compagnie de Sofia Coppola et du couturier Valentino. L'histoire : un hôtel parisien au XIXe siècle. Oubliant la toux qui la consume, la demi-mondaine Violetta donne une soirée. Ce soir-là, son ami Gaston lui présente Alfredo Germont, un jeune homme de bonne famille qui lui déclare bientôt sa flamme. Violetta, qui s'était juré de ne plus jamais tomber amoureuse, succombe malgré tout.
Il viaggio a Reims - Roma
It is the first time that the journey to Reims to Rome is represented and this happens on a particular date two days after the death of Philip Gossett, the great musicologist who succeeded in reconstructing this mysterious score in the eighties. The theater has dedicated to him the presentations in progress with a dutiful tribute. Approximately 50% of the music of the Journey to Reims will merge a few years later in Le Comte Oryand for the cases of the lot of the autograph material that was not reused, it was discovered by Gossett in Rome at the Conservatory of Santa Cecilia in a fund never analyzed before.