Hauke Petersen

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Radio Heimat

Radio Heimat

Nov 17, 2016
Four teenage friends - Frank, Spüli, Mücke, and Pommes - try to have their first contact with the opposite gender. Not so easy in the Ruhr region of the 80s. Attempts at dancing and being in a band go wrong, and their parents and teachers can't help with that, so the four teens need to get creative.


Oct 31, 2015
The former bank robber Wanja is released from a long prison sentence. As her feelings of loneliness escalate, Wanja sets out to find work and hereby a new identity. Against all odds she lands an internship at a horse race track. In the stable she gets to know the troubled teenager Emma, and a strong friendship develops between the two women. When Emma slips deeper into her own drug abuse, Wanja decides to rescue her.
L'Origine de la violence
Lors d’un voyage en Allemagne, un jeune professeur, Nathan Fabre, découvre au camp de concentration de Buchenwald la photographie d’un détenu dont la ressemblance avec son propre père, Adrien, le stupéfie. De retour en France, le souvenir de cette photographie ne cesse de l'obséder. Face au silence de son père, il décide alors de se pencher sur l'histoire de sa propre famille. Les secrets qu'il y découvre bouleversent son existence. À l'issue de sa quête, Nathan comprendra que le passé, même enfoui au plus profond des mémoires, finit toujours par resurgir...


Aug 31, 2017
2049. Dans un futur déshumanisé où les sentiments n'ont plus le droit de cité, le jeune Zach est envoyé avec d'autres étudiants dans un camp expérimental. L'objectif : les soumettre à une éprouvante série de tests d'endurance physique et psychologique pour déterminer s'ils méritent d'intégrer la plus haute caste de la société. Mais tout bascule lorsque Zach rencontre Eva, membre d'une caste de clandestins vivant en pleine forêt, et dont il tombe éperdument amoureux. Zach va devoir livrer combat pour défendre sa liberté, et par dessus tout, son droit d'aimer qui il désire.
Science Fiction
Mein Sohn Helen

Mein Sohn Helen

Apr 22, 2015
Is. This. My. Son? No matter how often Tobias Wilke poses this question, there's always only one answer: Yes! Tobias, can't believe his eyes when he comes to the airport to pick up his 17-year-old son Finn – and learns that Finn is now calling herself Helen and wearing girls' clothes. Finn/Helen reveals that she's always was a girl, and that she used her year abroad in San Francisco to pass the "everyday life" test. This is required by law for everyone preparing for the sex reassignment surgery they will undergo upon reaching majority. Reactions from Helen's friends, acquaintances and schoolmates cover the entire gamut from derision to solidarity. Especially Helen's father, a well-known chef, finds it difficult to accept a situation he cannot understand. But Helen nearly always finds the right words - and humor - to counterbalance the ignorance and jeers of those around her. It is the beginning of a long, winding road towards the sexual identity she is convinced is hers.