Piotr Wyrzykowski

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Le Décalogue 1, un seul Dieu tu adoreras
Inspiré des dix Commandements le "Décalogue" est la base de notre morale. Dans cette série de dix films moraux, les premiers concernent les rapports entre Dieu et l'homme, les suivants traitent de problèmes plus concrets et prosaïques. L'histoire du Décalogue 1: celle de Pavel, onze ans, qui meurt brusquement. Sa tante, catholique fervente, prie tandis que son père, universitaire spécialiste d'informatique, fou de douleur, brise l'autel d'une église en construction.


Jan 01, 1995
The famous Anti-Election Technodemonstration was one of many rave parties organised at the Forts in Gdańsk as art projects by artists gathered in the collective Technical Culture Central Office (CUKT). The members of the CUKT used that site as their headquarters, a space of ongoing work with other people with a view to promoting a shared set of values. At the Forts, the artists combined rave with art through their own presence as well as installations, performances, discussions and collaborations with others, thus developing a community that they found so significant.
Wiktoria Cukt Presidental Campaign
Wiktoria Cukt, CUKT’s virtual presidential candidate, was the culmination of the group's projects that used rave parties. The artists created a candidate who was a computer program, so-called Citizen Election Software (OSW, Obywatelski Software Wyborczy). Wiktoria Cukt represented the views of everyone who decided to choose her as a representative of their views. She demonstrated a faith in direct, participatory democracy without unnecessary, harmful middlemen, which CUKT considered politicians to be. Wiktoria Cukt's campaign slogan was: “Politicians are useless”. Each time a campaign office for Wiktoria Cukt was opened, there was a rave party. The parties were an occasion to round up Wiktoria's policies – what people wanted her to say. CUKT members also gathered signatures for her official candidacy and membership declarations for the Wiktoria Cukt political party.
Le Décalogue

Le Décalogue

Jul 06, 1990
Les dix commandements vus par Krzysztof Kieslowski : Un seul Dieu tu adoreras, Tu ne commettras point de parjure, Tu respecteras le jour du Seigneur, Tu honoreras ton père et ta mère, Tu ne tueras point, Tu ne seras pas luxurieux, Tu ne voleras pas, Tu ne mentiras pas, Tu ne convoiteras pas la femme d'autrui, Tu ne convoiteras pas les biens d'autrui.