Atlin Mitchell

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Peter Pan et Wendy

Peter Pan et Wendy

Apr 20, 2023
Wendy Darling, une jeune fille ayant peur de quitter la maison familiale, qui rencontre Peter Pan, un garçon qui refuse de grandir. Avec ses frères et une petite fée, la fée Clochette, elle voyage avec Peter dans le monde magique du Pays Imaginaire. Elle y rencontre un capitaine pirate maléfique, le capitaine Crochet, et se lance dans une aventure palpitante et dangereuse qui changera sa vie à jamais.
The Marine 4: Moving Target
Jake Carter est assigné à la protection d’une cible à haute valeur, une femme qui tente d’exposer un contracteur militaire corrompu. Mais lorsqu’une équipe de mercenaires lourdement armée est engagée pour l’éliminer, elle et ceux qui se mettront sur leur chemin, un seul homme peut faire la différence…
Hailey Dean Mysteries: Death on Duty
Psychologist and former prosecutor Hailey Dean aids her friend Detective Garland Fincher in investigating the murder of his former Marine friend. With a growing list of suspects who each seem to have strong motives, Hailey uses her investigative skills, as well as her uncanny ability to read people, to read and follow the clues that will lead them to the killer. And, when the body of a female Marine shows up in the same park where Fincher’s buddy was found, the case takes a whole new turn as Hailey uncovers a conspiracy that puts her own life in danger as she pursues justice for the victims.


May 14, 2014
Psychologist and former prosecutor Hailey Dean aids her friend Detective Garland Fincher in investigating the murder of his former Marine friend. With a growing list of suspects who each seem to have strong motives, Hailey uses her investigative skills, as well as her uncanny ability to read people, to read and follow the clues that will lead them to the killer. And, when the body of a female Marine shows up in the same park where Fincher’s buddy was found, the case takes a whole new turn as Hailey uncovers a conspiracy that puts her own life in danger as she pursues justice for the victims.
Deadpool 2

Deadpool 2

May 10, 2018
Psychologist and former prosecutor Hailey Dean aids her friend Detective Garland Fincher in investigating the murder of his former Marine friend. With a growing list of suspects who each seem to have strong motives, Hailey uses her investigative skills, as well as her uncanny ability to read people, to read and follow the clues that will lead them to the killer. And, when the body of a female Marine shows up in the same park where Fincher’s buddy was found, the case takes a whole new turn as Hailey uncovers a conspiracy that puts her own life in danger as she pursues justice for the victims.
Twilight, chapitre 2 : Tentation
Psychologist and former prosecutor Hailey Dean aids her friend Detective Garland Fincher in investigating the murder of his former Marine friend. With a growing list of suspects who each seem to have strong motives, Hailey uses her investigative skills, as well as her uncanny ability to read people, to read and follow the clues that will lead them to the killer. And, when the body of a female Marine shows up in the same park where Fincher’s buddy was found, the case takes a whole new turn as Hailey uncovers a conspiracy that puts her own life in danger as she pursues justice for the victims.
Total Recall: Mémoires programmées
Psychologist and former prosecutor Hailey Dean aids her friend Detective Garland Fincher in investigating the murder of his former Marine friend. With a growing list of suspects who each seem to have strong motives, Hailey uses her investigative skills, as well as her uncanny ability to read people, to read and follow the clues that will lead them to the killer. And, when the body of a female Marine shows up in the same park where Fincher’s buddy was found, the case takes a whole new turn as Hailey uncovers a conspiracy that puts her own life in danger as she pursues justice for the victims.
Percy Jackson : La Mer des monstres
Psychologist and former prosecutor Hailey Dean aids her friend Detective Garland Fincher in investigating the murder of his former Marine friend. With a growing list of suspects who each seem to have strong motives, Hailey uses her investigative skills, as well as her uncanny ability to read people, to read and follow the clues that will lead them to the killer. And, when the body of a female Marine shows up in the same park where Fincher’s buddy was found, the case takes a whole new turn as Hailey uncovers a conspiracy that puts her own life in danger as she pursues justice for the victims.
Twilight, chapitre 3 : Hésitation
Psychologist and former prosecutor Hailey Dean aids her friend Detective Garland Fincher in investigating the murder of his former Marine friend. With a growing list of suspects who each seem to have strong motives, Hailey uses her investigative skills, as well as her uncanny ability to read people, to read and follow the clues that will lead them to the killer. And, when the body of a female Marine shows up in the same park where Fincher’s buddy was found, the case takes a whole new turn as Hailey uncovers a conspiracy that puts her own life in danger as she pursues justice for the victims.
Underworld : Nouvelle ère
Psychologist and former prosecutor Hailey Dean aids her friend Detective Garland Fincher in investigating the murder of his former Marine friend. With a growing list of suspects who each seem to have strong motives, Hailey uses her investigative skills, as well as her uncanny ability to read people, to read and follow the clues that will lead them to the killer. And, when the body of a female Marine shows up in the same park where Fincher’s buddy was found, the case takes a whole new turn as Hailey uncovers a conspiracy that puts her own life in danger as she pursues justice for the victims.


