Otto Dornbierer

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Das Gespensterhaus

Das Gespensterhaus

Aug 28, 1942
In Bern above Junkerngasse 54 the caretaker has died - the old Hutzli. On the day on which he was buried, it's started again, this howling in the middle of the night - scary. Since then, no one dares to live there.
Die bumsfidelen Mädchen vom Birkenhof
Three sexy sisters take care of their guest house, on a scenic hill in Birkenhof, Switzerland. A young man, vigorous mountain biker, arrives to take a rest, and the girls are all over him. The two older sisters decide to fight, nude, all-in on the hay of the barnyard - and while they are at it, the younger and quicker sister is already in bed with their guest! The cow participates in a quick, undignified end to the female wrestling match...
Jack l'éventreur

Jack l'éventreur

Sep 23, 1976
Médecin respecté et charitable le jour, le docteur Dennis Orloff laisse ses pulsions se déchaîner la nuit. Pour se venger d'une mère prostituée qui abusa de lui enfant, il trucide, évicère et mutile les filles de petite vertu de Londres. Le courage de Cynthia, l'épouse de l'un des inspecteurs chargés de le débusquer, permettra son arrestation. Se déguisant en prostituée, elle sert d'appât et attire l'éventreur dans les filets de la police. Le mythe de Jack l'Eventreur rejoint ici celui de Docteur Jekyll et Mister Hyde de Robert Louis Stevenson. Ecrit en 1886, le roman explore le subconscient et la double personnalité, et résonne curieusement à la lumière des meurtres de Whitechapel.
La Barque est pleine

La Barque est pleine

Jan 15, 1981
During World War II, Switzerland severely limited refugees: "Our boat is full." A train from Germany halts briefly in an isolated corner of Switzerland. Six people jump off seeking asylum: four Jews, a French child, and a German soldier. They seek temporary refuge with a couple who run a village inn. They pose as a family: the deserter as husband, Judith as his wife, an old man from Vienna as her father, his granddaughter and the French lad, whom they beg to keep silent, as their children. Judith's teenage brother poses as a soldier. The fabrication unravels through chance and the local constable's exact investigation. Whom will the Swiss allow to stay? Who gets deported?
La mémoire dans la peau
Jason Bourne est amnésique ! Il ignore qui il est mais il se découvre rapidement des aptitudes étonnantes : il maîtrise les techniques de combat, le maniement des armes et sait faire preuve de sang-froid. Ce qui va lui être particulièrement utile vu que certaines personnes veulent sa peau...