Sarah Bella

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Pornfidelity's Set Life
Following hot off the heels of A Documentary, Andy Zane offers up this raw look at Me on a real porn set. No acting, no faking, just performers being themselves as the camera rolls nonstop from the time they arrive to cleaning cum off their faces. Enjoy a look behind the camera of Set Life!
L'Assassinat de Lincoln
13 Avril 1865. L'une des guerres civiles les plus meurtrières de l'histoire américaine se termine et le général Robert Lee vient de rendre les armes à Appomattox. Mais un fanatique de la Confédération ne compte pas en rester là. John Wilkes Booth et d'autres partisans sudistes planifient non seulement l'assassinat du président Abraham Lincoln mais également de renverser le gouvernement de l'Union. Leur but est de faire renaître la Confédération de ses cendres.
Flesh of the Living

Flesh of the Living

Jan 01, 2012
A monstrous solar storm causes the Earth to be bombarded with high levels of radiation. The dead begin to return. They are carnivorous, oozing, blood-thirsty, flesh eating zombies. The story is told through the eyes of survivors, news special reports, and government agents fighting to save humanity at any cost. Zombies roam the countryside and the city streets eating anyone in their path. The president calls for the nation to not panic at the growing crisis. These are stories from a gore drenched, blood covered zombie apocalypse.