A war drama that tells the story of the discovery of the illegal AL printing works by the Nazis, showing the activities of the left-wing underground in the occupied capital.
Jerzy Stuhr scripted, directed and plays four roles in this Polish comedy about four men -- an army officer, a college instructor, a priest, and a drug dealer -- and their relationships with four females. An attractive student puts the teacher in an awkward spot when she reveals her love for him. An 11-year-old informs the priest that she's his daughter. The army officer is pleased when confronted by a past lover. The drug dealer, taken prisoner, must decide whether or not to trust his wife with his hidden loot. In the wrap-up, the elderly accountant passes judgment on all four men. Stuhr acted in films by the late Krzysztof Kieslowski, who had some input here by offering advice to Stuhr on this screenplay.
Janusz s’apprête à passer Noël en famille entoure de sa femme et de ses enfants. Quand Eva, une ancienne maitresse, lui demande de l'aider a retrouver son mari qui n'est pas rentre. Janusz invente un prétexte et suit Eva qui lui avoue au petit matin que son mari l'a quittée depuis des années. Janusz rentre chez lui ou sa femme l'attend.
The first Polish post-war comedy. Witek and Krysia, a married couple, move to Warsaw and have nowhere to stay. They rent a room in a house with many other lodgers. Witek dreams of their own house and draws a sketch of their future home, marking the place where his wife will sleep with the word "treasure". The other lodgers find the draft and a frantic search for the treasure begins.
Les dix commandements vus par Krzysztof Kieslowski : Un seul Dieu tu adoreras, Tu ne commettras point de parjure, Tu respecteras le jour du Seigneur, Tu honoreras ton père et ta mère, Tu ne tueras point, Tu ne seras pas luxurieux, Tu ne voleras pas, Tu ne mentiras pas, Tu ne convoiteras pas la femme d'autrui, Tu ne convoiteras pas les biens d'autrui.