"Ivan Aristeguieta: Happy Papi" is a comedy special filled with infectious laughter and heartwarming humor. Venezuelan-Australian comedian Ivan Aristeguieta takes the audience on a hilarious journey through his experiences as a father and immigrant, finding humor in the joys and challenges of family life and cultural differences. With his engaging stage presence and relatable storytelling, Aristeguieta creates an uplifting and unforgettable comedic experience in "Happy Papi."
Hosted by Rove McManus, this comedy panel game show features two teams captained by acclaimed actor Jane Harber and comedy star Joel Creasey who compete in a series of movie trivia rounds.
Topical comedy-quiz show featuring five guests competing to see who can remember the most about events of the week. A fast-paced, funny look at international affairs, politics, sport and entertainment news, we test just how well our contestants have been paying attention.
Topical comedy-quiz show featuring five guests competing to see who can remember the most about events of the week. A fast-paced, funny look at international affairs, politics, sport and entertainment news, we test just how well our contestants have been paying attention.
Each episode involves performers walking through a door into an unknown situation, greeted by the line "Thank God you're here!". They then had to improvise their way through the scene. At the end of each episode a winner was announced.