Feb 09, 2016
Psychologist and former prosecutor Hailey Dean aids her friend Detective Garland Fincher in investigating the murder of his former Marine friend. With a growing list of suspects who each seem to have strong motives, Hailey uses her investigative skills, as well as her uncanny ability to read people, to read and follow the clues that will lead them to the killer. And, when the body of a female Marine shows up in the same park where Fincher’s buddy was found, the case takes a whole new turn as Hailey uncovers a conspiracy that puts her own life in danger as she pursues justice for the victims.
Super storm : La tornade de l'apocalypse
Psychologist and former prosecutor Hailey Dean aids her friend Detective Garland Fincher in investigating the murder of his former Marine friend. With a growing list of suspects who each seem to have strong motives, Hailey uses her investigative skills, as well as her uncanny ability to read people, to read and follow the clues that will lead them to the killer. And, when the body of a female Marine shows up in the same park where Fincher’s buddy was found, the case takes a whole new turn as Hailey uncovers a conspiracy that puts her own life in danger as she pursues justice for the victims.
TV Movie


Feb 27, 2015
Psychologist and former prosecutor Hailey Dean aids her friend Detective Garland Fincher in investigating the murder of his former Marine friend. With a growing list of suspects who each seem to have strong motives, Hailey uses her investigative skills, as well as her uncanny ability to read people, to read and follow the clues that will lead them to the killer. And, when the body of a female Marine shows up in the same park where Fincher’s buddy was found, the case takes a whole new turn as Hailey uncovers a conspiracy that puts her own life in danger as she pursues justice for the victims.


Feb 25, 2014
Lieutenant John Paxton wants revenge against the government he and his men swore their lives to defend. The very government that abandoned and betrayed him, leaving him to die after a secret biological warfare experiment went horribly wrong. John will discover revenge is a journey that will ultimately leave millions infected, countless dead, and the lucky few survivors struggling to find the last safe corner for humanity.
Adam et ses clones

Adam et ses clones

Feb 16, 2015
Lieutenant John Paxton wants revenge against the government he and his men swore their lives to defend. The very government that abandoned and betrayed him, leaving him to die after a secret biological warfare experiment went horribly wrong. John will discover revenge is a journey that will ultimately leave millions infected, countless dead, and the lucky few survivors struggling to find the last safe corner for humanity.
Dernier week-end entre amies
Lieutenant John Paxton wants revenge against the government he and his men swore their lives to defend. The very government that abandoned and betrayed him, leaving him to die after a secret biological warfare experiment went horribly wrong. John will discover revenge is a journey that will ultimately leave millions infected, countless dead, and the lucky few survivors struggling to find the last safe corner for humanity.
Twilight, chapitre 4 : Révélation, 1ère partie
Lieutenant John Paxton wants revenge against the government he and his men swore their lives to defend. The very government that abandoned and betrayed him, leaving him to die after a secret biological warfare experiment went horribly wrong. John will discover revenge is a journey that will ultimately leave millions infected, countless dead, and the lucky few survivors struggling to find the last safe corner for humanity.
Twilight, chapitre 5 : Révélation, 2ème partie
Lieutenant John Paxton wants revenge against the government he and his men swore their lives to defend. The very government that abandoned and betrayed him, leaving him to die after a secret biological warfare experiment went horribly wrong. John will discover revenge is a journey that will ultimately leave millions infected, countless dead, and the lucky few survivors struggling to find the last safe corner for humanity.
Descendants 3

Descendants 3

Aug 02, 2019
Lieutenant John Paxton wants revenge against the government he and his men swore their lives to defend. The very government that abandoned and betrayed him, leaving him to die after a secret biological warfare experiment went horribly wrong. John will discover revenge is a journey that will ultimately leave millions infected, countless dead, and the lucky few survivors struggling to find the last safe corner for humanity.


