Sally Mortemore

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Feb 09, 2024
When Cath visits her dying mother Coral to be photographed together by Cath's new girlfriend, Rudi, the blossoming relationship helps mother and daughter to bond one last time.
Ollie Kepler's Expanding Purple World
Ollie Kepler’s Expanding Purple World is a darkly comic tale of a young man’s battle with madness. Ollie Kepler, wacky astronomy enthusiast and web designer, moves in with his best friend after he loses his fiancé, but is repeatedly drawn back to the place of her death – their empty, unpainted apartment. There, a broken promise made to her returns to haunt him with growing intensity. Ollie’s guilt merges with his scientific brilliance into a crazed attempt to redeem himself. Quitting his job in a bizarre act of defiance, Ollie spirals into a chilling world of obsession and tormenting voices, threatening both his friendship and sanity. Convinced that a strange piece of rock he has found is a micro-chip which holds a vital message from his fiancé, Ollie sets about trying to unlock it with disastrous results. Somehow purple holds the key. Disturbing and eerily humorous, the film explores the fantasies the mind creates when reality overwhelms.


Mar 02, 2018


When two young boys playing in the woods discover a military bunker they unintentionally release the ghost of a World War II auxiliary soldier who mistakenly believes the Nazis have landed.
Harry Potter et la Chambre des secrets
Après de très mauvaises vacances passées chez ses odieux oncle et tante et son affreux cousin, Harry rejoint, non sans mal, l'École des Sorciers où, avec ses amis Ron et Hermione et l'aide ponctuelle de nouveaux venus, il parvient à élucider le mystère de la Chambre des secrets, malgré les pièges tendus par ses ennemis et sans le concours de Lockhart, un nouveau professeur fanfaron et lâche, chargé pourtant de vaincre les Forces du Mal.