Michael Stumm

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Le cabinet du Docteur Ramirez
À New York dans les années 1990, Matt et Cathy, deux cadres de Wall Street, voient leurs vies bouleversées par des événements provoqués par le mystérieux Docteur Ramirez et son assistant somnambule. Parabole cauchemardesque sur la société américaine. Par sa mise en scène innovante et ses opéras lyriques, Peter Sellars s’est imposé comme l’un des enfants prodiges du théâtre américain. Avec LE CABINET DU DR. RAMIREZ, cet artiste confirme ses qualités plastiques en proposant une relecture contemporaine du CALIGARI de Robert Wiene (1919). Comme l’original, ce long métrage est muet, juste accompagné de la somptueuse symphonie HARMONIELEHRE de John Adams et de chants tibétains qui le rendent encore plus troublant. À noter que les acteurs principaux ont également participé à l’écriture du scénario.
White Homeland Commando
White Homeland Commando takes the familiar terrain of network action drama and tilts the playing field. Reminiscent of today's popular reality-based cop shows, White Homeland Commando offers a straightforward story: four members of a special police unit investigate and infiltrate a New York-based white supremacist organization. But that is where the commonplace ends. The teleplay is shot and edited in a highly textured visual style, the colors are subdued yet somehow garish, and the sound is deliberately just out of sync with the speaker's lips. Occasional static combines with jumps in the plot — the editing is reminiscent of a television viewer flipping channels.


Sep 11, 1992
Teenagers Nathan Leopold Jr. and Richard Loeb share a dangerous sexual bond and an amoral outlook on life. They spend afternoons breaking into storefronts and engaging in petty crimes, until the calculating Nathan ups the ante by kidnapping, and murdering, a young boy.
I Shot Andy Warhol

I Shot Andy Warhol

May 01, 1996
Biopic consacré à Valerie Solanas, restée fameuse pour l’écriture de SCUM (manifeste féministe radical), et sa tentative d’assassinat d’Andy Warhol qui lui refusa le scénario.
Der Preis fürs Überleben
German director Hans Noever shot this crime drama in the U.S. in English, an unusual achievement at this time. The setting is Jefferson City, Missouri, and Joseph Randolph, a VIP in a fictional electronics company, has just gotten the sack. The company bigwigs insist it is simply because of downsizing, but Randolph is not buying it. Enraged, he gets a handgun (this is the U.S.) and shoots five managers to death. Then he turns himself in and is eventually put in a psychiatric hospital by the police. His family suffers a series of tragedies that leave only his daughter to wonder about why her father was committed to an institution. She joins with a visiting reporter from Chicago and another interested man, and all three start digging deeper into the company's history.
Brace Up!

Brace Up!

Apr 01, 1993
The Wooster Group's production of Anton Chekhov's Three Sisters, translated by Paul Schmidt and directed by Elizabeth LeCompte, with performances from Kate Valk, Peyton Smith, Scott Shepherd, Ari Fliakos, Anna Kohler, Beatrice Roth, Ron Vawter, and Willem Dafoe. This presentation of the 2003 production of BRACE UP!, designed by Ken Kobland and LeCompte, incorporates close-up recordings of the performers simultaneously with continuous wide-angle footage.