Quatre potes s'inscrivent au cours d'une experte en amour censée les aider à gérer leurs affaires de cœur, jusqu'à ce qu'ils découvrent qu'elle leur cache quelque chose.
The film tells the story of Lola and Cindy. Lola is a lonely child who, along with her gang members, always gathers and walks on the streets of Blok M, where the youths are. Meanwhile Cindy is forced to become a prostitute to meet the needs of her family. Lola awares of Cindy situation and befriends her.
It's an Indonesian drama musical about young boy named Jojo and Jejen are two homeless kids who must look for money after school. They go to shopping centers to busk and help people to bring their shopping. Jejen has a nice mother, whereas Jojo's stepmother is evil even though he's the smartest kid in school
It's an Indonesian drama musical about young boy named Jojo and Jejen are two homeless kids who must look for money after school. They go to shopping centers to busk and help people to bring their shopping. Jejen has a nice mother, whereas Jojo's stepmother is evil even though he's the smartest kid in school
It's an Indonesian drama musical about young boy named Jojo and Jejen are two homeless kids who must look for money after school. They go to shopping centers to busk and help people to bring their shopping. Jejen has a nice mother, whereas Jojo's stepmother is evil even though he's the smartest kid in school
The film tells the story of Lola and Cindy. Lola is a lonely child who, along with her gang members, always gathers and walks on the streets of Blok M, where the youths are. Meanwhile Cindy is forced to become a prostitute to meet the needs of her family. Lola awares of Cindy situation and befriends her.