Oct 28, 2021
Lieutenant John Paxton wants revenge against the government he and his men swore their lives to defend. The very government that abandoned and betrayed him, leaving him to die after a secret biological warfare experiment went horribly wrong. John will discover revenge is a journey that will ultimately leave millions infected, countless dead, and the lucky few survivors struggling to find the last safe corner for humanity.
Underworld : Nouvelle ère
Lieutenant John Paxton wants revenge against the government he and his men swore their lives to defend. The very government that abandoned and betrayed him, leaving him to die after a secret biological warfare experiment went horribly wrong. John will discover revenge is a journey that will ultimately leave millions infected, countless dead, and the lucky few survivors struggling to find the last safe corner for humanity.
Traîné sur le Bitume
Lieutenant John Paxton wants revenge against the government he and his men swore their lives to defend. The very government that abandoned and betrayed him, leaving him to die after a secret biological warfare experiment went horribly wrong. John will discover revenge is a journey that will ultimately leave millions infected, countless dead, and the lucky few survivors struggling to find the last safe corner for humanity.
Si je t'oublie... Je t'aime
Lieutenant John Paxton wants revenge against the government he and his men swore their lives to defend. The very government that abandoned and betrayed him, leaving him to die after a secret biological warfare experiment went horribly wrong. John will discover revenge is a journey that will ultimately leave millions infected, countless dead, and the lucky few survivors struggling to find the last safe corner for humanity.


May 02, 2010
Lieutenant John Paxton wants revenge against the government he and his men swore their lives to defend. The very government that abandoned and betrayed him, leaving him to die after a secret biological warfare experiment went horribly wrong. John will discover revenge is a journey that will ultimately leave millions infected, countless dead, and the lucky few survivors struggling to find the last safe corner for humanity.
Kim Possible

Kim Possible

Feb 15, 2019
Lieutenant John Paxton wants revenge against the government he and his men swore their lives to defend. The very government that abandoned and betrayed him, leaving him to die after a secret biological warfare experiment went horribly wrong. John will discover revenge is a journey that will ultimately leave millions infected, countless dead, and the lucky few survivors struggling to find the last safe corner for humanity.
Maman, j’ai raté l’avion ! (Ça recommence)
Lieutenant John Paxton wants revenge against the government he and his men swore their lives to defend. The very government that abandoned and betrayed him, leaving him to die after a secret biological warfare experiment went horribly wrong. John will discover revenge is a journey that will ultimately leave millions infected, countless dead, and the lucky few survivors struggling to find the last safe corner for humanity.


May 24, 2023
Jeune expert de la police scientifique de Central City, Barry Allen se retrouve doté d'une vitesse extraordinaire après avoir été frappé par la foudre. Sous le costume de Flash, il utilise ses nouveaux pouvoirs pour combattre le crime.


Sep 21, 2017


Alors que des espèces animales du monde entier se mettent à attaquer les humains, le zoologue controversé Jackson Oz essaie de comprendre ce changement soudain.


