Connell Brown

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American Virgin

American Virgin

Oct 03, 2009
Une nuit de débauche sexuelle menace la carrière universelle d'une jeune étudiante assez sage.
Be Bad !

Be Bad !

Sep 11, 2009
Les aventures sentimentalo-rocambolesques de Nick Twisp, un adolescent amoureux lancé sur les traces de la fille de ses rêves, qui s'invente un double pour la séduire...
Sticks and Stones - A Yunion Film
The Yunion, in association with TBOP Media, presents "Sticks and Stones," a film that chronicles the unpredictable world of teenagers by shedding light on a prevalent, long-standing, multi-generational issue that every young person in America faces today called "BULLYING!" Bullying has steadily become more problematic in the lives of our youth, and its deep-rooted effects negatively impact our young people by causing them shame, fear, sleep difficulties, anxiety, depression, avoidance and withdrawal issues, and unintended stress on both ill-treated youth and their family on so many levels, to name a few.