Oct 13, 2022


Dans un futur lointain, alors que la race humaine a perdu le sens de la vue, la société a dû trouver d'autres façons d'intéragir, de chasser, de construire et tout simplement de survivre. Cet équilibre est bousculé le jour où des jumeaux naissent avec la capacité de voir. Baba Voss, le patriarche, doit alors protéger son clan contre une reine puissante qui veut les détruire, persuadée qu'il s'agit de sorcellerie.
Witches of East End

Witches of East End

Oct 05, 2014
Deux jeunes femmes font partie sans le savoir d'une longue lignée de sorcières. Alors qu'elles mènent une existence paisible, une série d’évènements va amener leur mère à leur dévoiler la vérité sur leur héritage familial : elles sont en fait de puissantes et immortelles sorcières.
Sci-Fi & Fantasy


Nov 19, 2020
Deux frères, Sam et Dean Winchester, chasseurs de créatures surnaturelles, sillonnent les États-Unis à bord d'une Chevrolet Impala noire de 1967 et enquêtent sur des phénomènes paranormaux (souvent issus du folklore, des superstitions, mythes et légendes urbaines américaines, mais aussi des monstres surnaturels tels que les fantômes, loups-garous, démons, vampires…).


Apr 20, 2017
Emily Locke a décroché le travail de ses rêves en tant que directrice de la recherche et du développement pour Wayne Security à Charm City, une ville avec des super-héros et des super-vilains ; et des citoyens qui en ont assez des dommages collatéraux de leurs incessants combats. Pleine de confiance et d’idées, Emily apprend rapidement que ses aspirations dépassent de loin celles de son nouveau patron et de ses collègues ; ce sera donc à elle de diriger son équipe vers son plein potentiel et vers cette prise de conscience : il n’y a pas besoin de super-pouvoirs pour être un héros.
Sci-Fi & Fantasy


May 24, 2023
Jeune expert de la police scientifique de Central City, Barry Allen se retrouve doté d'une vitesse extraordinaire après avoir été frappé par la foudre. Sous le costume de Flash, il utilise ses nouveaux pouvoirs pour combattre le crime.
Ghost Wars

Ghost Wars

Jan 04, 2018
En Alaska, le marginal Roman Mercer doit exploiter ses pouvoirs psychiques refoulés pour sauver sa petite ville, qui subit les attaques de forces paranormales.
Ghost Wars

Ghost Wars

Nov 30, 2010
Caprica est une planète du système Cyrannus, siège des 12 Colonies. Son nom est dérivé de son ancien nom, celui d'avant la colonisation par une tribu de Kobol, Capricorne. En politique, sciences et arts, Caprica est considérée comme la capitale d'une galaxie en paix… ou presque. 58 ans avant le début de Battlestar Galactica, 2 familles y vivaient : les Graystone et les Adama. Deux familles dont les destins se croisent et se mélangent. Deux familles au coeur de la disparition prochaine de l'humanité…
Ghost Wars

Ghost Wars

Mar 15, 2011
Des extraterrestres débarquent sur Terre avec des intentions pacifistes. Une "invasion" qui n'est pas du goût de tout le monde ! Erica Evans, agent à la Sécurité Intérieure, n'apprécie pas de voir son fils rejoindre les rangs des Visiteurs. Ces étrangers ne cacheraient-ils pas de sombres motivations ?
Sci-Fi & Fantasy
Ghost Wars

Ghost Wars

Oct 13, 2022
Dans un futur lointain, alors que la race humaine a perdu le sens de la vue, la société a dû trouver d'autres façons d'intéragir, de chasser, de construire et tout simplement de survivre. Cet équilibre est bousculé le jour où des jumeaux naissent avec la capacité de voir. Baba Voss, le patriarche, doit alors protéger son clan contre une reine puissante qui veut les détruire, persuadée qu'il s'agit de sorcellerie.
Ghost Wars

Ghost Wars

Mar 12, 2023
Vingt ans après la destruction de la civilisation moderne, Joel, un survivant endurci, est engagé pour faire sortir Ellie, une jeune fille de 14 ans, d'une zone de quarantaine oppressante. Ce qui n'est au départ qu'un petit travail se transforme rapidement en un voyage brutal et époustouflant, alors que ce duo improbable dépend de l'autre pour sa survie.
Ghost Wars

Ghost Wars

Mar 12, 2023
Vingt ans après la destruction de la civilisation moderne, Joel, un survivant endurci, est engagé pour faire sortir Ellie, une jeune fille de 14 ans, d'une zone de quarantaine oppressante. Ce qui n'est au départ qu'un petit travail se transforme rapidement en un voyage brutal et époustouflant, alors que ce duo improbable dépend de l'autre pour sa survie.